Chapter 95 Rune Weapons!

The runes in the era of mechanical civilization are not many, very rare, but every rune word can burst out terrifying power, but the power of simple runes is only a few tenths or even one ten thousandth of real runes. .

The control of simple runes is not difficult, even the awakened ones in the blood exchange realm are likely to create rune weapons.

First of all, the Awakened must learn simple runes. This is the most basic one. If you don't know anything about runes, won't you be blind?

Learn simple runes and then learn to inscribe, inscribe simple runes on weapons.

This step requires a certain talent and inscription skills.

The real rune inscription is to use the rules to inscribe, and the recommended rune inscription is to use the blood of the monster, and use the inscription pen to smear the blood of the monster to inscribe the weapon. Once the inscription is successful, the simple rune will be easy for the weapon. , increase the weapon's weapon and make it into a rune weapon with various special effects.

Rune weapons can be divided into grade [-] rune weapons to grade [-] rune weapons.

Among them, the ninth grade rune weapon is the lowest, and the first grade rune weapon is the highest.

But in fact, there are weapons that are lower than the ninth-grade rune weapon, that is, the inferior rune weapon. This is a weapon that failed to refine, but some can be used once or twice. After one or two times, the rune disappears and changes. into an ordinary weapon.

However, even for defective rune weapons, the price has always been high. Without more than 1000 stars, one cannot buy a defective rune weapon, and the price of ninth-grade rune weapons has always been [-] stars. coins and even tens of thousands of star coins.

"Strange, Xinghe University has never heard of a department that refines rune weapons. Why did you suddenly release an S-level mission to refine rune weapons?"

Xiao Xiner muttered.

She didn't know that this task was completely caused by her, which allowed Galaxy University to obtain a rune project in cooperation with the Ancient Script Research Association, and now the rune project is officially launched.

Principal Feng Bai took the opportunity to release this task, which was regarded as a precautionary shot for the start of the rune project.

As for whether there are students who can learn runes to refine rune weapons, that's not very important, at least let many students know that Galaxy University can refine rune weapons.

As soon as this S-level mission was released, many students were ready to get in touch with some simple runes, and even wanted to learn simple runes.

But there are very few places where you can learn simple runes. Before, Galaxy University did not have the conditions for learning. You can only learn rune knowledge by going to a special rune institution.

But on the day the S-level rune task was released, Galaxy University added a rune course to explain the rune learning process and refining process in detail.

However, if you want to learn this course, you must accept the S-rank rune quest.

From learning to refining rune weapons, this is an incredible challenge for many students in one month.

Many students didn't want to complete the task, but wanted to learn runes, so they took up the task.

Even if the mission fails after a month, they can at least learn a few simple runes, which will be good for them to brag about in the future.

As a result, many students began to take this S-level mission and apply for rune courses on StarNet.

"Xin'er, you can also take this quest, and then teach me about runes. I'm also very interested in simple runes." Lin Tian suggested.

"Well, I'm also going to apply for the rune course. Mastering one more knowledge will be helpful for future cultivation."

Xiao Xiner nodded.

Immediately, Xiao Xiner accepted the S-level rune mission and then signed up for the rune course.The rune knowledge taught in this rune course is provided by the Ancient Text Research Association. It is relatively complete and simple rune knowledge. From learning rune knowledge to refining rune weapons, it has everything you need and is of very high value.

Of course, this course teaches runes with relatively low power, and the method of refining rune weapons is relatively simple, at most, only five-rank rune weapons can be refined.

As for the more advanced rune weapon refining method and the more advanced simple runes, the Ancient Script Research Association is not open to Earth Galaxy University for the time being. Rune weapons to rank five rune weapons.

"A lot of simple rune words!"

Xiao Xiner studied the rune course in the star network, and the rune course was divided into stages.

Each stage of the rune course needs to be learned step by step. After learning the content of each stage, a small test will be carried out. Only after passing the test can you learn the knowledge of the next stage.

It is not allowed to study all the rune lessons at one time.

If you want to learn a complete rune course, you must study hard.

And Xiao Xiner's memory and comprehension are terrifying, and she can easily learn it after reading one stage of the course.

In less than half a day, Xiao Xiner completed all the rune courses, and firmly memorized hundreds of simple runes, as well as the meanings and refining methods of simple runes.

But this is just to remember that real refining requires practical operation.

Principal's office.

Principal Feng Bai got the news that Xiao Xiner completed all rune courses and applied for refining requirements.

"It's all over, this comprehension and speed are too fast!"

Feng Bai was a little surprised.

If a person awakened from the spiritual realm is so fast, he thinks it is normal. After all, the soul of the awakened person from the spiritual realm is very powerful and has an excellent memory, while the awakened person below the innate realm and even the innate realm The strength of the soul increases slowly, and the memory Not so perverted.

But Xiao Xiner completed all the stages of the test in less than half a day, which means that she has truly mastered the knowledge of the rune course.

However, it is not difficult to understand that Xiao Xiner has obtained the inheritance of the gods in the age of ancient god civilization, and her soul strength and memory are superior.

"Assistant, has the first batch of weapons materials been delivered?"

Principal Feng Bai called his assistant and asked.

"Principal, the first batch of materials has just arrived," the assistant said.

"Open the rune tower immediately, transport the weapon materials into the rune tower, and let the students actually refine the rune inscriptions. One student has already completed the rune course and must be practiced immediately." Principal Feng Bai urged.


The assistant was surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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