Chapter 140
Xiao Zhan asked sharply: "Aunt Lan, tell the truth, which of the two is our daughter?" Although he already had the answer in his heart, he still wanted to hear it with his own ears.

Aunt Lan looked at Xiao Yuge and Xiao Yufu, and pointed at Xiao Yufu: "She is the real child of the master and his wife!"

Everyone was shocked.

"Oh my god!" Mrs. Xiao fell down on the chair. She never thought that the truth of all this was actually like this: "Why is it like this?"

"Madam." Xiao Zhan on the side quickly supported Madam.

"Dad, Mom!" Xiao Yufu looked at them, thinking about the grievances she had suffered in her heart for more than ten years, and she burst into tears. She wanted her parents to rush over and hug her.

"Why does the truth believe that what you are saying now is true?" Xiao Zhan pursed his lips tightly, not so convinced: "If you deliberately deceive and confuse right and wrong, how can it be that you have the final say on the truth about the daughter of the truth? !”

"Prime Minister, there is a way to confirm whether what she said is true." Ning Zhiyuan spoke at the side. It seemed that he wanted to confirm who was the legitimate daughter of the Xiao family more than Xiao Zhan.

"Please give me your permission, Your Majesty." Xiao Zhan asked, cupping his fists.

"Blood confession!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. If it was really found out that Xiao Yuge was not the legitimate daughter of the Xiao family, what would she do?
"A blood confession?" Mrs. Xiao pressed her chest with a trembling hand and looked at Xiao Yuge with a very conflicted look. In fact, in her heart, she had already believed what Aunt Lan said, and she was still afraid that Ge'er would be hurt.

Xiao Zhan also subconsciously looked at Xiao Yuge and the others. In his heart, no matter who was his daughter, the other would be hurt. Especially at this moment, his heart was more inclined to Xiao Yuge, so he was more worried about her: "Ge'er, if you don't want to, we won't do it."

"Dad" Xiao Yufu was shocked. She didn't expect her father to say such words. Shouldn't she want to know more about who is her father's biological daughter?

Xiao Yuge knelt down in front of Xiao Zhan and his wife: "Father, mother, Ge'er is willing to do it. No matter whether Ge'er is the legitimate daughter of the Xiao family or not, Ge'er will always be the daughter of father and mother!"

"Ge'er." Mrs. Xiao's heart ached.

"Uncle Fu, please invite Doctor Wang." Xiao Zhan closed his eyes, wanting the truth, but he knew that the truth would definitely hurt one of his two daughters, so why didn't his heart not hurt?

Doctor Wang prepared two bowls of water. Xiao Zhan looked at Xiao Yuge and Xiao Yufu, hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth, cut his finger with a dagger, and dripped the blood into two bowls.

Xiao Yufu, who was eager to know the result, couldn't wait to cut open her finger and drop the blood into one of the bowls. Then everyone gathered around and stared at the two drops of blood swaying in the bowl of water with wide eyes.

Under the gaze of everyone, the two drops of blood finally slowly melted together!
"It's integrated! It's integrated!" Everyone exclaimed.

"I am really my parents' biological daughter!" Xiao Yufu was so excited that she covered her mouth and let her tears flow.

The answer had already come out, but Xiao Yuge still cut his finger and dropped the blood into another bowl. Everyone watched the two drops of blood nervously, but after all, they still did not merge.

The fact is before our eyes, Xiao Yufu is the real Xiao family's legitimate daughter!
"Father, mother! I am the real one! I am the real one!" Xiao Yufu was so excited that she threw herself into Mrs. Xiao's arms and cried uncontrollably.Compared to Xiao Yufu's excitement, Mrs. Xiao seemed much calmer at the moment. She gently patted her shoulder: "My child!" But her eyes couldn't help but look at Xiao Yuge.

Wearing a red dress, she stood in the stormy hall, still extremely beautiful. At this moment, there were two lines of heartbreaking tears on her beautiful little face, but she still forced a smile: "Congratulations to mom and dad. Sister, the family is reunited!”


Xiao Zhan stretched out his hand towards her, but finally slowly took it back.

At this point, the play was almost coming to an end. Xiao Yuge knelt down to Xiao Zhan and his wife again and kowtowed three times respectfully!

"Ge'er, what are you going to do?" Xiao Zhan couldn't help but become anxious when he saw her like this.

"Father, mother, now the truth is revealed. My sister is the real legitimate daughter of the Xiao family. I have occupied her position for so many years and have been favored by my parents for more than ten years. I am very sorry."

"Ge'er, it's not your fault." Mrs. Xiao's heart was about to break. Her hands were trembling. It could be seen that she was really afraid of losing Ge'er.

"No! Without me, my parents and sister would have lived a very happy life. I shouldn't have appeared in the first place. I'm glad that I'm back on track now. I think I shouldn't stay to disturb your happiness. Dad, Mom, thank you for your kindness in raising me! It’s you who gave Ge’er a second life. Ge’er will always remember it in her heart. No matter where she is in the future, Ge’er will never forget her parents’ kindness!”

"Ge'er, you want to leave?" Upon hearing this, Mrs. Xiao let go of Xiao Yufu, rushed to Xiao Yuge, pulled her up, and held her hand tightly, for fear that if she let go, she would Will walk away: "Ge'er, mother, it doesn't matter whether we are related by blood or not, you are my daughter, this is your home, you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

"Ge'er, your mother is right. Even if you are not related by blood to my Xiao family, you are still your parents' daughter. The Xiao family is your home. Where are you going?" Xiao Zhan also walked over.

"Father, mother, I know you are doing this for Ge'er's good. However, Ge'er has occupied my sister's life for more than ten years, including my parents. It should be returned to my sister intact. If I stay here any longer, Ge'er doesn't know what to do. How to deal with yourself and ask your parents to forgive Ge'er for being unfilial."

In her previous life, after learning the truth, Mrs. Xiao Zhan kept her in the house, but she was no longer the legitimate daughter of the Xiao family. Under Xiao Yufu's secret instructions, anyone in the house could step on her. She also She asked the second elder for help, but the second elder also thought she was too pretentious and ignored her at all. As a result, her life in the Xiao Mansion was like walking on thin ice. In this life, she would never make the same mistakes again. The world is big and there is always a home for her. .

"Ge'er, mother doesn't want you to leave! Mother doesn't allow you to leave!" Mrs. Xiao wouldn't let her go no matter what.


Xiao Yuge and Mrs. Xiao held each other's arms and cried. This scene made everyone on the sidelines sad. Only Xiao Yufu bit her lip. She didn't expect that her mother would still be so reluctant to let go of Xiao Yuge. She clenched her fists and swore secretly that she would never He would never let Xiao Yuge take away his father and mother again.

Xiao Yuge slowly calmed down, glanced at Qian Sichen, and then said: "Father, mother, there is one more thing that Ge'er has to explain clearly today."

"Ge'er, tell me."

"The person who made the engagement to His Highness the Crown Prince is the legitimate daughter of the Xiao family. Therefore, the engagement between me and him will no longer count from today on. I also asked my father to cancel the marriage for Ge'er!"

(End of this chapter)

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