Ming Dynasty Zhu Di: I just put on the dragon robe, and my father is here

Chapter 223 Famous Ming Dynasty Scene: My grandma is also your grandma [Please order the full versio

Chapter 223 Famous Ming Dynasty Scene: My grandma is also your grandma [Please order the full version! 】

Time passed quickly, and a few days passed like this.

At this moment, in the Ministry of War.

Not only is Sanyang here, but also Yu Qian is here.

But at this moment, several of them took a deep breath.

At this moment, they were even more lost in thought.

Because at this moment, they have actually finished reading all the history books.

At this moment, everyone was in awe.

Both Yang Shiqi and Yang Rong couldn't help but look at Yu Qian at this moment.

Their attitude has also changed a lot.

That is, they know very well that it is the Ming Dynasty in the orthodox dynasty later. If it were not for Yu Qian, then the consequences, I am afraid, needless to say, it is very clear.

If this really comes to that moment, then the Ming Dynasty will really be destroyed.

And all this is thanks to Yu Qian.

Thanks to him.

Otherwise, who knows, what will definitely happen next.

Yu Qian originally wanted to read the history books again.

But seeing these people like this, I was really shocked.

"I'm telling you, you guys are so good, why do you have to give me such a big gift?"

Yu Qian was puzzled.

Yang Pu said: "Anyway, that's this time, but thanks to you, if it weren't for you, then the Ming Dynasty would really be in trouble."

Yang Rong: "Yes, the Yu Shaobao mentioned above, with such a name and such ability, is the only one who has such strength. Apart from you, Yu Qian, no one else has such ability." , and don’t have such strength.”

At this moment, Sanyang and the others were still very unfazed by their attitude towards Yu Qian.

After all, they also know that as long as Yu Qian is here, the Ming Dynasty will never fall.

Yang Shiqi smiled and said: "At the beginning, I said that Yu Qian is definitely a great talent. Now it seems that I still have a good vision."

"Ha ha ha ha."

When he said this, he couldn't help but smile even when he saw other people.

So did they.

And in their opinion, this Yu Qian is pretty good.

And it’s impossible to say what he’s capable of.

Especially what is recorded in the history books is the battle to defend Beijing, which was all thanks to Yu Shaobao.

After saying this, I saw Yang Shiqi saying: "Actually, I think that all this is due to Emperor Taizong. When he finally went to the north to conquer Neng, he took Yu Qian with him. Speaking of which, This person who showed kindness to Qian was the Emperor Taizong Wen."

After saying this, Yu Qian nodded when he saw this moment.

"Yeah, who says it's not? In fact, this time, I also understand that it is Emperor Taizong's painstaking efforts."

The moment he finished saying this, he actually felt uncomfortable in his heart.

"Oh, actually I think that the most pityful person is actually the crown prince. I really didn't expect that she would eventually become a demon queen."

Yang Rong couldn't help but speak.

And when he spoke, they actually felt a little helpless in their hearts.

After all, what happened is something no one wants to see.

The others also nodded slightly.

And they knew even more clearly that the person who was most uncomfortable at this moment was probably the prince, Zhu Zhanji.

"Well, for those of us who are courtiers, that is such a thing, and it is not something we can worry about. Now there is only one thing we have to do, Secretary Qi, and that is to make good preparations. If we can't pass The funeral of Emperor Taizong Wen will be held in a few days, and there must be no carelessness in such matters."

Yang Shiqi said very seriously.

When he said this, others nodded.

At this moment, Yu Qian, who is also Yu Shaobao in the future, has a weird face.

That was this moment, no one knew, that was what he was thinking.

Yang Pu asked in confusion: "Yu Qian, what's your expression?"

"Actually, I'm thinking about one thing, and that is that you must not forget that there is still Emperor Yongle here." As soon as Yu Qian said these words, the atmosphere here became very quiet.

Several people present looked at each other in confusion.

If you think about it carefully, this is really the case.

Yang Shiqi: "In any case, he is not the emperor of this period, so we ministers should not think too much."

When he said this, he saw other people nodding.

Because this funeral must be held no matter what.


This is the East Palace.

Just as Yang Shiqi and the others said, the person who is most uncomfortable right now is probably Zhu Zhanji.

His favorite woman, Mrs. Sun, was beaten to death with random sticks.

