Ming Dynasty Zhu Di: I just put on the dragon robe, and my father is here

Chapter 106 Zhu Zhanji: I was on the battlefield with my dad when I was less than 1 year old

Chapter 106 Zhu Zhanji: When I was less than a year old, I went to war with my father
Lao Zhu was not only anxious, but also a little panicked.

If this kid really exposes his dark history, it will really be over.

And no matter what, the matter between him and the fourth lady of Rich Master Liu's family was originally hidden from the light.

Because Lao Zhu has a crush on others and likes them.

When Zhu Bai said this, Lao Zhu became anxious on the spot.

Zhu Bai laughed and took several steps back.

"Dad, it seems that you feel guilty, otherwise you wouldn't be so excited."

Zhu Bai said with a smile.

"You brat, I'm telling you, if you dare to show the scene, I'll kill you."

Zhu Yuanzhang became anxious and even more tempered than his two sons.

Emperor Yong Le: "???"

Zhu Di: "???"

Both their sons were speechless.

Good guy, I can watch my son's ugly things, but I feel guilty as a father.

Ancestors are ancestors, they really know how to play.

They stopped talking and continued to look at the screen.

At this moment, Zhang Yu and others rushed over and were shocked when they saw the madman Zhu Di eating pig food.

"Your Highness!"

They all broke into the pig shed and pulled Zhu Di out.

When the officials smelled this smell, they covered their noses and took several steps back in tacit agreement.

From this point, they have already felt it.

That is this King of Yan Zhu Di, he is probably really crazy.

They had to believe it this time, because this Zhu Di dared to break into the pig shed and even ate pig food.

"Your Highness Prince Yan, what's wrong with you? Why are you doing this..."

Zhang Yu said with some distress.

He couldn't help but be slightly surprised in his heart, and he also admired His Highness quite a bit.

How about they being subordinates, they don't know that His Highness is acting.

But right now, their Highness, Prince Yan, is really fierce, pretending to be crazy and stupid, to this point.

He even dared to break into the pig pen, and he even dared to swallow the pig food.

This Zhu Di is so fierce!

If they hadn't discussed it in advance, they probably wouldn't have been able to believe that Zhu Di was just faking it, and would have thought he was really crazy.

Therefore, they admired King Yan's acting skills even more.

Not to mention them, even Lao Zhu felt inferior when he saw this scene.

He patted his two sons.

"You guys are really capable. If it were us, we would definitely not have the ability like you. This acting is really like it." Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile.

"I said dad, please stop making fun of us."

"Don't look at it. Let's stop looking at it. It's embarrassing to look at it."

Emperor Yongle couldn't hold himself any longer and quickly asked Zhu Bai to stop.

"Yes, Zhang Ke needs to take a closer look. We want to see how our fourth child deceived Jianwen."

Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile, he didn't think so.

"You can't say that. No matter what, the fourth brother is doing this to survive. How dare he, a prince, to rebel? He was forced to do so."

Zhu Bai couldn't stand it anymore and came to the rescue of his fourth brother!

"Okay, we don't blame him. As a younger brother, you are quite sensible."

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head. He looked at Zhu Di at this time in the picture again, feeling more or less distressed.

"Forget it, if that's the case, let's not look at it now. In fact, we want to see how Zhu Gaochi defends Beiping."

Zhu Yuanzhang said suddenly.

After listening to his words, Zhu Bai also nodded.

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll let you guys take a look."

Zhu Bai smiled slightly and waved his hand again.

The scene in front of him also changed a lot. Then, when he saw Zhu Di in Beiping City at this moment, he no longer looked as crazy as before.

Now Zhu Di is wearing a battle armor. In front of him are his wife and his eldest son Zhu Gaochi.

But looking at the meaning of King Yan Zhu Di at this moment, it is obvious that he has something to do.

"Li Jinglong's army has already reached the city. At this time, I will ask you to defend the city. Are you sure?"

Zhu Di looked at his son.

This big fat man who had always been obedient had a firm look on his face, and he had no intention of backing down.

How could the Crown Prince of Yan, who could become the crown prince of the Ming Dynasty and be favored by Zhu Yuanzhang, be the kind of person who shrinks back?

Even if he doesn't become the prince now, even if he guards Beiping in the future, he will be no worse than his father.

Zhu Gaochi nodded vigorously: "Dad, don't worry, I will never let you down."


When Emperor Yongle saw this scene, he was slightly silent. He had underestimated his son from beginning to end.

Even though there was no calamity in front of him, he did not expect his son to be so courageous.

"Fourth brother, you have a good son." Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at him.

Emperor Yongle didn't say a word at this moment, but his expression was a little complicated.

Because he knew very well that his father was right.

He does have a good son.


Zhu Di looked at his son again.

"Good boy, you have to remember."

"No matter what, you have to hold on until winter. As soon as my reinforcements arrive, I will definitely fight to the death with Li Jinglong!"

Zhu Di patted his son. This was the first time that he had placed such a big responsibility on his son.

For King Yan, he had no other choice. The only way to fight Li Jinglong to the death was to go to Daning and borrow the three guards of Duoyan.

Now the only choice is to let his eldest son guard Beiping City.

Zhu Gaochi cupped his hands again, his face as firm as his father's.

"My son takes orders!"

"As long as I am here, Beiping will be there!"

King Yan Zhu Di looked deeply at his son, and then without saying a word, he saw him get on his horse and turned directly to Daning!
He wants to borrow Duoyan Sanwei!
This is his only chance to turn over the cards.


Zhu Yuanzhang and others all saw this scene, and they were also looking forward to it, that is, how Zhu Gaochi defended the city!


The army led by Zhu Di began to set off.

