Chapter 9 All eyes are on!

"Northern Shaolin Elite Martial Arts School!"

Lin Tian stood at the gate of the Northern Shaolin Elite Martial Arts School, reading the big characters on the door.

He naturally knew that Northern Shaolin established this elite martial arts school. He also knew that the abbots of Northern Shaolin and many senior Shaolin leaders gathered here to hold the opening ceremony of the martial arts school.

Originally, he wanted to go directly to the Northern Shaolin Temple, but now the abbots are all in the Northern Shaolin Elite Martial Arts School, so he went to the Northern Shaolin Temple for nothing.

"Go directly to the opening ceremony venue." Lin Tianan decided.


The opening ceremony venue was crowded with people.

On the tall stage, Shi Yanlong, abbot of Northern Shaolin, was sitting on a chair, holding a microphone and talking about the power of Shaolin monks and the original intention of establishing an elite martial arts school.

At this time, a reporter asked: "Abbot, I heard that Shaolin monks can have powerful Shaolin stunts. I wonder if you can show it to us?"

The abbot of Northern Shaolin with a white beard smiled slightly and said, "Of course you can."

Immediately, he ordered a monk to perform the Shaolin stunt Iron Head Technique.

Tietou Gong is not ranked among the Shaolin stunts, but it is very effective when used for display.

If they perform some Shaolin stunts such as Arhat Fist, Great Compassion and Great Compassion Palm, the audience will not be able to see what the name is, but if they perform Iron Head Kungfu, it will be enough to attract the attention of many audiences, and the sensation caused by Shaolin stunts is not comparable to that of ordinary Shaolin stunts.

at this time.

A dozen monks carried a bronze bell and hung it on the shelf, and some audience members came to the stage to touch the bronze bell to confirm the authenticity of the bronze bell.

Afterwards, the monk performing the iron-headed kung fu hit the bronze bell with his smooth head.

dong dong dong! ! ! !

One after another crisp bells echoed on the venue, and the audience cheered and applauded in unison.

And the audience in front of the mobile phone or computer screen also launched the barrage one by one online.

"66666, worthy of the Shaolin Iron Head Kungfu, this is true, it's not like some programs are fake."

"The sound of the bell is enough to judge how strong the impact was. If our heads hit the bronze bell, we might have a concussion!"

"It's a pity that practicing martial arts is too hard, and it's not very useful, otherwise I'll go to practice martial arts too."

"Yes, no matter how strong martial arts are, it is not as powerful as a bullet. In today's society, there is no use for people who practice martial arts. Even if they go to film, there are a few martial arts stars who can reach the peak, and it is not as good as a handsome face. "


A very handsome young man stepped onto the stage.

For a while, this young man attracted the attention of many people.

"This audience, our Shaolin monks are performing iron head kung fu. It will be bad if you accidentally hurt you. Could you please come down?" A Shaolin monk stopped the young man and asked politely.

The young man who caught everyone's attention was Lin Tian!
"I'm here to discuss something with Abbot Shi Yanlong." Lin Tian smiled slightly and looked at Shi Yanlong.

"This donor, I don't know what to do with our abbot. If you want to ask questions, please step down and ask questions again?" The Shaolin monk persuaded.

"I'm not asking a question, I'm making a request."

Lin Tian pointed his finger in the direction of Shaolin Temple and said loudly: "I want to enter the Sutra Pavilion of Shaolin Temple." Wow!
The eyes of many audience members below suddenly solidified, showing incredible expressions.

They didn't expect Lin Tian to make such a request for interrogation. This is to find fault!

At this time, Shi Yanlong, the abbot of Northern Shaolin, came over and said in a condensed voice, "This benefactor, our Shaolin Sutra Pavilion is not for outsiders to enter. Please go down, please don't hinder the opening ceremony."

Anyone could see that the Abbot of Northern Shaolin was already angry.

"Abbot Shi Yanlong, what if I have to enter the Shaolin Sutra Pavilion for a view?"

Lin Tian's tone was very sharp, not like a joke at all.

Seeing this, Abbot Shi Yanlong waved his hand, and more than a dozen Shaolin monks came over.

"If the donor is messing around, we have to ask you to go down." Shi Yanlong threatened.

When Lin Tian heard this, he smiled and said, "I advise you not to do anything, because I'm afraid that I won't be able to control my power, and it would be bad if I accidentally kill someone. I came to Shaolin for only one purpose, to enter the Tibetan scriptures. Take a look at the pavilion, don't take anything with you."

"You are too loud!"

Not only was Shi Yanlong angry, but other Shaolin monks were also angry.

Lin Tian said that he was afraid of accidentally killing them. Isn't that looking down on them?
As Shaolin monks who practice martial arts for a living, this kind of contempt and contempt is undoubtedly the greatest humiliation to them.


Various barrages appeared one after another.

"66666, what is the origin of this brother, he dared to cause trouble at such a big opening ceremony of the Shaolin Temple, and dared to provoke the abbot of the Shaolin Temple and many Shaolin monks."

"It's true that these Shaolin monks are vegetarians!"

"The upstairs is right, these Shaolin monks are not vegetarian now, but also eat meat, hahaha!!!"

"Just kidding, but this young man is really going to be unlucky this time, and it is estimated that he will be beaten badly!"

"This person caused trouble at the opening ceremony of the Shaolin Martial Arts School. Even if he was beaten up, he probably only lost a small amount of money."

"I guess this young man just came out of the mental hospital, otherwise how could he be arrogant!"


Almost everyone thought that Lin Tian was arrogant, but what Lin Tian said was the truth.

He instantly turned from an ordinary person to a powerhouse at the fifth level of the physical realm. He didn't know any martial arts, and it was difficult to control his own power.

What is the probability of the fifth level of the physical state?
The first level of the physical body is equivalent to 2 times the strength of an ordinary adult, while the second level of the physical level is equivalent to 4 times the strength of an ordinary person, and the third level of the physical level is equivalent to 6 times the strength of an ordinary person.

By analogy, the fifth level of the physical body is equivalent to 10 times the power of ordinary people!
And not only ten times the strength, but also the speed, defense, and recovery speed are 10 times that of ordinary people.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the fifth layer of the physical body is completely a little superman.

A little superman with uncontrollable strength can easily kill a cow with one punch, let alone a person.

"Abbot Shi Yanlong, you don't have to let your Shaolin monks pull me down. After I perform a show, you can decide."

With that said, Lin Tian walked towards the bronze bell.

(End of this chapter)

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