Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 611 Tianjiao Gathering

Chapter 611 Tianjiao Gathering
After Wan Zixin's detailed explanation, Xiao Xiner had a thorough understanding of the Tower of the Gods.

The Pantheon Pagoda is really a very powerful artifact. It was jointly created by the eighteen major ethnic groups and specially stores those special bones.

After all, these special corpses belong to the corpses that can move around at will. If they run rampant in the cemetery of the gods, it will cause huge changes.

Moreover, if the geniuses of all races encounter the bones of the gods who acted arbitrarily in the cemetery of the gods, they will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

For example, if a corpse like the Great Emperor of the God Race can always act, which Tianjiao can compete with him?
Neither can Lin Tian!
Even if Lin Tian used the Secret Technique of the Third World to summon his future body, he could only block a corpse like the Great Emperor of the Protoss for an hour. If the corpse of the Great Emperor of the God Race had not fallen, the future body would have to dissipate.

In order to prevent many geniuses from dying at the hands of these special corpses, the top leaders of the [-] major ethnic groups moved these special corpses to the Pagoda of the Pantheon to isolate them from other corpses.

Since the places where these corpses existed also formed the corpse land, and these corpse places naturally gave birth to some treasures.

It can be said that there are many treasures in the Pantheon Pagoda. Anyone who enters the Pantheon Pagoda and defeats the bones of the gods can obtain the treasures in the land of bones.

Being able to fight with the bones of the gods and obtain treasures is the best of both worlds.

Therefore, anyone who enters the cemetery of the gods wants to break into the tower of the gods.

It is definitely a pity not to enter the Pantheon.

"Okay, then I'll go to the Pantheon Tower too!"

Xiao Xiner nodded.

Immediately, Xiao Xiner, Wan Zixin, Tuoba Shang and other human race geniuses headed to the direction of the Ten Thousand Gods Pagoda.

It takes five days to travel from the land of the corpses of the Great Emperor of the God Race to the Ten Thousand Gods Pagoda. Of course, if they encounter some treasures or places of corpses, they will stay for a while, and the time is definitely more than five days.

as predicted.

Flying and stopping along the way, it took Xiao Xiner and the other arrogances a total of 15 days to reach the Pagoda of the Pantheon.


On the ground of bones.

A tower of the gods like a giant tower of white bones is located there, surrounded by a large number of arrogant figures, whispering one by one, staring at the giant tower of white bones from time to time.

There are huge skulls on top of the giant white bone tower. These skulls are inlaid on the tower and look a bit eerie.

In fact, these skeleton heads are not real skeletons, they are just deliberately refined like this.

These skulls are for export!

The entrance of the Pantheon Tower is a huge white bone under the tower, and the huge skeleton mouth is the exit from the Pantheon Tower.

There are eighteen of these exits, representing eighteen different levels of the corpse.

The corpses in the Pagoda of the Pantheon are very large, but these corpses are classified according to the strength of the corpses of the gods, and this classification is divided into eighteen levels. A skull came out of its huge mouth.

If you come out of the most powerful place of corpses, you will come out of the huge mouth of the No. 18 skull.

When you enter the Pantheon at the beginning, you will randomly enter a corpse land, but this corpse land must belong to the weakest level. If you defeat the corpse of the corpse, the corpse of the gods can be transferred to a stronger corpse land. .

Therefore, being able to walk out from which skeleton giant mouth also represents the strength of this genius.

At this moment, Tianjiao came out from the giant mouth of the skull from time to time.

"That's the spirit prince of the Elf clan. He actually came out of the seventh Skeleton Mouth. He's so powerful!" "Hey, someone came out of the ninth Skeleton Mouth! It's Fujitora, the tenth demon son of the Demon clan. !”

"Terrible! Someone came out of the tenth skeleton giant mouth. It is the arrogance of the human race's time and space temple - Yuanyang!"

Whenever Tianjiao comes out from the giant mouth of the skull, it will inevitably cause a stir, and each Tianjiao has a lot of discussion.

Xiao Xiner, Wan Zixin, and Tuobashang came here, attracting the attention of many human race talents, but other aliens didn't know Xiao Xiner, Wan Zixin, and Tuobashang, so they didn't care much.

If you want others to care about you, the way is very simple. Get out of those huge skulls, and you must come out of the huge skulls behind. That is the foundation of proving your strength.

"Xiao Xiner, why don't we go down the Pantheon Tower together?"

Wan Zixin invited Xiao Xiner, said.

"No hurry, you go first!" Xiao Xiner waved her hand.

"Okay, then I'll go first!"

Wan Zixin couldn't wait to fly into the Pantheon Tower and began to break into the tower that belonged to her.

Xiao Xiner is not in a hurry to break into the tower because she knows that there are many treasures in the Pagoda of the Gods. Once a treasure is mature or conceived, as long as no one takes it away for a long time, the spirit of the Pagoda of the Gods will destroy the corpse. Treasures are taken away and stored in the Pantheon.

Therefore, the Pantheon has stored a large number of treasures, and the number of these treasures is absolutely beyond their imagination.

Even if someone takes away all the treasures in a land of bones, the tool spirit will immediately fill the treasures to ensure that the next Tianjiao who arrives in this land of bones has treasures to take.

Therefore, there is no difference between first and second.

The reason why Xiao Xiner was not in a hurry to enter the Pagoda was because she wanted to stabilize her realm before entering the Pagoda.

After getting a lot of insights into the Tao of the bones of the gods, countless inspirations flashed in her mind every moment, but so far there is no complete effect, so she needs to digest it well.

Immediately, Xiao Xiner found a suitable peaceful place nearby, released a palace artifact, and asked Lin Tian to guard the entrance to the palace artifact, while she entered the palace to retreat and cultivate.

In a flash, half a month has passed.

On this day, Wan Zixin came out of the Pantheon Pagoda, causing a huge sensation on the spot.

"That's Wan Zixin, the genius of the Human Space Mercenary Association. He came out of the No. 11 Skeleton Mouth. He's so powerful!"

"Hmph, she just walked out of the giant mouth of the skeleton No. 11. The top five demons in my clan easily beat her!"

"The top ten demons of the demon clan are indeed powerful, but the strength of the top arrogance, the top ten of the human clan is much more powerful than the top ten of the demon clan!"

"The genius of the human race, Tuoba Shang, also came out of the No. 11 Skeleton Mouth!"

"It is said that this Tuoba Shang is the reincarnation of the human race cosmic emperor, and the potential is not small!"

At this time, Xiao Xiner was still in retreat.

But soon, many arrogances were disturbed.

"The second and third demons of the demon clan, the second arrogance of the Human Race Federation Divine Alliance, the second arrogant of the Space-Time Temple, and the first arrogant of Tianzun Mountain, are all here!"

Many geniuses looked at the five figures in the distance, and each of them exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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