Ming Dynasty Zhu Di: I just put on the dragon robe, and my father is here

Chapter 155: Lao Zhu is afraid, Biao'er, you have to bear it first!

Chapter 155: Lao Zhu is afraid, Biao'er, you have to bear it first!

Zhu Di felt like his brain was not working properly!

Did he hear it right?

Dad wants to dethrone Zhu Yunwen as the crown prince?

If this is really the case, then why did his father make him the emperor's grandson? !

He can't figure it out!

Zhu Di's excitement is still to come.

Because at this time, Zhu Gaochi spoke again.

"And there are still news spreading in the capital..."

His tone paused, and he looked at Zhu Di secretly.

"Is there any news from the capital?" Zhu Laosi asked.

Zhu Gaochi smiled bitterly and said: "There are rumors in the capital that it is Grandma Huang and His Highness the Crown Prince who have returned from the dead."

Zhu Di's hands started to shake.

His eyes almost popped out.

"Can you say that again?"

Zhu Gaochi said: "Dad, what I said is true. There is indeed a rumor going crazy in the capital. That is Grandma Huang, and His Highness the Crown Prince. They seem to have resurrected from the dead."

Zhu Gaoxu nodded as if he had seen a ghost.

"This matter seems to be true, and my people have come to report it."

Zhu Di almost lost his balance, but the fat man quickly supported his father.

"How is this possible? My mother has been dead for so many years, how can she still be alive?"

"And my eldest brother, he just passed away last year, how could he be alive again?"

"Nonsense, this is absolute nonsense!"

Zhu Di was angry.

"Are you trying to amuse me on purpose?"

Zhu Gaosui was also panicked: "Father, everything we said is true, we don't dare to lie!"

"And one thing is certain, that is, Zhu Yunwen's status as the crown prince was abolished, and Fang Xiaoru and the others were indeed killed!"

Zhu Di felt his head went blank.

He felt that today was not a good day, because each of these things was weirder than the last.

Zhu Di's heart was shaken, and he finally had no choice but to believe it.

"My mother is really still alive, and my eldest brother is still alive?" He couldn't believe it.

"This matter is absolutely true. It has been spread in the capital." Zhu Gaochi said with a wry smile: "My second and third brothers and I have received the news. This matter is absolutely true."

Zhu Di's face was uncertain, and finally he let out a heavy breath.

"This is just a rumor. It's hard to say whether it's true or not."

Zhu Di still found it incredible.

I saw him wave his hand gently.

"Well, just in case, you continue to send people to check whether it is true."

Zhu Gaochi's three brothers showed fear on their faces.

Zhu Di looked at them, frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you guys?"

"Dad, Grandpa Huang just finished killing people, we, we..."

Of course Zhu Di heard the overtones of the three brothers.

His face darkened.

"Look at you like this, are you that scared?"

Zhu Gaochi rolled his eyes in his heart.

What I said, if you are not afraid, go check it out.

Zhu Di said: "Okay, you don't have anything else to do here. You all should step back."

The three brothers all breathed a sigh of relief and left the yard silently.

They couldn't help but look at each other.

"Grandpa Huang is too scary. It can't be done. Second brother, please send someone to check!" Zhu Gaochi looked at his second brother.

Zhu Gaoxu said: "If you want to go, you go, you are the eldest brother, I won't go!"

Zhu Gaoxu twitched the corners of his mouth, shook his sleeves and left.

"That third brother..."

Zhu Gaosui waved his hand: "Brother, don't call me, I don't know anything, I don't know anything!"

He also left quickly.

Zhu Gaochi was speechless.

These two guys really slipped up at the critical moment.

Zhu Gaochi was speechless, but he also shrank his head.

And now he can't see through it either.

"Alas..." Zhu Gaochi sighed.

In fact, for Big Fatty, he still hopes that his grandma Huang is still alive.

He hopes Zhu Biao is also alive.

Because he doesn't like Zhu Yunwen either.


Zhu Di was very uneasy, so he called Daoyan.

Dao Yan came over.

He just looked at Yan King Zhu Di like this.

Zhu Di looked at him and sighed slightly.

"Old monk, you also know, right? That's what happened in the capital?" Zhu Di asked.

Dao Yan nodded.

"I can't see through it, and it doesn't make sense to explain it. After all, His Majesty made Zhu Yunwen the emperor's grandson, and now he has abolished his status. This is really hard to see through."