Zhu Gaochi and his younger brother Zhu Gaochi were all guarding the city.

At this moment, in front of Li Zhengmen, Zhu Gaochi was wearing a battle armor. Although he looked chubby, he was not weak at all.

"Where is my son?" he suddenly asked.

Zhu Gaochi: "Brother, my nephew is still young. What do you want him to do?" Zhu Gaochi didn't say anything. He sent someone to bring Zhang's mother and son over.

Mrs. Zhang's eyes were red. She looked at Zhu Gaochi and wondered why he wanted to ask their mother and son to come here.

Zhang: “What are you going to do?”

Zhu Gaochi didn't say anything, and took the child directly from Zhang's arms, and then came to the highest place of Li's main gate.


Zhu Yuanzhang and others were dumbfounded.

"What are you going to do, brat? What is he doing with our eldest grandson?" Zhu Di's face also changed somewhat.

His eldest grandson, looking at the current situation, was born not long ago, but now he is being held by Zhu Gaochi like this.

Zhu Yuanzhang took a deep breath.

"Good boy!"

"We underestimated Gao Chi. He wants to use the whole family to boost morale."

"After all, Beiping City is in danger. At this time, the morale of the military in Beiping City is unstable. He wants to use his life and that of his son to defend the entire Beiping City."

When Lao Zhu saw this, he was moved.

Neither Emperor Yongle nor Zhu Di spoke. They only felt that their breathing was a little short.

This is simply too exciting. Who could have imagined that Zhu Gaochi's defense of Beiping Mansion would be so tragic.

"This battle is not easy to win. I'm afraid that even if Gao Chi wins this battle, it will be a miserable defeat."

Emperor Yongle's eyes flickered, feeling very distressed.

But his son was able to do this, which already made him very happy.


Zhu Gaochi held his son in his arms, his eyes full of doting.

But this look soon became firm, and he looked at all the soldiers in Peiping.

Mrs. Zhang was no longer calm. How could she not see that Zhu Gaochi wanted to use their son to appease the people.

"Your Highness, this is our son."

"You have to think about it."

At that time, he was about to pounce, but Zhu Gaochi called out to Zhu Gaoxu.

"Stop your sister-in-law."

At this moment, Zhu Gaoxu felt that his eldest brother was great.

He also gritted his teeth and pulled his sister-in-law.

Zhu Gaochi's eyes were a little sad, but he quickly endured it.

In a situation like this, he could only stand up and risk his own son.

Zhu Zhanji is very young now, but he was very good today and did not cry.

This made Zhu Gaochi's heart melt.

But he also knew it was time to make the final decision.

He looked at all the soldiers and finally raised his son high.

"This is my son Zhu Zhanji."

"Today we, father and son, are guarding the city together."

"If the city of Beiping is destroyed today, we, father and son, will die here together."

His operation resonated with many soldiers. They picked up their weapons and shouted at the same time.

"To live and die together, to live and die together!"

The morale of all the soldiers in Beiping City was extremely high.


Zhu Yuanzhang and others were moved when they saw it.

They all held their breath and said no more words.


"Your Highness, this is your son, he is still so young!" Ms. Zhang cried like a child.

Zhu Gaochi was unmoved, he just waved his hand.

"Come on!"

"Take her down to me!"

Mrs. Zhang was pulled down.

Zhu Gaochi didn't speak. He just stared closely at his son in his arms, and then at all the soldiers.

At this moment, Zhu Gaoxu looked deeply at his elder brother.

Perhaps from this moment on, he realized how amazing his elder brother was.

A fierce battle was about to take place, and countless soldiers began to guard Beiping City, waiting for Zhu Di's reinforcements.

this night.

Zhu Gaochi looked at Zhu Zhanji in the cradle and couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Zhan Ji, you have to believe in your father, and you will be able to defend the city of Beiping."

"This Beiping City is guarded for you."


Zhu Yuanzhang sighed.

"Zhu Di has a good son."

He didn't know how many times he repeated this sentence, and it took him a long time to react.

But it is undeniable that he likes Zhu Gaochi from the bottom of his heart.

He looked at Emperor Yongle.

"Fortunately, we are here this time. If we had not come, it would have been another tragic battle. By then, I am afraid it will be even more tragic than in this picture."

Zhu Yuanzhang said softly, but actually he felt a sense of fear in his heart.

Thanks to Zhu Bai and thanks to him taking Lao Zhu in time, they came to Jianwen Dynasty.

Otherwise, he knew very well how tragic the series of rebellions would be when Jianwen cut down the vassal vassal and King Yan rebelled.

Everyone else nodded.

"It's a pity for the second brother. At this time, he was quite convinced by his elder brother, but later it was completely different. He was fighting to the death for the throne."

Emperor Yongle was worried.

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly: "Isn't it because of you that you kept fighting with him during the Battle of Jingnan? Otherwise, he would have such ambitions?"

Emperor Yongle also felt guilty.

He looked at Zhu Zhanji in the picture. This child was just born and followed his father to the battlefield.

The reinforcements from King Yan Zhu Di arrived quickly and directly repelled Li Jinglong.

Zhu Bai smiled slightly: "Fourth brother is quite capable, and after he became the emperor, he would not forget about eating pig food, and even showed off to all the officials."

Holy shit! !
Both Emperor Yongle and the others couldn't hold back their expressions. How come this guy couldn't avoid eating pig food with just a few words?

"Really?" Zhu Yuanzhang smiled.

"That's true, but no matter what, it doesn't matter that a man can bend and stretch. After all, being an emperor has to do things that ordinary people cannot do."

Zhu Bai nodded slightly.

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(End of this chapter)

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