Chapter 39


"Also, it seems that this uncle made the paper, Quyuanli, and the glass cups and cups that were brought to the palace as tribute when I left the King of Chu's Palace?" Mi Hua asked curiously.

"It's true that he led the public losers to create it, but..."

Seeing the curiosity on Mi Hua's face, Hua Yang was a little worried.

"Hua'er, he is your uncle, please don't..."

"Auntie, you are thinking too much." Mi Hua interrupted quickly.

"I'm just curious, and someone asked me to ask."

"I ask you?" Hua Yang was stunned.

There seems to be no princess of the right age among the Chu clan, right?

Moreover, Ying Chen did not have good relations with the Chu State. The current general of the Chu State, Xiang Yan, took the opportunity to attack Qin after Ying Chen attacked Han three years ago. As a result, he was beaten by Ying Chen, and [-] of his [-]-strong army were beheaded and captured. Twenty thousand yuan was thrown away by Ying Chen to farm in the middle of Shu. If Xiang Yan hadn't run fast, Ying Chen would have gotten it back.

And Ying Chen was able to gain a foothold in the army so quickly, thanks to these opponents. Not only did he destroy the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and occupy the Luoyang fiefdom, but he also later fought with South Korea, defeating [-] to [-] and occupying Xingyang. In a battle with the State of Zhao, [-] people drew with [-] people; in a war with the State of Chu, [-] people defeated [-] people, [-] people were beheaded, and [-] people were captured...

It can be said that Ying Chen’s reputation in the military was given to him by the veteran generals of these countries!
Especially Xiang Yan!He was almost killed by Ying Chen on the battlefield!
Therefore, Ying Chen's reputation in Chu State was not very good, especially among the clan nobles. How could Mi Hua know anyone who inquired about Ying Chen?
"Not from the clan." Mi Hua came closer and said.

"It's the Yin Yang family."

The headquarters of the Yin Yang Family is within the Chu State. Although the Yin Yang Family is not attached to the Chu State, they still have normal communication. Many of the Yin Yang Family's classics and exercises are also derived from Chu legends.

Most obviously, the titles of the leaders of the Yin and Yang family, elders, Donghuang Taiyi, Dongjun, Dasi Ming, and Shao Siming are all derived from Chu mythology.

"Yin Yang family?" Hua Yang was stunned.

After Bai Qi's death, Donghuang Taiyi of the Yin Yang family did appear in Xianyang, but he disappeared soon. There is no news of contact with Ying Chen in these years. However, the Yin Yang family can have contact with Mi Hua. At least he is an elder-level figure...

"Master Yin Yang?" Hua Yang guessed.

She is from the Chu State, so she is naturally particularly concerned about the news about the Chu State. The Yin and Yang family, which is located in the Chu State and is closely related to Chu State's sacrifice matters, will naturally also pay attention to it.

Last year, news came that a genius had emerged from the Yin-Yang family, and he had filled the position of Eastern Lord that had been vacant for many years in the Yin-Yang family. Last year’s sacrificial ceremony in Chu State was held by this new Eastern Lord. In the middle of the year, some people even said that Chu The good weather this year in the country is all due to this genius of the Yin Yang family. After all, sacrificial matters, sensing the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth, praying for blessings and eliminating disasters are very important things for every country, and Qin is no exception.

Of course, Ying Chen, a direct disciple of Master Bei Mingzi of the Taoist Tianzong, knew more about these sacrificial matters. He had complained to her before that the sacrificial ceremony was actually useless.

The so-called sensing the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth, and praying for blessings to eliminate disasters are all deceptive, or to put it nicely, they are just seeking some psychological comfort.

Human power cannot change the operating rules of heaven and earth. At most, it can glimpse some future trajectories through the "deficiency of heaven and earth", which is fortune telling.

Taoism pays attention to complying with the way of heaven, because the way of heaven cannot be violated. This is the basic rule for the operation of all things. However, the Yin and Yang family who pretend to be gods and ghosts seem to have found a way to interfere with this established trajectory without affecting themselves, or in other words, they The divine punishment summoned for disobeying the destiny was transferred out through some method, allowing others to bear this punishment for them.

Therefore, the Yin Yang family and the Tao family, whether it is the Tian sect or the human sect, do not deal with it.

"Yeah." Mi Hua nodded.

"Dong Jun got to know me when the sacrificial ceremony was held last year. When I set off from Chu State a month ago, she heard that I would come to Xianyang, and Luoyang Jun has a relationship with you, so she asked me to help find out. one time."

This is not surprising. After all, Ying Chen has become the focus of the Seven Kingdoms since he forced back the coalition forces led by Lord Xinling. The Quyuan Li released later made the Six Kingdoms seem to only know how to fight and kill this The general he killed gained a new understanding.

Moreover, Lord Xinling, who had been cheated by Ying Chen, after being put under house arrest by the King of Wei, actually admired Ying Chen very much, and told the truth that Ying Chen could have defeated the coalition forces, but because he could not bear the loss of life, he told the truth. As a result, Ying Chen's current reputation in the Six Kingdoms of Shandong is strangely high!

