The emperor's uncle dotes on the little princess alone

Chapter 129 Extremely disappointed in her

Chapter 129 Extremely disappointed in her
"Princess, please calm down! I don't have it! I don't have it!" An Ling, filled with injustice, knelt down and explained with tears.

"How dare you say no? I want you to go to the master and madam right now and admit that you did everything and that you wanted to frame me!" Xiao Yufu, who had lost her mind, tore at An Ling like a madwoman. s hair.

"Princess! Princess!" An Ling shivered in fear, clutching her hair tightly, but did not dare to resist at all.

"Even if you ask An Ling to go before her parents now and admit that she did everything, it won't help!" At this moment, the courtyard door opened, and Chu Tianqi appeared at the entrance.

"Brother!" As soon as she saw Chu Tianqi, Xiao Yufu quickly pushed An Ling away, as if grasping a life-saving straw, and ran towards Chu Tianqi with tears streaming down her face.

But this time, Chu Tianqi was not deceived by her, but signaled An Ling to guard the door, because he wanted to confirm something to Xiao Yufu next.

"Brother, don't you even believe me?" Xiao Yufu saw Chu Tianqi's gloomy face and quickly thought about how to perform in order to make him believe in her.

"Fu'er, we have known each other for more than ten years since I came to this house. Ever since I was a child, no matter what I do, the first person I think of must be you, because I always think you are weak and kind. , needs more care than the willful and strong Ge'er, so every time I come back from a trip, I will always just remember to buy your gift. Every time you and Ge'er have an quarrel, I will stand by your side. In my heart, you Just like a flower that needs careful care, you deserve all the best. However, only now do I realize that I was wrong all along. You are no longer the Fu'er I knew before." Chu Tianqi Looking at this pitiful face in front of me, my heart aches. Why is my heart so vicious even though I am so kind?

"Brother, what are you talking about? I've always been that Fu'er." Xiao Yufu's heart felt cold, but she still wanted to try her best to act.

But Chu Tianqi was unmoved. He slowly took out the four iron nails from his body and put them in front of her: "Then tell me, what are these?"

When Xiao Yufu saw the four iron nails, her face suddenly changed and she lowered her head guiltily: "Brother, aren't these iron nails?"

Seeing that she still refused to admit it, Chu Tianqi nodded: "Yes, these are iron nails. It was these iron nails that caused Ge'er to fall off the cliff and almost die there."

"Didn't Ge'er tell you everything? Was it an accident?"

"It's not an accident! You know, it's not an accident!" Chu Tianqi's eyes were red and he slammed the table: "Someone deliberately drove the nails into the hooves of the cows and smeared poison on them that could make the horses go crazy. , that person is you! It was you who asked An Ling to buy these nails, and then asked An Ling to bribe the groom and let him take the opportunity to drive the nails into the iron shoes of the two horses. Therefore, no matter which horse Ge'er chooses, It’s the same result.”

Xiao Yufu was shocked, but she still forced herself to calm down and tried to make the last struggle: "Brother, even if these nails caused Ge'er's accident, why do you think it was me who instigated it? If Ge'er's accident happened, I was also very worried. Worried, I’m also sad!”

"An Ling is over there. Do you want me to call her over to confront you, or do you want me to take her to the Tingwei Mansion? There are plenty of torture instruments there to make her tell the truth! You should be lucky that the emperor will bring her to this The matter was left to me and Ning Feng to investigate, but if it had been someone else, you would not be grounded here now, but you would have been imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Justice!"

Xiao Yufu was stunned on the spot as if she had been struck by lightning. In the face of the iron-clad facts, all her sophistry was in vain.

"Ning Feng and I can't believe that Fu'er, who we have cared for since childhood, could not bear to be sad even for a butterfly, could be so cruel. Ge'er is our sister, even if she is not a kiss, she is How could you be so cruel as to kill someone who has called you sister for more than ten years?" "Brother, I..." Xiao Yufu burst into tears. She didn't know whether it was because of fear or regret.

"Thankfully Ge'er is lucky and came back safe and sound. If she had any shortcomings, how could you be worthy of our parents who raised us?" Chu Tianqi was extremely disappointed with her at this time.

"Brother, I was wrong! I really know I was wrong!" Xiao Yufu weighed it over and over in her heart and decided to give herself another try. She couldn't let this matter get out, otherwise her identity and everything she has now , everything will be in vain.

"You finally admitted that you did all that!" Chu Tianqi was so angry that he was shaking all over, and his heart felt like it had been severely beaten. All the good things he had once had become phantoms at this moment. He gritted his teeth and grabbed the iron on the table. Nail, turned around to leave.

"Brother!" Unexpectedly, Xiao Yufu rushed over, knelt down in front of him with tears in her eyes, and grabbed his clenched hand: "Brother, I beg you, don't tell my parents about this matter. I know it was wrong. Now, I really know I was wrong! I swear, I will never hurt Geer again!"

Chu Tianqi's clenched hands were trembling slightly. He was angry and hesitant. He looked up at the sky, closed his eyes in pain, and was silent for a long time. Finally, he loosened his clenched hands softly: "Ning and I Fengdu will suppress this matter because of our years of brother-sister friendship, and I will not tell my parents about it. But, Fu'er, this is the last time! If you dare to hurt Ge'er again, I won't let you go. Let’s get over you! Take care of yourself!”

After saying that, he withdrew his hand forcefully and walked out without looking back, leaving Xiao Yufu kneeling on the ground and crying loudly.

Chu Tianqi came outside and stared at the four iron nails in his hand for a long time. Finally, he threw them out hard, looked in the direction of Xiao Yuge's yard, and decided to go there.

"Miss, your hands are red from pressure. Take a rest and do it later." Qing Luo said while pouring a cup of tea for Xiao Yuge.

But Xiao Yuge refused to stop what he was doing: "It doesn't matter, this one is almost healed, and I can give it to my brother tomorrow."

"The young lady makes these knee pads for the young master with her own hands every year. When the young master wears them on his legs, he will be very warm."


At this time, Chu Tianqi's voice came from behind.

"Brother!" Xiao Yuge raised her eyes, smiled sweetly at him, and then continued to lower her head and work on the things in her hands skillfully.

"Ge'er, what are you doing?" Chu Tianqi slowly came to her side, his eyes fell on the knee pad that had been made, and he couldn't help being stunned. He quickly picked it up and looked at it. Sure enough, it was exactly the same. Seeing that Ge'er was busy with her hands skillfully, he asked in a trembling voice: "Ge'er, did you make this?"

(End of this chapter)

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