Chapter 125 She is drunk
Ningfu Villa.

"Xiao Yuge, you love His Highness the Crown Prince so much. Now that he is with your sister, you don't cry. You are very strong." Ninghua was sitting in a wheelchair, holding a bottle of wine in one hand, drinking to the full. With her face flushed, she pointed at Xiao Yuge, who was also flushed from drinking.

"I don't love him, why should I cry?" Xiao Yuge waved his hands feebly: "Are you crying?"

"Of course I didn't. Humph! He never came to see me even once when I was injured like this. I don't like him anymore." Ninghua patted her dizzy head.

"They are just stinky men, why should we cry for stinky men." Xiao Yuge raised the wine bottle in his hand and shook it: "I have wine today and I am drunk today. I will worry about tomorrow and worry about tomorrow! Come on, sisters, Let’s drink to it!”

"Yes! They are all stinky men! They are not good people! Cheers!"

The two of them just took a sip, you took a sip, and I got drunk very quickly!

"Hua'er, Ge'er?" As soon as Ning Feng came back, he saw one lying in a wheelchair and the other lying on the table. He shook his head helplessly and asked the maid beside him: "The princess's leg is still injured, can't she Why don’t you stop me from drinking?”

"Your Highness, we can't stop you." The girl on the side was also very aggrieved. Who could stop this princess's temperament?

"Then help the princess into the room quickly."

"Yes!" The girl on the side pushed Ninghua into the room.

Ning Feng looked at Xiao Yuge lying on the table, sighed softly, and walked over to help her up.

"Qian Sichen! You bastard! Don't touch me!" She opened her hazy drunken eyes and stood up unsteadily, holding the wine bottle in one hand and pushing Ning Feng away with the other.

"Ge'er." Ning Feng was afraid that she would fall, so he quickly stepped forward to help her.

"Go away! You are all bullying me. I don't want you anymore. I don't want you anymore." Xiao Yuge pushed him away again, then shook his head and staggered forward, but before he took two steps, Her feet slipped and she fell to the side.

"Ge'er!" Fortunately, Ning Feng quickly held her in his arms, but the next second, Xiao Yuge threw her to the ground.

Xiao Yuge lay on his chest, looking at him with drunken eyes, and touched his face with her slightly hot hands: "Where did this young man come from to be so good-looking?"

"Ge'er, you're drunk." Ning Feng couldn't stand up under her pressure, and blushed slightly because of her words.

"You still know my name. Just in time, come and have a drink with me." Xiao Yuge picked up the wine bottle in his hand and poured it towards his mouth.

"Ge'er." Ning Feng dodged around and frowned secretly: This Ge'er is really difficult to deal with when she's drunk.

"Don't move and drink with me."

Seeing him moving around, Xiao Yuge simply raised her neck and took a big gulp, then lowered her head and fed it into his mouth.
"Hmm" Her soft lips, mingled with the faint scent of wine, pressed against his lips. Ning Feng instantly seemed to be cast under a spell. He stood there in a daze, his eyes fixed on her long and thick eyelashes. .

The soft wine slowly flowed down his throat. It was obviously the most ordinary flower wine, but it was as sweet as drinking fairy wine. Just when he wanted to continue tasting, her lips suddenly lost their touch. soft.

Xiao Yuge shook the wine bottle in his hand and got up from him with some displeasure: "There is no more wine." The empty wine bottle in his hand also rolled aside.Ning Feng lay there, adjusting his breathing secretly. He felt a little strange about the wine bottle, why was it empty at this time?

"Ge'er!" Seeing Xiao Yuge standing up unsteadily and almost falling down again, he quickly stood up and supported her again. This time, he helped her into the guest room.

"Ning Hua, let's drink again." Xiao Yuge, who was lying on the bed, seemed to be restless and kept waving her weak little arms. Slowly, she fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at her who finally calmed down, Ning Feng let out a long sigh of relief. He gently wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeves and sat silently. For some reason, the scene just now came to his mind. , his eyes fell on her pink lips unconsciously, and he couldn't help but swallow hard a few times, and he actually had the urge to taste it again!

"I must be crazy!" He slammed his head and rushed out of the room without looking back, as if he was afraid that if he stayed for a moment longer, he would do something immoral.

He rushed to the well, fetched water over and over again, and poured water from head to toe, trying to quell those thoughts he shouldn't have.

After he calmed down, he ordered his entourage to go to the Prime Minister's Mansion and tell Chu Tianqi that Ge'er was staying late with Ning Hua today, so he stayed at Ning Mansion.

The next day, when Xiao Yuge woke up from alcohol, it was almost noon. She rubbed her aching temples, as if she had no idea what happened last night.

"Ninghua." She saw Ninghua rubbing her head in the yard.

"Xiao Yuge, you just got up, and I told you, how can you drink better than me?" Ninghua became sullen as soon as she saw Xiao Yuge.

"The leg injury hasn't healed yet, so you drank. Don't you want your leg to heal?" At this time, Ning Feng came out from the side and knocked Ning Hua on the head as before.

"Brother, it's rare for people to drink once." Ninghua pursed her lips, looking dissatisfied.

"Brother Feng, morning." Xiao Yuge also greeted Ning Feng with a smile.

"Good morning!" Ning Feng, who had been pretending to be calm just now, suddenly lost his guard and almost didn't drop what he was holding.

This strange behavior made Ninghua frown: "Brother, are you okay? Why are your ears red?"

One sentence made Ning Feng blush immediately. He coughed twice, turned around and hurried out. As soon as he reached the corner, he leaned against the wall and pressed his hand on his pounding chest. He thought, After one night, he forgot everything and calmed down. However, the moment he saw Ge'er, he realized that things seemed to be getting more and more serious.

Looking at his brother running away, Ning Hua expressed doubt: "Xiao Yuge, did you do anything to my brother last night when you were drunk? Why did he blush when he saw you and run away?"

Xiao Yuge shook his head innocently: "How could I? I'm drunk, what else could I do to your brother."

"Yes, I was so drunk that I passed out. With your drinking capacity, how can you not be drunk? Yesterday we were tied, let's compete again today." Ninghua no longer thought about it and called the servants over. : "You go and prepare some food. I will compete with Xiao Yuge again today. I don't believe that I can't beat her!"

"Ning Hua, do you still want to drink? Stop it. I have a bad headache. The day after tomorrow is my haircut day. If you have the ability, we can drink again that day." Xiao Yuge stopped quickly. She was still hungover and didn't know that she was home. Are you worried about yourself? If your parents blame her, it will be troublesome. What happened to Xiao Yufu just happened, and your parents definitely don't want her to cause any trouble again.

(End of this chapter)

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