Daoyan said softly.

Zhu Di asked: "So what do you think about my eldest brother and my mother's affairs?"

Dao Yan frowned and finally shook his head.

"Your Highness, you have to understand one thing, that is, rumors are destined to be rumors."

"The Queen, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, they have all died of illness, there is no way they are still alive!"

"This rumor may be caused by His Majesty on purpose, and I can't see through this."

There were some changes on Dao Yan's face, and he couldn't even see through them.

Dao Yan: "This is really strange. His Majesty appointed Zhu Yunwen as the grandson of the emperor, and now he has abolished it. There is also news that the Queen and His Highness the Crown Prince have come back to life. Why is this?"

"It's weird, it's really weird!"

This Dao Yan, the master who gave His Highness King Yan a white hat, couldn't see through it.


In the capital, in the Fengtian Palace!

The news that the emperor's grandson was deposed also spread and was finally settled.

Those who opposed were killed one by one by Lao Zhu.


The residence of Duke Liang.

Lan Yu stayed in the yard.

This wave of news comes one after another.

His little heart couldn't bear it.

"Fang Xiaoru was killed by ten clansmen?"

Lan Yu asked tremblingly.

His adopted sons all nodded when they heard this.

Lan Yu took a deep breath.

"Good guy!"

There were only these three words in his mind.

This Emperor Zhu is really crazy about killing people!

"I didn't expect that even the Queen didn't stop me!"

Lan Yu murmured to himself.

But he was also lucky. If the Queen and His Royal Highness hadn't appeared in time, his life would have been saved.

"Peel the skin and make grass..."

This Liang Guogong, he felt everything was cold.


Fengtian Hall is in a side hall.

Queen Ma was sitting in the side room. Looking at her, she was obviously angry.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang is already in his twilight years, he is very murderous.But facing Empress Ma, even Zhu Yuanzhang, who was fearless, was a little embarrassed.

He stood outside the side hall.

His sons were also standing behind him, not daring to go in.

"What, boss, you go in first, you stare first!" Zhu Yuanzhang shrank his head, he was really scared.

Zhu Biao smiled and said: "You are the father and the elder, so you should go in first."

After saying that, he pushed Zhu Yuanzhang hard.

Zhu Yuanzhang's face darkened.

Even if he died, he would not dare to go in.

When Queen Ma returned to Fengtian Hall angrily, Zhu Yuanzhang knew that his sister was angry.

Both father and son looked at Zhu Bai.

Zhu Bai is eating melon.

But when I saw this look, I couldn't help but shudder.

Seeing the looks in his father's and elder brother's eyes, he took a few steps back.

"No way, you want to trick me?" Zhu Bai asked.

Zhu Biao said: "Now you are the living god of our old Zhu family. It is most appropriate for you to go. You go in first."

Zhu Bai shook his head.

"As the eldest brother, I order you to go in!"

Zhu Bo: "..."

He shook his head, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Look at how hopeless you guys are!!"

Zhu Bai shook his head when he saw it.

He raised his thighs and walked in.

"Who let you in?!"

Queen Ma glared at them.

"If I had known this was the case, I wouldn't have come. You, the old Zhu family, have finished everything and I'll come again!"

"Mom, don't be angry. No matter what you say, some people are still going to be killed." Zhu Bai left and came over and said softly.

Queen Ma sat there with her head turned and didn't say a word.

Zhu Biao and Zhu Yuanzhang looked at each other, and he knew it was okay.

The father and son also walked in.

Zhu Yuanzhang secretly looked at Queen Ma.

"Sister, don't be angry, we were wrong, we were wrong." Zhu Yuanzhang said.

Zhu Biao looked on, but he didn't say a word. He just smiled secretly.

Dad, you too will be manipulated one day.

Queen Ma looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and felt a little distressed when she saw him in his old age.

"Chongba, I don't have to tell you. If you keep killing like this, what will happen if the court doesn't have enough officials? And you are so murderous, what should you do in the future?" Queen Ma said patiently.

Zhu Yuanzhang lowered his head, like a child who made a mistake.

He suddenly coughed again.

Queen Ma was worried about his health, so she quickly helped him up, and then asked Lao Zhu to sit down.

"Are you okay?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

Zhu Yuanzhang just waved his hand.

"Don't worry, we won't die!"

"Now that I see my girl and my Biao'er, I can live for a few more years."

