Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 854 The exclamation of the immortal

Chapter 854 The Astonishment of the Ten Immortals

Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner took the top ten sect masters of Fengsha Xiaoqian World and crossed the space node to the space node at Baiyunhai.

"The immortal energy here is so strong!"

"The immortal energy here is more than a hundred times richer than the immortal energy in the Fengsha Xiaoqianjie where we are!"

"Indeed! If I cultivate in such a fairy-like environment, I am absolutely sure that I can become a fairy!"

"Not only is this place full of immortal energy, but the cultivation environment is a thousand times better than our wind and sand world! The sky can be described as a thousand miles of clear sky, and there is no wind and sand!"

"After seeing this kind of cultivation environment, I don't want to go back to Fengsha Xiaoqian World to continue cultivating! A day's cultivation here is more years than ours in Fengsha Xiaoqian World!"

"It's not just us, if we can bring the geniuses of our clan here to cultivate, it is not impossible to become a true immortal or a golden immortal in the future!"

The ten sect masters had just stepped into the White Cloud Sea and were immediately attracted by the immortal energy and environment here.

Immediately, each of the ten suzerains stared at each other.

They are immortals, and there is no way to leave their place in the Sandstorm Xiao Qianjie, because only the strength above the gods can barely break the space nodes. This is because the rules of this universe are too strong.

At this time, they were greedily breathing the air, wanting to take a few more breaths of this abundant fairy energy!
"Huh! What's going on? Are we stepping on the cloud???"


A sovereign exclaimed.

After taking a few breaths of immortal energy, looking left and right, someone immediately noticed something abnormal!

They actually stepped on the cloud!

So rare!

Although immortals can fly to the sky, it is the first time for them to step on the cloud like this!
If it weren't for Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner next to him, the ten sect masters would have been rolling on the clouds for a while.

"This is a place in the Sea of ​​Chaos. It's called Baiyunhai. The clouds in Baiyunhai are a little strange. People can step on it. Even mortals won't fall. So there are several cities in Baiyunhai. There are many people living there, some of them mortals and some immortals."

Xiao Xiner softly explained the confusion for the ten sect masters.

"I see!"

The ten sovereigns sighed with emotion.

But his eyes were still full of wonder.

"Let's go, let's take you to Heaven to see first."

Xiao Xiner said.

"Thank you Heavenly Emperor, thank Heavenly Empress!"

The ten sovereigns were very grateful.

If it weren't for Lin Tian and Xiao Xin'er, they would never have the chance to see such a good place for cultivation in their lifetime.

"It's okay."

Xiao Xiner chuckled lightly.


Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner took the ten sect masters to the heavenly court.

When they saw the Nantianmen of Heavenly Court, the ten sect masters sighed again.


After entering the heavenly court, looking at the grandeur and grandeur of the heavenly court, the ten sect masters hated that they did not have many pairs of eyes.

At this moment, the ten suzerains of Xiaoqian World of Fengsha are like grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Amazed at nothing.


When seeing the fairy in heaven.

These ten sect masters immediately felt their insignificance!

Impressive fairy!All are angels!

There are countless immortals who are in the perfect state of heaven!

Not only that!

They have also seen a lot of real fairies!

Most of these true immortals are in the late stage of true immortals and true immortals are consummated!

"Then...those are the ten golden immortals?" A sect leader pointed somewhere, his throat was suddenly strangled, and he could not speak!

They actually saw ten golden immortals at once!
"Meet the Heavenly Emperor! See the Heavenly Empress!"

At this moment, the ten golden immortals also saw Lin Tian and Xiao Xin'er, and came up to salute one after another.

"Well, you continue to practice."

Lin Tian said lightly.

The shock of the ten sovereigns at this moment is beyond words.

They did not expect that the power of the Heavenly Court was so strong!

Even Jinxian has so many!

Only then did they believe Lin Tian's words. Compared with these people, they were really like what Lin Tian said, like ants.

Abandoned the last question about Lin Tian.

The ten sovereigns were immediately convinced by Lin Tian's power.

After realizing Lin Tian's strength and power.

The ten sect masters also knew that Lin Tian did not directly suppress them by force, but took them to the heavenly court. On the contrary, they also questioned Lin Tian.

Lin Tian's heart is not comparable to them!

The ten sovereigns were completely convinced at this moment!

Also surrender to Lin Tian's complete loyalty!
"Heavenly Emperor! If the Heavenly Emperor does not dislike it, we are willing to bring our own forces to join the Heavenly Court with the ten major forces in our small world of sandstorms!"

The ten sovereigns knelt in front of Lin Tian.

Everyone looked apprehensive, fearing that Lin Tian would not accept them.

After all, they didn't really respect Lin Tian at first.

"Okay, from now on, you will all belong to Heaven!"

Lin Tian said coldly.

"Thank you God!"

The ten sovereigns are very grateful.

"We will not disappoint the Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Empress! From today, the world of Fengsha Xiaoqian will be the territory of the Heavenly Court!"

The ten sovereigns assured.

Lin Tian was very satisfied with this.

"You can enter the Heavenly Court to cultivate in the future, but with your current strength, you can only become the lowest immortal in the Heavenly Court."

Lin Tiandao.

"Thank you God!"

Even if they become the lowest immortals, they are happy!
After all, being able to enter the heavenly court to cultivate is their great chance and opportunity!

"You first select a list and give me the list of talented disciples from your various forces, and I will bring these people to Heaven to cultivate them!"

Lin Tian said lightly.

This is the purpose of his going to Fengsha Xiaoqian World.

Cultivate a group of people who are absolutely sincere to Heavenly Court and have talent, and Heavenly Court will develop stronger and stronger in the future.

"Yes! Thank you God!"

The ten sovereigns expressed their gratitude in excitement.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian would allow their disciples to enter the heavenly court to practice!In this way, the strength of their Fengsha Xiaoqian World will be further strengthened!

Moreover, in the future, their disciples in Xiaoqian World will achieve extraordinary achievements, and their faces will also be bright!
and so.

for this matter.

The ten sovereigns were very enthusiastic.

No slack at all.

Soon, they drew up a list. Although the strength of the disciples on this list is not high, they are all amazing!And the practice is also very hard!
Once they can enter the Heavenly Court to cultivate, with their talent, the cultivation speed will definitely be very fast!
Although this matter has not been finalized yet.

But these ten sect leaders couldn't help but start looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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