Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 786: Three flowers on top, three great perfections!

Chapter 786 The top three flowers, the three great achievements!
Soul Sea.

Lin Tian's immortal soul is changing little by little. Although Lin Tian's immortal soul was powerful before, there were always some imperfections.

But now, the immortal soul is moving towards perfection step by step, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

The fairy soul is complete!

Boom! ! ! ! !

When the immortal soul is consummated, the immortal body, immortal power and immortal soul echo together, forming a perfect three perfect cycle.


A tricolor flower bloomed above Lin Tian's head.

Seeing this scene, Baili Wuhen was stunned.

"This is the legendary top three flowers. It is said that the top three flowers can only be condensed when the fairy soul, fairy body, and immortal power reach the three perfect realms! Once the top three flowers are condensed, the fairy body, Immortal power and immortal soul will be transformed as a whole, and they will master the mystery of Da Luo in advance. Even once the three flowers bear fruit, Da Luo Dao Fruit will be born, and they will enter the realm of Da Luo Dao Ancestor. Any immortal who condenses the three flowers is equivalent to getting it. There is no bottleneck in the ticket to enter Da Luo Daozu!"

Baili Wuhen once wanted to achieve the three great consummations, but unfortunately the immortal soul was unable to consummate, and every step was too difficult.

In order to be able to condense the top three flowers, he even delayed it for 30 to [-] years, otherwise he would have been able to enter the realm of true immortality tens of thousands of years after he was born.

It is precisely because he has not been able to achieve the three great consummations for a long time, he plans to immediately hit the real immortal realm after the Tianbaoshan assessment is over.

Whether successful or not, he stopped procrastinating.

Unexpectedly, what he did not accomplish, Lin Tian accomplished.

"Condensing the top three flowers, the immortal soul, immortal body and immortal power will be transformed again under the action of the three flowers, and Lin Tian's strength will skyrocket, enough to last for an hour!" Chang Shengjun envied.

Liu Ying also said: "Yeah, even if Lin Tian can't master Daluo's mysterious mystery because of time, he can hold on for an hour, he will become a Tianbao messenger, and our status will be far inferior to him from now on!"

The three flowers condense, and the supreme immortal between heaven and earth merges into the three flowers, making the three flowers exude endless immortal brilliance.

I saw the endless immortal brilliance merged into Lin Tian's body.

Immortal body and immortal power also began to transform!

Originally, Lin Tian's immortal body and immortal power had already reached the limit, and there was no way to improve it any further, but after the three flowers were condensed, this limit was broken.

The three great perfections are equal to another limit, otherwise the three great perfection gods would not be above other gods.

This step that Aotian Jinxian could not do in that life, Lin Tian has done in this life.

Boom! ! ! ! !
Immortal soul, immortal power, immortal body transformed crazily, and endless power emerged.

At this moment, Lin Tian was extremely excited.

A few hours later, Lin Tian completed his transformation, stood up, and moved his body a little, as if he could knock out a hole in the sky.

"So strong!"

Lin Tian couldn't help sighing.

After a brief familiarity with the transformed body, Lin Tian began to understand the profound mystery of Daluo.

Originally, he had mastered Daluo Xuan Ao, and he couldn't show it, but now D Luo Xuan Ao is within reach.

With a wave of his hand, a trace of Da Luo Xuan'ao blended into his hand, and a simple punch directly shattered the void in front of him.

This move is even more powerful than the Chaos Kaitian Fist that was fully exerted before!

What if Daluo Xuanao was integrated into Chaos Kaitian Fist?

Lin Tian couldn't imagine it!

in the dark.

Shan Lao was surprised: "Just condensed three flowers and mastered the profound mystery of Da Luo?"

It stands to reason that this is unlikely, unless...

"Could it be that he is a reincarnated immortal?" Immediately, the old man smiled.

Regardless of whether it is a reincarnated immortal or not, Lin Tian's talent is here. As long as he condenses three flowers and forms the realm of the three perfect heavens, the lowest achievement in the future is also the realm of Da Luo Daozu.

Does it matter whether such an angel is a reincarnated immortal?

Tianbaoshan looked at his current talent and strength, not his previous life. No matter who Lin Tian was in his previous life, Tianbaoshan didn't care.

half a month later.

Lin Tian completely stabilized his realm and stepped into the area of ​​the rock giant again.

The rock giant slapped it with a palm.

In the past, if Lin Tian slammed this move, it was bound to be severely damaged, but now he just waved a punch lightly, integrating the power of Da Luo Xuan Ao and Xian Ze, and a terrifying power broke out.

dong dong dong! ! ! !

A punch and a palm collision.

The rock giant was shaken and took a few steps back, while Lin Tian also took a few steps back.

This is the first time that Lin Tian has shaken the body of the rock giant.

Baili Wuhen and the others were completely stunned, staring blankly at the battle between Lin Tian and the rock giant.

At this moment, Lin Tian is much stronger than before!

Lin Tian unleashed his strongest true immortal stunt
Chaos Open Heaven Fist!

The endless chaotic fairy energy filled the air, turning into a shocking punch, as if it was enough to shatter the entire universe.

Under the integration of Da Luo Xuan Ao, this punch contained a trace of coercion from Da Luo Dao Ancestor, turning the world around, terrifying!
The rock giant was blown away by a punch, and his body was cracked.

Lin Tian, ​​who was a perfect immortal, wounded the giant of a rock, who was a perfect immortal!
Bang bang bang! ! ! ! !
Lin Tian launched a series of attacks on the rock giant, cracking the body of the rock giant everywhere.

Finally, about an hour later, Lin Tian punched the rock giant, turning the rock giant into a pile of waste rocks.


Although he defeated the rock giant, Lin Tian was not arrogant. Although this rock giant used the power of a true immortal, it did not have the resilience of a true immortal. Quick recovery, it is even less likely to fall through the body.

Moreover, the real True Immortal Perfection powerhouse must have a hole card, which is not so easy to deal with.

But Lin Tian's current strength is enough to defeat most of the late stage true immortals, and even enough to match the weaker true immortals.

Of course, compared to the true immortals on the True Immortal List, Lin Tian was still very weak.

"Lin Tian, ​​congratulations on completing the third test!"

Shan Lao appeared and congratulated him.




Baili Wuhen, Chang Shengjun and Liu Ying also congratulated.

Although the three of them were a little jealous of Lin Tian, ​​it was a foregone conclusion that Lin Tian became a Tianbao messenger. Naturally, they couldn't fight against Lin Tian, ​​so congratulations would be considered a face.


Lin Tian said in a low-key manner.

"Lin Tian, ​​come with me, the three of you continue, there is still a little time, maybe you can also pass the third test!"

After saying this, Mr. Shan took Lin Tian away from the stone world.

(End of this chapter)

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