When people were in Qin, the advantage was mine

Chapter 71 Jing Ke is here, Jing Ke is lying down

Chapter 71 Jing Ke is here, Jing Ke is lying down


Less than a hundred meters away from the big tent, a young man holding a long sword was being surrounded by heavily armed Qin troops.

A spear plus a shield versus a dagger. Facts have proved that every inch longer means every inch stronger.

"Looks like he's a fool."

Seeing Jing Ke surrounded by shield soldiers and spear soldiers, unable to even escape, Ying Chen lost interest.

Sure enough, he is still a little kid, and he dares to break into the army and rescue people by himself?

This is not bravery, just pure idiocy.


Seeing Gongsun Yu being held hostage by the Qin army, Jing Ke found the opportunity and stabbed Ying Chen, who was dressed differently but obviously of high status.


Everyone was stunned, and the sergeants who originally surrounded Jing Ke looked at this young man with a stupid mind.

Can't you see that we deliberately made way for you?
Jing Ke's speed was pretty good, but at a distance of nearly twenty steps, it would be a lie to say that these strictly trained soldiers couldn't react.

Moreover, the current Jing Ke is not yet the top assassin who can achieve a decisive kill in ten steps in the future. Now, a decisive kill in five steps is barely possible, and twenty steps is far beyond his limit.

Under the eyes of everyone who seemed to be looking at a weakling, Jing Ke resolutely rushed towards Ying Chen, probably intending to kidnap Ying Chen and escape intact.


With a crisp big mouth, the moment he approached Ying Chen, Jing Ke was directly knocked away. He turned three and a half times in the air and lay peacefully on the ground.

"Has he always been so brave?" Ying Chen looked at Gongsun Yu in confusion.

"Doesn't he know who I am?"

In recent years, under the operation of Lord Xinling, his reputation and force have been demonized, especially the force. At that time, he clearly just removed the city gate of Handan, but now the rumors are getting more and more evil. Some even said that he broke the city gate with one punch.

To be honest, he didn't know he was so awesome.

He was swinging a heavy halberd weighing hundreds of kilograms and smashing it for a long time, but he could only break open the joints of the city gate. Smashing the city gate with his bare hands?Is your brain going crazy?Should the person who said this first see how big the city gate of Handan is?
Still broken?
"You are a stubborn villain, please forgive me Lord Luoyang!" Gongsun Yu knelt down in panic.

Assassinating the king of a country is a capital crime!
"Whether or not you forgive me depends on his own performance." Ying Chen said.

He has encountered many assassinations since he was a child, but most people would be chopped into pieces by the snares if they were five steps away from him. In recent years, the snares have not followed him as much as before, but at least so far, they have not Assassins who can get within five steps of him, after all, the Frightened Salamander is not a decoration.

Today, Jing Ke had close contact with him, which can be regarded as breaking a record.

No, where's the Salamander?

Only then did Ying Chen realize, where had the Jing Salamander who had been following him gone?

"Uncle, Jing Shao is looking for Gongsun Li." Cheng Jiao seemed to have figured out who Ying Chen was looking for, and spoke up in time.

"When? No, who asked her to go?" Ying Chen asked.


Cheng Jiao's face froze.

Good guy, he seems to be in trouble again...

"You really didn't go to bed for three days!"

You can even fake military orders!

"Your Majesty, I..."

Jing Salamander, who returned to the big tent with a little girl, saw the fat man with a swollen face turning into a charming girl, and he reacted instantly.

She was deceived by Cheng Jiao!

However, Gongsun Li is a child, which suits Ying Chen's taste. Moreover, there is no need for Ying Chen to come in person for the sake of a mere Wei Kingdom that has been captured. Therefore, besides this little girl, even she can't think of anything else. Reason!
"Do you have any misunderstanding about me?" Ying Chen asked.

"I..." Frightened Salamander was speechless.

Doesn't Ying Chen just like little girls?
She was asked to be by her side when she was a little girl, and now Duan Murong and Xue Nu are also little girls.

"Don't make your own decisions, okay?" Ying Chen looked helpless.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me." Jing Salamander bowed his head and knelt down.

"Stand up, you are not guilty." Ying Chen interrupted.

"Don't do this next time. I didn't say anything, so don't think nonsense."

"Yes." Jing Salaman stood up and pointed at Gongsun Li, who looked unyielding beside him, somewhat at a loss.

"Then do you want this?" "..." Ying Chen.

Did you do it on purpose?

The news that the Wei State was destroyed soon spread, and the Wei State, which was still hesitating whether to send reinforcements to help, no longer had to hesitate, but at the same time, they also needed to face another problem.

The Kingdom of Wei is destroyed, will it be the Kingdom of Wei next?
When the Qin army sent troops to attack the Wei State, it was not unthinkable within the court that the Qin State was trying to cut off the connection between Zhao and Wei and attack them separately, but they knew it was useless.

