Perfect World: The Holy Spirit of Perfection is actually myself

Chapter 241 The gate to the fairyland opens

Chapter 241 The gate to the fairyland opens


That is to say, a few months after Jin Sheng brought Shi Hao, Shi Yi and the two golden burial men to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, on a certain stretch of desolate and scorched earth outside the wilderness, ten-color fairy flowers suddenly appeared. Emerging from the void.

At the beginning, there was only a little light, just like a candle lit on a bright sunny day. It was not dazzling, and even seemed very dull, unable to attract the attention of living beings.

But this light is constantly expanding at a slow and steady speed. At first it is just a small point in the void, and then gradually grows larger, turning into a ball of fire that illuminates the darkness, and turns into a beacon to guide the lost, and finally It is like a sun with ten colors, shining on this land that has been trampled by the iron hooves of foreign lands.


Finally one day, this brilliant and bright light group exploded like a big sun, and the ten-colored fairy light surged like a vast ocean, shining in the extremely distant void. Even the distant Bianhuangdi Pass, there were many veterans. Stop and be attracted by the ten colors of light.

"That's an immortal book!"

A veteran stationed here opened his eyes and looked at the splendid ten-color brilliance in the distance, and found that it seemed to be an unfolded book with seal characters older than the years, shining down billions of rays of light!

"The aura of the Immortal is too strong! Could it be that the Immortal King's weapon was born?"

A powerful gatekeeper said to himself that there was never a shortage of Immortal King artifacts in both the Bianhuang Emperor Pass and the original Imperial City. Although they were shocked by the power of the ancient artifact, they were not panicked. After all, it was the aura of the Immortal. Stained with darkness and uncertainty, they share the same origin.

"No! It's a decree! A decree from the Immortal Realm!"

It was not until a long time later that there was a sigh above the Imperial Pass. A middle-aged lady wearing golden clothes was standing at the highest point of the Imperial Pass. Jin Taijun held the Fengwu Immortal King Qin in his arms, staring at the high Xianjian, suspended in the void, spoke out.



As if to answer the words of Jin Taijun, an immortal creature, the thing shrouded in ten-colored light in the distance burst out with a thunderous light that resounded throughout the world. Then, the treasure mirror that seemed to be made of gold and jade unfolded, and it looked like Jin Taijun. What he said was a majestic decree from the Immortal Realm.

"All living beings receive the decree!"

As soon as this decree with ten colors of light was unfolded, a grand and majestic aura filled the air, but in an instant, such an ancient scroll appeared above nine high heavens, ten ancient lands, and nineteen heavens. .

Throughout the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, from the smallest villages to the most majestic immortal palaces, countless practitioners and ordinary creatures raised their heads, and then lowered their heads deeply to worship the Immortal Realm's decree with the flowing immortal light.

Even in many ancient immortal families that have been passed down for more than an era, there are elders who stand up and look at the decree in the distance with a look of disbelief on their faces, and their hands are shaking with excitement.

The decree of the Immortal Realm represents the will of the entire Immortal Realm, which carries the magic power and will of too many supreme beings. Even in the Immortal Realm, it is the most respected thing.

"Pass this order to the kings of the Immortal Realm and the kings of the Nine Heavens!"

Soon, a broader and more surging wave of will was like a huge tidal wave, washing out from the ten-color gleaming decree. In just a few quarters of an hour, it had already echoed in every inch of the nine heavens and ten earths.

There is no need to doubt that this Immortal Domain Law is the real weapon of the Immortal King. It is said to be the remnant weapon of a certain supreme being in the Emperor's Fall Period. It was continuously repaired and refined by the Immortal King of later generations, and it was forged into such a weapon that is enough to become an Immortal. The treasure of domain face! However, it is not only the majesty of this Immortal Realm decree that shocks all beings in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but the content it conveys also makes the hearts of many beings in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths throb!

Many powerful men at the supreme level reluctantly raised their heads, stared at the majestic decree, and found that there were dozens of huge names on it. Each real name flowed with the power of the Immortal King level, representing the Immortal King's power. Will and power.

On it, in addition to the real names of many immortal kings such as Qi Yu, Pan Wang, Hunyuan, and Wu Jin, there are also names that shine with various colors such as Tai Cang, Zhen Long, and the Immortal Monk King. These names are different from those The Immortal King's true name stands side by side, all above that decree.

"From today on, the Nine Heavens and the Immortal Realm are connected, and the Immortal Gates of the two realms are wide open. All non-dark creatures can enter!"

Before many powerful supreme beings could react, the third wave of vast majesty radiated from the Immortal Realm's decree again, with an unquestionable domineering and majestic tone, in the ears of billions of creatures in the nine heavens and ten earths. It rang.


At this moment, countless pairs of eyes filled with incredible expressions looked at the decree in the sky. They were confused at first, and then showed extremely incredible expressions.

The days when the Immortal Realm was separated from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were actually going to end on this day!

This news is so intense and sudden that the first impression of all the powerful people in the sky and on the ancient earth is that they are confused. Many creatures do not even know what the connection between the Immortal Realm and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths means!



In contrast, in the depths of many ancient heavens and earth, in the no-man's land where ordinary creatures dare not approach, many old men laughed with tears and trembled their hands as they identified the words in the decree one by one. In writing, I am afraid that if a word is omitted, the meaning of the Immortal Kings will be misunderstood.

Even the owners of the restricted area, who were usually aloof and secluded from the world, rarely showed up at this time. They stood at the highest point of the restricted area and studied the decree with great seriousness.

These creatures are all strong men in the Immortal Realm. An era ago, they came from their homeland and fought side by side with the local strong men in the primitive ancient world. They shed too much blood, shed too much sweat, and possess immeasurable military exploits.

But when the primitive ancient world was about to be completely defeated, they were stabbed in the back by the people in power in their homeland, accused of being stained with darkness, and completely abandoned by the fairyland and the homeland they missed and loved deeply.

"It's time to go home!"

In the Qingwei sky, in an ancient restricted area of ​​life called Luo Xian Valley, an old bird with a deep and unusual aura, which almost achieved the status of Immortal King, sighed. It had lost one of its wings and half of its beak. Shi was staring into the distance, muddy old tears flowing down from the corners of his eyes.

In that direction, in the illusive and chaotic mist, a familiar and majestic fairy city was appearing. The fairy city was filled with so brilliant light that it made the old bird fairy close his eyes slightly.

"Homeland! Hometown!".

At the same time, outside the border wilderness, in an extremely vast bloody wasteland, a soft sigh suddenly came from the scene, as if it was sighing for itself, and it also seemed to be sighing for the past.

A coffin made of immortal wood soared into the sky from an extremely secret altar somewhere, and then exploded directly. The fragments turned into essence, all gathered together, and transformed into a beautiful woman who walked out of the coffin.

She ignored everything, just looked forward, stepped forward step by step, passed the familiar imperial gate, and disappeared into the fairyland.

(End of this chapter)

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