What's more, he never thought that this Sun family would give birth to such a useless son.

If this wasn't because Zhu Zhanji had read history books, then for Zhu Zhanji, it would still be hard for him to believe it.

Having said that, he was still very angry.

Zhu Zhanji took a deep breath.

He didn't say another word.

But in his hand, he held a history book tightly.

This history book is the history book of the Zhengtong Dynasty. And the content above is about everything Sun has done.

"Zhanji, are you okay?"

A very worried voice also came.

The woman who spoke was none other than Zhu Zhanji's mother, the current empress of the Hongxi Dynasty, and she was the Zhang family.

Queen Zhang came over and looked at her son like this.

"Mother, why are you here?"

Zhu Zhanji stood up quickly.

"Okay, you don't have to be so polite. We are all family members, so even if you don't need it, it's such a restriction." Queen Zhang said with a smile.

And while she was talking, she saw Zhu Zhanji holding a history book tightly in his hands.

It is this kind of history book that has always been held tightly in Zhu Zhanji's hands.

Queen Zhang asked: "Is this book the history book of the Ming Dynasty?"

Zhu Zhanji nodded.

Empress Zhang: "I have also heard about what happened in the court, but I really didn't expect that this Sun family would later become a demon queen. This is something no one expected."

Empress Zhang looked at Zhu Zhanji again and said helplessly: "Son, I told you several times at the beginning that this Sun family is not simple, but you just can't listen. , I have always liked her, can you see it now?"

Zhu Zhanji's eyes were red.

His eyes were not just red.

And at this time, he couldn't help but shed tears.

To be honest, he really regretted it.

"Now that I know I regret it, it's not too late. You have to remember that no matter what you do, it is true and human nature."

"Your father has told you that the human heart is the most terrifying thing in this world. Therefore, this matter about Mr. Sun has taught you a good lesson. You must be worthy of your wife. Grandpa, and your grandpa, they have such good intentions for you."

Queen Zhang said seriously.

Zhu Zhanji also nodded, but he couldn't help wiping his tears.

Queen Zhang said: "Look at how old you are, and you are still crying here. Aren't you afraid of being embarrassed?"

"You are now the Crown Prince of the Ming Dynasty. Wouldn't you feel embarrassed if you keep crying like this?"

Zhu Zhanji smiled.

Although he was smiling, everyone could feel that although Zhu Zhanji was smiling, there were still tears in his eyes.

He was really crying and sad.

Empress Zhang said: "You, don't cry. It's better to get ready. It won't be long before it's your grandfather's funeral."

Zhu Zhanji nodded.

"I see."


Han Dynasty Palace.

Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui were both in the yard.

There were only two people in the yard at the moment.

Although there were only two people, the atmosphere here became extremely scary.

Zhu Gaosui's eyes were filled with anger.

Not only that, he still rushed over and without saying a word, he punched King Han directly.

"Are you crazy?!"

King Han was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that his third brother would beat him violently?
If you hadn't seen this with your own eyes, it would be really hard to believe.

"You motherfucker!"

"You motherfucker!"

At this moment, Zhu Gaosui just blurted out and cursed.

"This time, I was harmed by you. This time I followed you in the rebellion. Not only did it not succeed, but my father and my grandfather not only committed suicide, but now I have become a living person in the capital. .”

"Not only is our father watching our jokes, but even that kid Zhu Zhanji now thinks that we are just fucking clowns."

"I mean, second child, you've screwed me up this time."

Zhu Gaosui was still very upset when he said this.

"Your grandma's!"

"Your grandma's!"

Zhu Gaoxu was also holding back his anger.

He also held his hands tightly, and then hugged King Zhao directly.

I saw him very angry and said: "My grandma is also your grandma!"

He clenched his hands into fists, preparing for a counterattack.

But when he saw Zhu Gaosui's unruly eyes, Zhu Gaojiu also felt guilty.

And he suddenly sat on the ground.

Zhu Gaosui also sat down, turning his head and not looking at Zhu Gaoxu.

This good third brother in Zhu Gaoxu's eyes is still angry now.

This sudden scene made Zhu Gaoxu very helpless.

"I said, third child, I was wrong. This time I miscalculated. Next time, something like this will never happen again."

 Please book in full, your support is really important. woo woo woo woo.

(End of this chapter)
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