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled slightly, but his words made people feel distressed.

"Chongba, as long as I am here, you will never die, and there is no way you will die!"

Queen Ma's eyes were red.

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head.

"We are getting old, and we know that we won't live much longer, but now that I can see my girl and Biao'er, I am really satisfied."

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said: "Now Zhu Yunwen has deposed his great-grandson, and we have to establish a new heir."

"We feel like time is running out..."

Queen Ma's eyes turned red, and she suddenly looked at Zhu Bai.

"You must have a way, right?" As soon as he spoke, Zhu Biao's eyes lit up.

"By the way, why did you forget about Xiao Twelve? He is still very capable. With him here, he may be able to help our father regain his youth."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his heart was slightly shocked.

He looked at Zhu Bai in disbelief.

"Xiao Twelve, do you really have this strength?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

As long as you are the emperor, who doesn't want to live a few more years?
Emperors in history not only wanted to live a few more years, but more importantly, they also wanted elixirs of immortality.

But wherever there is elixir of life in this world, there is no immortality.

But now Lao Zhu believes that Xiao Twelve must have this ability.

This kid can come here from the past, which shows that his ability is indeed very strong.

"Okay, if that's the case, let me help!"

Zhu Bai nodded, he walked over, turned his hand, and a pill appeared.

Even though he knew Zhu Bai's ability, Zhu Yuanzhang was still a little shocked when he saw this scene.

As expected of his little Twelve, he is simply a living god.

"This elixir is called the Life-Extending Pill. After taking this elixir, you can extend your life for several years." Zhu Bai said.

Lao Zhu took it with one hand and looked at the elixir.

Queen Ma asked: "Is this elixir really that powerful? How many years can it last?"

Zhu Bai said with a smile: "It can last for more than 60 years."

What the fuck? !
Lao Zhu was holding the elixir. When he heard Zhu Bai's words, he was so frightened that he almost dropped the elixir on the ground.

He looked at Zhu Bai in shock.

Not only him, but also Queen Ma and Zhu Biao. Why haven't they heard that Zhu Biao also has such a pill?
Zhu Bai just smiled and said nothing.

"I'm right, take it quickly, it will be good for you."

Zhu Yuanzhang was a little excited.

Because he knew very well that if he really took this pill, wouldn't it mean that he could live for more than 60 years?

He is now over 60 years old. After taking this elixir, it will not be a problem to live for a hundred years.

Zhu Yuanzhang was slightly excited, but he quickly swallowed it.

Minutes passed by.

Zhu Bai sat aside and said nothing. Only Queen Ma and Zhu Biao looked at Lao Zhu closely.

Time passed by, and he felt refreshed all over. After taking the elixir, he felt full of strength!
Not only that, at this moment, he felt as if he was decades younger.

Zhu Yuanzhang's original white hair has become much darker.

His demeanor also changed.

Queen Ma asked worriedly: "How are you feeling?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "I feel very good, and this elixir is very good. Now I am full of strength."

Zhu Yuanzhang was all shocked. He looked at Zhu Bai with a wicked look in his eyes.

Zhu Bai could never forget this look. His father at that time also looked like this!

As expected of Zhu Yuanzhang, he is a virtuous person no matter what time and space he is in!
Looking at him like this, there is definitely nothing good going on!

"Little Twelve, do you still have this elixir? Give dad another one to try."

Zhu Bo: "..."

I'll kill my own mother.

Dad, be a human being!
How can you take advantage of someone like this?
Zhu Bai said: "Father, there are not many pills left. It's not that my son won't give it to me, but it's that he really can't give it to me."

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."

He coughed slightly, but for now he was content.

Although the current Zhu Yuanzhang is not as young as the 14-year-old Zhu Yuanzhang of Hongwu, he is not much different.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Okay, let's get down to business now. Who do you think you should make the crown prince?"

"Is it true that the fourth child should be made the crown prince?"

Zhu Bai smiled and said: "Dad, you can live for more than 60 years now, why are you so anxious?"

Zhu Yuanzhang rolled his eyes.

As I said, we are not in a hurry, but my sons can't live without me now.

When the time comes, everyone will die, and Lao Zhu will have to experience the white-haired man sending the black-haired man away again.

Zhu Yuanzhang can live now, but it does not mean that his sons can live.

Besides, he also wanted to retreat and take a good rest.

(End of this chapter)

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