Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 733 The Golden Immortal Sword Light in the Immortal Mountain!

Chapter 733 The Golden Immortal Sword Light in the Immortal Mountain!

The ninth heaven, the center of the ancient immortal land.

A huge fairy mountain is located here, and countless fairy palaces walk around the fairy mountain.

Originally, it was a place of immortal mighty and lofty immortals.

But now, countless immortal palaces are in ruins, immortal mountains are torn apart by a sword, vaguely there is a supreme sword intent oozing out, and a single sword intent can be cut to a mighty emperor.

"An immortal mountain, the resident of the immortal gate force, it seems that this ancient immortal land is the resident of a great force of immortal civilization!"

A Supreme spoke up.

At this time, the Supremes didn't fight, after all, they haven't met the opportunity enough for them to fight.

Once the shocking chance is born, the Supremes will recklessly take action.

The gaze of the Supreme Being of Shen Yan was suddenly fixed on a huge mountain gate under the fairy mountain. The gate has been broken, but there is still a part of it, and there are two simple fairy texts on it.

"Golden Cloud!"

Looking at these two words, the Supreme Being spit out three words: "Jin Yunzong!"

He doesn't know Jin Yunzong, but he can figure it out, it's not difficult.

The other Supremes also quickly figured out that the name of this force was Jin Yunzong, but they didn't know anything about Jin Yunzong.

"Can't you wait to enter Jin Yunzong? Then I can go in!"

The Wraith Supreme from the abyss burst into the Immortal Mountain of Jin Yunzong with a big smile.

From the point of view of the Wraith Supreme, what danger could there be in a merely blasted fairy mountain?
Even if there is danger, billions of years have passed, and the means left should not be enough to kill a Supreme.

If you enter the fairy mountain first, you can hope to get the opportunity first.

"A greedy idiot!"

Divine Performing Arts Supreme sneered.

He didn't try to stop the Wraith Supreme, although the demon clan and the abyss were united, but that was only an agreement on the surface.

He would not really save the Supreme Being of the abyss.

If the earth-shattering opportunity is really in front of him, if the Abyss Supreme stops him, he will not take into account any alliance agreement and still attack.

Even if you are rude, if the Supreme Being of the Monster Race blocks him from obtaining the opportunity, he will not be polite at all.

Anyone who stops him from winning the opportunity must die!
This is him, God acting supreme!
At this moment, the Wraith Supreme, who had just entered the Immortal Mountain of Jinyunzong, had an accident.

A ray of sword light flew out from the cracked fairy mountain. When the sword light appeared, the surrounding time and space became extremely slow, and it was difficult for the power of the supreme level to crack the time and space.

The sword light swept across the body of the Wraith Supreme, directly breaking the body of the Wraith Supreme, pointing directly to the depths of the soul.

Feeling the danger of life, the Wraith Supreme cast a secret technique to try to resist this mysterious sword light.

However, this mysterious sword light contains power beyond the supreme, even the supreme artifact, the supreme secret technique and the supreme divine body cannot block the power of the sword light.

If it wasn't for the Wraith Supreme condensing the immortal body, it would have completely fallen in just an instant.




The Resentful Spirit Supreme unleashed all its power and exited the Fairy Mountain, not daring to take another step deeper into the Fairy Mountain.Outside the Fairy Mountain.

The Wraith Supreme's face was extremely pale, and a trace of blood flowed from his body, floating in the void, and could not be recovered into the body at all.

This kind of injury is troublesome!
"The Wraith Supreme has been hit hard!"

The other Supremes were surprised.

You must know that it is very difficult to hurt another supreme being at the same supreme level.

But now, the Wraith Supreme has only suffered a sword light and has been severely damaged in this way. If he does not withdraw from the Jinyunzong Xianshan in time, I am afraid that he will fall directly into the Xianshan.

What a terrifying sword light this is!
"If I didn't guess wrong, the sword light just now should be the sword light left by the true immortal. No, it may be above the true immortal." The goddess said, "The Jin Yunzong must have encountered a great enemy at the beginning, and the sect was broken. Even Xianshan was smashed into pieces by a sword of a supreme power, and even the main body of Xianshan was almost divided into two parts. Such a powerful existence is definitely not an ordinary true immortal, perhaps a higher level immortal. That one The sword has remained on the Immortal Mountain, and it has not dissipated for billions of years, and just a trace of sword energy that escapes is enough to seriously injure or even kill the Supreme!"


The Supremes took a breath.

God Venerable's guess is not unreasonable, it is very likely that this is the result.

if so

"Then how do we enter Jinyunzong Xianshan? Even if a Xianjia Zongmen force is destroyed, some treasures cannot be taken away, such as those broken palaces, whose materials are also unimaginable treasures. As long as you enter Xianshan, you can get whatever you want. If you come out with some benefits, it is also a big profit. If you find an immortal sect, it is definitely a big chance!"

"Yes, we must find a way to enter Xianshan, how can we return empty-handed when we see Xianshan?"

"But the sword qi just now, all the Supremes have also seen that even the Wraith Supreme is not an enemy of sword qi. If we break in, the result will be similar. Who wants to break in and try again?"

The Supremes looked at each other in dismay, and no one dared to go in again.

Especially the Supremes of a single ethnic group, even less dare to try, in case they are severely damaged, if they are attacked by other Supremes, they will not even have a helper.

While the other Supremes were talking about it, the Shenyan Supreme was staring at Xianshan fiery.

"Yes, that is the power of Jinxian!"

When Shen Yan Zhizun was an immortal in his previous life, he was lucky enough to see the power of Jin Xian, which is completely beyond the existence of true immortals. In the world of immortals where he lives, immortals are the overlord of one side, true immortals rule thousands of worlds, and Jin immortals rule with countless fairies.

In his previous life, he was just an angel, and he was a very weak angel, not even qualified to look up to a golden immortal.

And Jin Yunzong was destroyed but Jin Xian participated. What does this mean?
This shows that Jin Yunzong is very powerful, and only when Jin Xian is dispatched can he hope to destroy Jin Yunzong.

Perhaps there are also golden immortals in the Golden Cloud Sect!

If Jin Yunzong is a sect with golden immortals, it must be a top immortal sect, and a little benefit is enough to make countless immortals crazy.

"You must enter the Immortal Mountain of Jinyunzong!"

God plays the supreme desire.

Sit cross-legged.

Shen Yan Zhizun began to deduce the sword light of Xianshan, trying to find a safe way to enter Xianshan.

It's not that he can't block the sword light, but who knows how powerful the sword light will be after going deep into the fairy mountain. If the sword light can kill the real immortal, wouldn't he be sure to die if he goes deep?

A voice passed into the ears of many supreme beings.

"It's so lively!"

(End of this chapter)

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