Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 614 Destiny is a long river!

Chapter 614 Destiny is a long river!

"There is a river of destiny in the universe. All creatures in the universe are connected to this river of destiny, but the river of destiny has countless branches, so everyone's destiny also has countless branches."

Lin Tian explained in detail:
"For example, a person will die one day later, and this situation will manifest in the river of fate that belongs to this person, and even a person's life can be seen in the river of fate."

"Under normal circumstances, the river of fate cannot be seen, but some secret techniques can see the river of fate, and naturally one can see the fate of a person. The fate of mortals is the simplest and easiest to observe, the fate of gods. Undoubtedly variable and hard to spy out.”

"Of course, there are countless branches of destiny, so there are many possibilities in the future. Whether you can change your destiny depends on yourself and chance. Of course, it is more luck!"

"But some people's destiny is very special. They are separated from the river of destiny. It is impossible to spy on the special destiny with the secret technique of peeking into the river of destiny. And you have such a destiny, no matter what secret technique other people use Spy on your fate, and naturally they can't see your situation. The only thing they can see is the cultivation base, as for the rest, they can't speculate."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, Xiao Xiner finally understood.

But she was curious again.

"Lin Tian, ​​why is my fate so special?" Xiao Xiner asked.

"This..." Lin Tian frowned.

He didn't know Xiao Xiner's situation very well either. He used the Chaos Heavenly Eye and the secret technique of the first generation to spy on Xiao Xiner's fate, but was blocked by the mysterious power and couldn't peep at all.

According to his guesses, one is that there is a great power to cover up, the other is that the supreme power is reincarnated, and the third is that during the reincarnation, someone interfered with the long river of fate, which caused Xiao Xiner's reincarnation. .

The first guess is almost impossible, because Xiao Xiner's background is very simple, and there will be no great power to cover up her fate, and the second possibility is not very likely.

As for Xiao Xiner's previous life, Lin Tian saw it with his own eyes. Although it was a reincarnation of a god, it was not a very powerful god. This kind of reincarnation could not cause a situation that fate could not spy on.

For example, the reincarnation of the great emperors of the universe such as Tuoba Shang and Oger, their fate can also be spied out. Using some secret techniques to spy on their fate, it can be judged that they have awakened the memory of reincarnation and are the body of reincarnation power.

And Xiao Xiner is not yet considered a reincarnated genius, because she has not awakened the memory of her past life.

The first two guesses are unlikely, but the third guess is very likely.

"My ninth life lover is very likely to be Xiner's previous life. If this is the case, then my ninth life must be supremely powerful. Maybe Xiner's reincarnation has something to do with my ninth life. In this universe, Reincarnation is very difficult, and it can even be described as a fluke. Many great emperors are not qualified to be reincarnated. Maybe Xiner's reincarnation was arranged by me. If this is the case, then it is not surprising that I help her intervene in the long river of fate! "

Lin Tian informed Xiao Xiner of this speculation.

Xiao Xiner very much hoped for this result, and even more hoped that she was the lover of Lin Tian's ninth generation.

Of course, all the truth has to wait until Lin Tian awakens the memory of the ninth generation before he really knows.

"By the way, Lin Tian, ​​where is the memory of your third life, you haven't said it before." Xiao Xiner suddenly thought of it and asked.

"I don't know for now!" Lin Tian shook his head, "I got the memory of the second life, but the memory of the third life seems to be sealed. I can't unlock the seal. I guess this seal must wait until I become a god. It can be unblocked in one day!"

"God? Lin Tian, ​​after you leave the cemetery of the gods, find a time to attack the gods!"

Xiao Xiner knew that Lin Tian's accumulation was enough, and there was no need to wait any longer.

She was different from Lin Tian. The Heavenly Pole Holy Land had told her to go to the realm of the gods later, because after a few hundred years, another major event would happen, and participation in this event could only be limited to demigods.

Once she breaks through to the realm of the gods, then she is not eligible to participate.

As for what happened, she still doesn't know.

But she knew that many geniuses among the human race had waited for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, for that matter.

For example, demigods like Yu Tianji and Huo Qitian have been practicing for ten thousand years, otherwise they would not have become very powerful.

They are not like Xiao Xiner's open-minded cultivation, their strength is accumulated in the long-term cultivation.

Delaying the time to become a god for a big event shows how important this matter is.Tianji Holy Land warned her many times when she became the Holy Son that she would not attack the gods, but Lin Tian was a guardian spirit, so even if she attacked the level of the Emperor of the Universe, it would not have any impact.

"Okay, when I leave the cemetery of the gods, I will hit the realm of the gods!"

Lin Tian also decided.

The Pantheon, the first place of bones.

Among the bones, Xiao Xiner's figure emerged.

At this moment, in the middle of the earth, a pale corpse of a god stood up, looking across the space to Xiao Xiner and Lin Tian.

"Intruder, die!"

Boom! ! !

A large pale hand rolled from the void.

The hand was filled with the breath of death, without a trace of life.

This is the hand of the dead!
"It's the corpse of a planetary god, it's too weak!"

Xiao Xiner judged.

Not to mention that this god is dead, just controlling the bones of the god with will is only comparable to an ordinary demigod. Even if this god is still alive and his strength is still at its peak, he is not Xiao Xiner's opponent.

"Xin'er, take action! The sequelae of my third-world secret technique are still there, and my strength has not recovered, so I won't take action for the time being."

Lin Tiandao.

"it is good!"

Xiao Xiner nodded.

Immediately, she pointed to it.

A sword light burst out from the fingers, and the sword light penetrated the palm of the corpse of the gods and continued to cut towards the corpse of the gods.

Puff! ! ! !

The corpse of the god was penetrated by Xiao Xiner's sword light, and her will was severely damaged immediately.

In an instant.

The corpse of the god fell down, and was then moved to the center of the land of corpses by the Pantheon Pagoda. The power of the Pantheon was mobilized to this land of corpses, constantly restoring the damage of the corpse and helping it restore its willpower. force.

In this way, the corpse of the god can continue to fight in the back.

After defeating the corpse of this god, a portal appeared in the void.

However, Xiao Xiner did not leave immediately, but searched for treasures in the corpse of the god.

After a while, she found a lot of treasures.

Seeing that there was nothing to gain and that this land of corpses was not worth staying to practice, Xiao Xiner walked through the portal and went to the second land of bones.

(End of this chapter)

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