Chapter 138
"Although I don't want to admit it, I still want to say that your Qinggong is the best I have ever seen." Xiao Yuge stood up, opened his arms, took a deep breath, and embraced the boundless night. It turned out that the night view overlooking the capital was actually Such beauty.

"Then do you want to give her a reward?" Qian Tingxuan hugged her from behind and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of this prosperous age with her. In fact, as long as she is by your side, no matter where you are, everything you see is the most beautiful. scenery.

"I don't have money." She puffed up her cheeks. After tomorrow, she will be even poorer.

"If you are rich, support yourself with money. If you don't have money, support yourself with others." He lowered his head and captured her red lips, melting the following words into the overlapping breaths.
The next day.

Originally, the two daughters of the prime minister's house and the hairpin ceremony were invited to attend, as well as many dignitaries in the capital. However, because of what happened to Xiao Yufu and Qian Sichen, Xiao Zhan decided to keep things simple. He who loves face most, naturally did not want to Lost face because of this.

Despite this, officials who were on good terms with Xiao Zhan arrived one after another, including Ning Zhiyuan, the king of Ning who was far away in Jiangzhou. He was the second prince of Lanzhao Kingdom with a different surname. He made great contributions to the Northern War.

Naturally, Qian Sichen and Ning Feng also came, which was expected by Xiao Yuge. Without these people, today's show in Xiao Mansion would not be so exciting.

She made an agreement with Qian Tingxuan last night that in order to avoid suspicion, he would not appear at her haircut banquet today. Of course, Xiao Yuge was also afraid that he would ruin her plan.

The hair extension ceremony is the most important coming-of-age ceremony for every girl. Therefore, the adults in the family generally attach great importance to it, especially high-ranking officials and dignitaries like the Xiao family. If Xiao Yufu's incident hadn't happened a few days ago, I'm afraid , their haircut ceremony is the most magnificent in the entire capital.

When Xiao Yuge, dressed in flowing red clothes, slowly walked into the hall, he immediately attracted everyone's attention. He was dressed in red clothes like fire, with black hair like ink, eyebrows like distant mountains with daisy, and skin like white snow. , starry eyes and white teeth, becoming stunning everywhere they go. Every step they take seems to be on the top of their hearts. That red dress seems to be born for her. Against the backdrop of light and shadow, she Like a divine girl who has strayed into the mortal world, even her raised hair is shining, so beautiful!
Ning Feng, who had just been holding the teacup, looked straight at this moment. He didn't even notice that the teacup in his hand fell on the table. He had never thought that Xiao Yuge, who was carefully dressed, could be so beautiful. Gorgeous, too bad!It’s a heart-pounding feeling!
"Miss Xiao Er is indeed a stunning beauty in the world. Your Excellency, Prime Minister, you are so lucky!"

I don’t know who exclaimed. Even though Xiao Yuge stunned everyone at the lotus banquet last month, very few people had seen her with their own eyes. And this time, in the hall, there was no one who was not a high-ranking official or a powerful person, and who was not used to seeing her. There are thousands of beauties, but at this moment, they feel that what they have seen before are all common things, and what they see in front of them is the most beautiful thing in the world.

On the other hand, Xiao Yufu, who was next to Xiao Yuge, was originally shy to see people because of her affair with Qian Sichen. Although she was also wearing red clothes, she had been depressed for several days, crying all day long, and her jade face was haggard. Even though she is more than three feet thick, she can't hide her tired look, so how can she compare to the high-spirited Xiao Yufu?

Every time Xiao Yuge appeared in her previous life, she was Xiao Yufu's foil. In this life, she is no longer.

"The hair-raising ceremony begins!"

With Uncle Fu's words, the ceremony of hair extensions, which symbolizes that the woman has become an adult, begins.

The maids in the mansion brought garlands and jewelry, and their personal maids Qing Luo and An Ling put them on for them. It must be said that after putting on the garlands, Xiao Yuge's charm added a hint of girlish naivety, slightly When she smiles, stars seem to be shining in her watery eyes, which always makes people unconsciously attracted to her.

After that, the maids brought out special floral perfume and sprinkled it gently on their heads, which was called "hairpin bath." The maids circled around Xiao Yuge and the others, talking while circling. Singing something.

After a series of tedious etiquette, Uncle Fu finally announced the ceremony for them to get hair extensions. They also knelt down and thanked their parents and everyone. This officially completed the ceremony for them to step into adulthood from little girls.

While thanking him, Xiao Yuge accidentally met Qian Sichen's eyes, but was startled by his hot gaze. He quickly retracted his eyelids and cursed in his heart: This damn scumbag must use Looking at her like that?For some reason, she always felt that there was another pair of eyes staring at her. At first, she thought it was Chu Tianqi or Ning Feng, but when she followed the gaze, she realized that it was staring at her. The person turned out to be Ning Wang Ning Zhiyuan.

This is not the first time Xiao Yuge has seen Ning Zhiyuan, but in this life, after growing up, it is indeed the first time she has seen him. It is strange. The way other people look at her is nothing but stunning, but the way he looks at her, In addition to being amazed, he was more shocked. His eyes were more like looking at another person.

Xiao Yuge frowned slightly: Strange, why did he look at her like that?

However, Ning Zhiyuan was even more shocked: Like!It’s so similar!

The beauty in his memory also walked towards him dressed in red.
Just when they were seated and the banquet officially started, there was a sudden noise outside. Xiao Yuge subconsciously looked towards the door. She knew that the show was about to begin, and an imperceptible smile slightly raised at the corner of her lips.

"Master, there is a crazy woman outside. She insists on breaking in. No matter how hard she is, she can't stop her!" At this time, the servant hurriedly came to report.

"Today is a happy day for my Prime Minister. Don't let anyone disturb the mood. She is just a woman who comes to please me. Just give her a little money and send her away."


But not for a while, the servant ran in again in a hurry: "Master, that crazy woman said her name is Aunt Lan, and she has something very important to tell the master and his wife!"

"Aunt Lan?" Xiao Zhan and his wife looked at each other, as if they thought they had heard this name somewhere.

"Aunt Lan? Aunt Lan!" Mrs. Xiao stood up suddenly and said in a trembling voice: "Quick! Bring her in quickly!"

"Madam?" Xiao Zhan didn't understand for a moment.

"Master, have you forgotten? Aunt Lan was the one who delivered my concubine's baby back then!" Mrs. Xiao burst into tears immediately. Everyone was confused and looked at each other.

"It's her!" Xiao Zhan was extremely excited after hearing this: "Quick! Bring her in quickly!"

"Hurry in!" At this moment, the servant pushed the old woman in.

The old woman's thin body was pushed by the servant, and she immediately fell to the ground. She climbed all the way to Xiao Zhan and Mrs. Xiao, and raised her face full of vicissitudes of life.

(End of this chapter)

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