Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 82 A dispute between two principals!

Chapter 82 The dispute between the two principals!
Earth Galaxy University, Freshman Tutor's Office.

Gao Ling was sitting at the desk when he suddenly received a message.

He clicked to check it out.

"Well, Xiao Xiner took the A-level mission?"

As a mentor, he is one of the candidates for reviewing A-level tasks. If he doesn't have time to review, the task application will be sent to other dedicated leaders.

Meng Mo in the same office, Gao Ling's nemesis, heard Gao Ling's words and couldn't help laughing: "Gao Ling, A-level tasks are all very difficult. Which A-level task did Xiao Xiner in your class choose?"

"Challenge that A-level task of a freshman of Tarot Galaxy University!"

Gao Ling replied casually.

"Oh, that mission, I remember that mission was added by you. There are 10245 Galaxy Universities in the entire Federal Alliance of Gods, and our Earth Galaxy University ranks 206th. It is reasonable to say that it belongs to the top position in the entire Galaxy University. But as the first Galaxy University, it is still Zuxing's Galaxy University, this ranking is very embarrassing. That Tarot Galaxy University is 103rd, much higher than us, you have to add this task."

Mengmer paused for a while, and then said: "Although Galaxy University has regulations, Galaxy University with a low ranking can challenge the freshman of Galaxy University with a high ranking as a freshman. Once the challenge is successful, the resources of the Federation will also be tilted. , but you also choose a Galaxy University whose ranking is not much higher than ours, and challenge Tarot Galaxy University? Isn't that looking for abuse, that Xiao Xiner in your class may not be able to pass."

While speaking, he was also secretly gloating.

If Xiao Xiner fails to pass the first task, it is not only shame for Xiao Xiner, but also for Gao Ling, her mentor.

Gao Ling said indifferently: "This is not what I mean, but what the principal means. Don't you know about the entanglement between the principal and Tarot Star? He naturally wants to teach Tarot Star's Galaxy University a lesson, so as to save face! "

Mengmo suddenly remembered and said, "You mean that at the exchange meeting of the Federal God Alliance Galaxy University, our school was stepped on by the Tarot Star, and the principal was mocked by the principal of the Tarot Galaxy University?"

"Of course it's that thing, or what else?"

Gaoling said.

"That's no wonder. Back then, the principal was so angry that he almost got into a fight with the principal of Tarot Galaxy University on the spot."

When he thought of that scene, Meng Mo understood the headmaster's mood very well, and also understood why the headmaster asked Gao Ling to release this task.

"Mengmo, do you want to gamble again and win back the divine crystal you lost?"

Gao Ling smiled.

"Can Xiao Xiner succeed in the challenge?" Meng Mo asked.

"Yes, bet on this!"

Gao Ling nodded.

"This..." Meng Mo pondered for a while, then shook his head and said: "Forget it, don't gamble, that Xiao Xiner in your class is really too evil, and there is a real possibility of success, I don't want to lose again. A god crystal, don't do it!"

Gao Ling shook his head and stopped chatting with Meng Mo. By the way, he tapped on the virtual computer screen and agreed to Xiao Xiner's application.

At the moment of agreeing to the application, the tutors in the tutor office of Tarot Galaxy University and other task offices also received the application for the Earth Galaxy University Challenge at the same time.

At this time, the news was passed to the office of the president of Tarot Galaxy University.

"Principal, Earth Galaxy University has sent a challenge application. A freshman from their school is about to challenge a freshman from our school, so let's get ready."

After receiving the letter, the assistant principal immediately reported it to the principal.

The president of Tarot Galaxy University is a strong man in tall clothes. He looks like he is only in his 40s, but his actual age has reached 5000 years.He is a planet-level awakener and a great god in the eyes of people, with a lifespan of up to ten thousand years.

People call him the principal of the giant tower!

Principal Juta heard the assistant's words, smiled coldly, and said, "Earth Galaxy University, the ancestral school of Galaxy University, has a great reputation, but his strength is getting worse and worse. The old man Fengbai who almost got into trouble with me is still the principal now. It is estimated that it was his attention, otherwise, how dare Earth Galaxy University dare to challenge our school, their school is much weaker than our Tarot Galaxy University. You ask the freshmen to prepare, and send 30 good students to meet them, remember Don't let each other's students qualify!"

"Yes, Headmaster!"

The assistant responded.

"The school has approved my application, just wait for the arrangement!"

Xiao Xiner began to look forward to it.

This wait should not be too long, and it is estimated that the challenge can be carried out in a few hours.

Because the challenge is also in the star network, Xiao Xiner did not go offline, and waited while watching the task on the virtual screen.

three hours later.

The Earth Galaxy University sent a notice that they had negotiated with Tarot Galaxy University and could challenge at any time.

"Choose a challenge!"

Xiao Xiner saw that a challenge button appeared in her A-level mission, so she clicked to start the challenge.


An attraction came, it was teleporting.

The Tarot star is very far from the earth, so the distance between the star nets is also relatively far. Xiao Xiner must transmit to the Tarot star in the star net before she can challenge.

call out!
Xiao Xiner disappeared and went to Tarot Galaxy University.

The challenge officially begins.

A competition arena.

Xiao Xiner sat there cross-legged, quietly waiting for the students from Tarot Xinghe University to come and accept the challenge.

There are many seats around, and many students immediately watched the news after they got the news.

After a while, the seats around were filled with people, some of them were students of Tarot Galaxy University, and the other were other Star Network viewers who came to watch the news specially.

This challenge is public, and anyone can watch it, but once the Star Network Challenge field is full, other people can't send it in, but they can watch it on video.

At the challenge scene, Lin Tian sat there impressively.

He spent some star coins, teleported to Tarot Star, and came to the challenge field for the first time, occupying a seat, and he could watch Xiao Xiner's test on the spot.

Xiao Xin'er also saw Lin Tian among the countless crowds and nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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