For the sake of the world!
This is Lord Xinling's evaluation of Ying Chen, and what Ying Chen has done in the past few months is indeed well deserved. It is rare for someone to be admired by Lord Xinling, who is his enemy, and Ying Chen is from a tiger and wolf family. General of Qin.

How could it not be curious that a general who killed many people suddenly transformed into a saint who cared about the world?

"Saint?" Hua Yang looked strange.

"Hua'er, you'd better not be deceived. That boy is definitely not the saint he is rumored to be."

"Huh?" Mi Hua was stunned.

"Auntie, doesn't Uncle Chen have a very good relationship with you? How could you be so..."

"I'm not belittling him." Hua Yang paused.

"But... you think of him too noble."

Ying Chen is indeed a kind-hearted person, but he is definitely not the saint that Mi Hua and the outside world think he is!How could a person who could become the biggest fear in the hearts of the desperadoes be the kind of moral role model rumored outside?

Zhan Lu knows, right?A famous sword without any killing intent.

But in Ying Chen's hands, that thing can still erupt with terrifying murderous intent!
As for Ying Chen's explanation for this, there are many kinds of benevolence, and his benevolence may be different from what everyone thinks.

Kill yourself and become benevolent!
This highest principle of Confucian morality originally meant sacrificing oneself to achieve benevolence, but in Ying Chen's case, the meaning of this thing has changed!
Even if I need to kill people, I must fulfill my benevolence!

This is Ying Chen's sacrifice to become a benevolent person!
And the strange thing is that Zhan Lu actually recognized Ying Chen's benevolence!

It's outrageous!
"Um... Auntie, can you tell me what Uncle Chen is really like? I just heard that the King of Qin also respected his uncle very much," Mi Hua said.

"And I can also give an accurate response to my Yin Yang family friend. I feel that she is very interested in this Uncle Chen."

"He..." Huayang couldn't find the right words to accurately describe Ying Chen.

Because Ying Chen is not a bad person, but he is definitely not a good person either!
She watched Ying Chen grow up and was most aware of his changes.

Ying Chen was lazy at the beginning. He was not particularly happy about King Zhao's attention, and even felt a little disgusted. He completed the ten-year course in less than one year, not because of his diligence, but because he wanted to rest!

Because King Zhao promised Ying Chen that he could rest whenever he could finish the ten-year course.

But King Zhao never expected that Ying Chen would finish learning in less than a year!

King Zhao was helpless. Although he was a shameless king outside, he could not break his promise to his grandson. Therefore, when Ying Chen was six years old, he began to live openly and peacefully.

Of course, it doesn't count as lying down, because Ying Chen is particularly interested in martial arts!
Practicing martial arts is very hard. External skills require getting up early and working late, and internal skills require day and night. Even a genius needs to persist for ten years. But Ying Chen, who is good both internally and externally... I don't know how he can be so good. The biggest motivation, even now, is that when he is not fighting, he spends most of his time practicing in seclusion and comprehending his way of heaven and earth.

It was also because of this strong interest in martial arts that Ying Chen was almost deceived by Tianzong's Bei Mingzi. The good young master of Qin almost went to the mountains to become a savage!

However, after Changping, Ying Chen became different from before. The lazy feeling disappeared and was replaced by an indescribable... righteousness!
It was also from that time that Zhanlu, the sword of benevolence, could entangle murderous intent.

After Bai Qi's death, Ying Chen's temperament changed again and became duller.

Later, after Ying Chen's mother, grandmother, and Prince Zhao and Prince Xiaowen passed away, Ying Chen's temperament became unpredictable.

From laziness at the beginning, to steadyness, then to dullness, to now...

"He is a complex person, but he lives a simple life." Hua Yang concluded.

"In other words, he knows exactly what he wants."

"In the words of Taoism...useless things can be of great use."

"What he did was just for fun, for the sake of doing it, not for the result."

"So, what you see, he looks like a saint, but in fact, he is not doing it for those things, he is just doing it because...he is happy, he is doing it for himself."


"Can't understand?"

Seeing Mi Hua's dumb look, Hua Yang was a little amused.

"Hmm..." Mi Hua nodded, she really didn't understand.

"Actually, I don't really understand either." Hua Yang said helplessly.

"However, his character was too deeply influenced by Taoist thought. Therefore, both King Zhao and King Xiaowen regretted allowing that old man from Tianzong Beimingzi to come into contact with Ying Chen."

"However, I feel that this child... is still a child."

Ying Chen has learned a lot of great principles, but he doesn't have the maturity of a scholar.

It’s the kind of arrogance that makes you think you understand everything after reading a few books.

Ying Chen is still the same Ying Chen as before. He has indeed learned a lot, but he does not feel that the things he has learned are right and true.

Even now, he is still practicing, feeling, and... learning.

(End of this chapter)

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