Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 990 Half-step holy cursed creature

Chapter 990 Half-step holy cursed creature
Lin Tian continued to fly in the direction recorded on the map.

Because of the presence of Ji Dao Black Stone, Lin Tian flew ten times faster than his original speed!
So the flight speed is extremely fast!

After Lin Tian continued to fly for a while, Lin Tian approached a black ocean!

When Lin Tian saw this black ocean from a distance, he already had a bad premonition, because he felt a very terrifying existence in this black ocean!
Not only that, he also sensed the breath of many powerful cursed creatures!The breath of these cursed creatures moves from time to time in this black ocean, looking for prey!

Lin Tian took out the map and checked it out.

I know that this black ocean is called the Black Soul Sea. It is recorded on the map that there are many extremely powerful cursed creatures in the Black Soul Sea. In addition, there is a very terrifying half-step holy-level existence sleeping!

The existence of half a step to the holy level!
Lin Tian didn't want to disturb such a terrifying existence!

After all, the purpose of his entry into the Forbidden God Ruins this time was to find the semi-sacred medicine. The destination was still a long way from here, and he didn't have the energy to waste time here.

Afterwards, Lin Tian restrained his breath and circled the sea of ​​black souls according to the direction recorded on the map.

Just after Lin Tian walked around from the Black Soul Sea, Lin Tian saw several extremely powerful cursed creatures walking past his original direction!

Lin Tian responded calmly and continued to fly forward.

On the way of Lin Tian's flight, he passed through a lot of dangerous places!

However, Lin Tian had two maps in his hands, but he avoided all these dangerous places!
In addition, Lin Tian also encountered some cursed creatures with low strength and low price along the way, and all of them beheaded.

With two maps in hand, coupled with Lin Tian's own powerful strength, and his flying speed ten times higher than before, Lin Tian has never encountered any danger since he entered the Forbidden God Market!

After Lin Tian continued to fly in the chaos for a long time, he finally reached his destination.

It is also the location of the semi-sacred medicine recorded in the map he bid for in the Yuanmeng auction!


After arriving at the destination, Lin Tian didn't look excited at all.

On the contrary, he looked very gloomy!even annoyed!
Especially when he saw the mountain not far away, Lin Tian's expression became even more gloomy!

Because, he knew that he was being tricked by others!

Although the map he bid for in the Yuanmeng auction, after his trip to the Forbidden God Ruins, he can also confirm that the map is real!

Even the semi-sacred medicine in the map is real!
Today, Lin Tian can already see a plant on the mountain not far away. Although he can't name it, he can recognize it at a glance as a semi-sacred medicine.

But, even so, Lin Tian was still very angry!
Because the Da Luo Daozu who sold the map never mentioned the matter of the cursed creatures from beginning to end!
If it was said that Lin Tian saw countless cursed creatures after entering the Forbidden God Market, he didn't take it seriously. After all, the level of those cursed creatures was too low, and Lin Tian could easily crush them!

But now, Lin Tian is very angry!
Because at the destination of his trip, there was a cursed creature at the semi-holy level!
This time.Lin Tian's destination was a black mountain peak not far in front of him. On this black mountain peak grew a dark plant!
And this dark plant exudes a supreme aura, which is the semi-sacred medicine that Lin Tian is looking for!
However, Lin Tian does not know the name of this semi-sacred medicine.

However, Lin Tian was certain that this semi-sacred medicine was not yet mature.

It was also at this time that Lin Tian finally understood why there was a semi-sacred medicine here, but no one came to pick it!
If it is said, this semi-sacred medicine can attract countless strong people to come and fight for it.

Then on the mountain where this semi-sacred medicine is located, the cursed creature that has reached the semi-sacred level is the key to restraining all the powerhouses from wanting to pick this semi-sacred medicine!
There is a cursed creature at the half-sacred level near this half-sacred medicine, what other strong people dare to come and pick this half-sacred medicine?

Unless it is a powerful holy!

There are too few holiest in the universe!
Among the three universes, the Eternal Universe, the Dragon Stone Universe, and the Blood Cloud Universe, there is only the Eternal Holy One!
Moreover, even if the Holy One comes, facing an immortal and immortal semi-holy level cursed creature, it will have a headache.

and so.

When he saw that there was a cursed creature of the semi-sacred level on the black mountain growing this semi-sacred medicine, Lin Tian was furious!

If he knew that there were half-holy-level cursed creatures near this semi-holy medicine, he would never bid on this map!

But at this time, Lin Tian had no choice but to look at the half-sacred cursed creature.

This cursed creature, a snake-like cursed creature, was sleeping at this time.

Even so, Lin Tian didn't dare to rush into this black mountain to pick up the semi-sacred medicine!
Because, this semi-holy level snake-like cursed creature directly released his domain when it was sleeping!
His field is very wide!

The pale black field shrouded the entire black mountain!

Everything on this black mountain is shrouded in his domain!

And that half-sacred medicine is in the center of the realm released by this half-step holy-level cursed creature!

If you want to enter the mountain, you must enter the realm of this semi-holy level cursed creature.

At that time, this cursed creature will definitely be awakened!

And once this cursed creature wakes up, Lin Tian will not have the chance to pick up this semi-sacred medicine!

Lin Tian checked the map he bought, and the map showed that this place was an extremely dangerous area!
"My strength is still a little short of half a step from the Holy Spirit. Is it possible that I gave up like this? If you let me know who the person who sent the map is, I will definitely destroy him!"

After all, this trip to the Forbidden God Ruins, he can be said to be miserable!
However, since he has spent so much energy and time to get here, Lin Tian is not willing to return empty-handed!

(End of this chapter)

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