Chapter 828 Kill All
The Nether Sea, the Dark River Organization, the Immortal Mountain, the Confucian Sect, and the Holy Buddhist Temple, like the Black Soul Sect, have all killed life in the universe.

Lin Tian went directly to the places where the five major forces had killed people, and used the method of going back in time to resurrect a person whose strength was below the realm of the gods.

Then cast the Great Karma Immortal Technique to track its location!

Soon they discovered where these five forces were hiding!
And the immortals of these five major forces wanted to prevent Lin Tian from performing the Great Karma Immortal Technique, but in the end they were unsuccessful!

The Great Karma Immortal Technique that Lin Tian displayed with the power of the Golden Immortal is not something that people under these Golden Immortals can shake!
Come to someone who stops Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian will kill one person!
If 100 people come, Lin Tian will kill 100 people!

Knowing where these five major forces were hiding, Lin Tian immediately went to kill them.

Lin Tianxian chose the Nether Sea and the Dark River Organization!
These two major forces, originally united with the Black Soul Sect, planned to use 3000 Heavenly Immortals and eight True Immortals to slaughter this universe!

A battle a hundred years ago.

Among the two major forces of the Netherworld Sea and the Dark River Organization, several true immortals who came to this universe by borrowing the fragments of the origin of the universe all died in that battle.

And they are not like the Black Soul Sect, there is another piece of the origin of the universe that can make the true immortals of their power come to this universe.

and so.

The forces of the Nether Sea and the Dark River Organization in this cosmos are now only heavenly immortals, not true immortals.

In each faction, there are 1500 angels.

However, the true immortals did not threaten Lin Tian in the slightest, and the immortals were more flustered?

No matter how many angels, to Lin Tian, ​​they are all a matter of swords!
Lin Tian killed the 1500 Heavenly Immortals organized by the Netherworld Sea and the Dark River, as simple as killing an ant!
Finished solving the two major forces of the Nether Sea and the Dark River Organization.

Lin Tian went directly to the valley where the Immortal Mountain is located!

At this time, the mouth of the valley where the Immortal Mountain is located is already heavily guarded!
There are a full 50 angels guarding it!

When these 50 angels saw Lin Tian, ​​they immediately opened their mouths to warn the people in the valley!
It's just that these people were killed by Jianguang before they had time to warn them!

Even the immortal soul was swept away by the sword intent!

"too weak!"

Lin Tian said lightly.

Continue to walk into the valley!
Not long after walking, Lin Tian saw another 100-person Tianxian patrol team!
"Chopping Immortal Sword!"

The sword light passed by!The 100 Heavenly Immortal patrol teams were instantly wiped out!
Also, no warning message came out!

"It's really too weak!"

Lin Tian carried his sword and continued to walk into the valley, not forgetting to sigh.


Lin Tian met another 100-person Tianxian patrol team!
It is also a sword to understand these 100 people!
"Although these angels are very weak! But I can feel that there are many angels in Immortal Mountain, and the patrols are even more intense!"

"Moreover, the three waves of celestial beings and horses that were just killed, looking at their clothes, clearly came from three forces!"

"It seems that the three major forces of the Immortal Mountain, the Confucian Sect and the Holy Buddhist Temple are holding together to keep warm!"

"Interesting! Interesting!"

"However, what about the three major forces forming a group?"

Lin Tian proudly said!
Keep going!


Lin Tian came to a village in the middle of the valley!
Outside this village, there are also formations!It is these formations that make it difficult for people in this universe whose strength is lower than the gods to find them.

but.To him, these formations were like nothing!

Even the three-layer formation is the same!

in front of you.

It is obviously the formation of the Confucian Sect, the Holy Buddha Temple and the Immortal Mountain that form a three-layered protection barrier!

"Chopping Immortal Sword!"

Lin Tian waved the fairy sword in his hand!

Two loud bangs!Two layers of protective formations have already been broken into pieces!

The protection formation of the third layer is still safe and sound!


Lin Tian waved the fairy sword in his hand again!

It was a little shaken, and the protective formation that was about to collapse was also broken into pieces!

A simple village appeared in front of Lin Tian at this moment!
In front of the village, there are countless immortals.

Before taking the lead were ten true immortals in the late stage of true immortals!After them, it is the immortal who temporarily united the three forces!

"Heavenly Emperor, although you are the Heavenly Emperor of this universe, but we have no grievances or enmity with you, why did you force us to this point?"

One of the true immortals said sharply!

"It's not a person from this universe, you should be expelled! Besides, I have given a warning, and you have repeatedly challenged my bottom line, so, punish!"

When Lin Tian's last word fell, Lin Tian already had a strong fighting spirit!

"If you want to fight us, you will fight! We have 10 true immortals and so many angels, and we are not afraid of you! After you die, we will flatten the universe and make everyone in this universe our slaves!"

That real fairy is also angry!

Originally, they planned to add the Magic God Valley, and the four forces were united. I didn't expect the forces of the Magic God Valley to withdraw from this universe!
However, even if they only have three forces, they are not afraid at all!
"Very good! You have successfully provoked my desire to kill!"


After the word of slaying fell, Lin Tian lifted the immortal sword lightly in his hand and swiped it down!

All of a sudden, there were screams all over the place!

After two swords!

All 4000 angels who were temporarily united by the three major forces died!
No, Lin Tian still left an angel behind!
The living angel looked at the crowd of people around him and disappeared in a blink of an eye, and immediately fell to the ground in fright!
The whole person has been frightened!
And the 10 true immortals who were united by the three major forces were even more annoyed when they saw this scene, and immediately shot at Lin Tian!

Moreover, everyone took out their own life-saving means of pressing the bottom of the box, and used their strongest blow!
"Beyond your own power! I'll show you what real power is!"

Lin Tian snorted coldly, and immediately cast his own hand of Hunyuan Great Compassion!

In an instant!
The ten true immortals felt an extremely powerful and sacred force pressing down on them!

A huge palm slapped them on the head!


A true immortal shouted out!
The ten true immortals have exhausted their means!The magic weapon is out!
But they were still crushed by Lin Tian's palm, and the ten true immortals were turned into ashes, and even the immortal weapons on their bodies were also turned into ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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