The State of Zhao almost launched troops against the State of Yan at the same time as the State of Qin. It makes no sense to say that the two countries had not discussed it. Moreover, even if the State of Wei was destroyed, the greatest threat was not to the State of Zhao, but to the State of Wei. .

Therefore, the State of Wei has been hesitant to send troops to help the State of Wei. After all, the State of Wei is their vassal state, and even this small country is equivalent to a county of the State of Qin to the State of Wei.

The Qin State did not destroy the Wei State, but took away a county from the Wei State!

Unfortunately, King Wei was seriously ill during this period and was unable to make a decision. Prince Zeng did not dare to go to war with Qin easily. After all, King Wei was stimulated by the Qin-Wei war a few months ago and became what he is now. , what if he goes to war with Qin and cannot defeat it?
He is the prince, but he is not the only prince!
King Wei is seriously ill and he cannot do anything that may shake his position. Otherwise, his brothers will be ready to snatch his throne at any time!

King Wei's bedroom.

Almost at the same time that the Wei Kingdom was declared destroyed, the seriously ill King Wei woke up.

Coincidentally, on the first day when the Qin army sent troops, the King of Wei fell into a state of half-consciousness, and on the first day after the Wei Kingdom was destroyed, the King of Wei regained his consciousness.

"How is Gu's health?" The first time King Wei woke up, he asked the imperial doctor about his condition.

"Your Majesty, joy hurts your heart, and anger hurts your liver. You have experienced too much joy and anger over the years, too frequently. Now..." The imperial doctor did not dare to finish telling the truth.

To be honest, when King Wei fell into a coma before, he didn't expect that King Wei could wake up again!

But this is by no means a good thing, come back and shine again!
Based on his medical knowledge, King Wei would definitely not survive more than a month!
There is even a possibility of sudden death at any time!
"I know."

Looking at the imperial doctor's face, King Wei roughly guessed the answer.

"Go back."

After saying that, King Wei winked at a beautiful man waiting at the collapse and closed his eyes.

Longyang Jun, who had spent time with the Wei Dynasty, understood what the Wei Dynasty meant and followed the imperial physician out of the inner palace.

"Prince, I heard that the Wei Kingdom was destroyed." King Wei opened his eyes and looked at Prince Zeng who was waiting on the other side.

"Father, the State of Qin is moving too fast, and you are not awake yet, so I dare not make any decisions on my own." Prince Zeng said in a deep voice.

"Is that so..." King Wei was not surprised by the prince's inaction.

Even if the prince rashly decides to send troops to go to war with Qin and wants to make achievements, it will be troublesome.

"What do you think of the situation in the court?" King Wei asked.

"My son, I dare not speak nonsense." Prince Zeng lowered his head.

King Wei stretched out his hand to hold Prince Zeng's shoulder, "Sikong Wei Yong, and your uncle Wei Wuji, who do you think you can trust?"


"Sikong!" Prince Zeng said in a deep voice.

"Why?" There was no emotion on King Wei's face.

"I can't see through him." Prince Zeng raised his head and looked directly into King Wei's eyes.

"Sikong is greedy for power, and I am confident that I can control him, but Uncle Wang, I don't know what he wants."

"...You are right." King Wei sighed deeply.

His son really has the same temperament as him.

The reason why he could never really trust his younger brother was not because he was afraid of Wei Wuji's rebellion as the outside world said, but because he couldn't see through this younger brother!
If you can't see through it, it will be unstable and unstable. How can you trust it?
"Be careful of your Uncle Wang, but Sikong, don't let him get too presumptuous." King Wei said.

Sikong Wei Yong secretly eliminated dissidents. He knew about this, but he did not stop it or expose it, because what Wei Yong eliminated were all Wei Wuji's gang members, which was exactly what he wanted to do.

To be honest, Wei Yong is really good at guessing people's hearts. That guy didn't kill randomly, but chose to kill those who he, the King of Wei, was unhappy with. This kind of ability to guess people's hearts is really terrifying.

But this kind of villain is also the king's favorite, because they will not disobey the king's orders and are the most obedient dogs. They are more obedient and easier to use than those loyal ministers who claim to be gentlemen.

"Don't let any of them have obvious advantages or disadvantages, otherwise, you will have a very difficult time." King Wei urged.

To be honest, if there was no one available in the Wei Kingdom at this time, he would even want to leave with his younger brother. Otherwise, if Wei Wuji had second thoughts, his son would not be able to fight.

"Remember, my son."

"and also……"

The King of Wei, whose time was running out, entrusted Prince Zeng with all the secrets he had in the court, the handles of the clan, and the name of an important official in the court he could trust. This was also the last time he, the King of Wei, What can be done...

(End of this chapter)

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