Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 584 A treasure given by the family!

Chapter 584 Go home and give the treasure!

Earth, Xiao family.

After Xiao Xiner came back, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the Xiao family.

In the eyes of the Xiao family, Xiao Xiner is a figure comparable to a god, and is the object of worship of many Xiao family members.

And now the number of the Xiao family is many times greater than that of more than 100 years ago. The entire Xiao family has become a big family on earth, and several Void Realm members have even been born in the family.

Among them, Xiao Ling and Wang Yao are the powerhouses of the void realm. In the eyes of the Xiao family, Xiao Ling and Wang Yao are the ancestors of the void realm.

Xiao family hall.

Xiao Xiner chatted with her grandfather Xiao Batian and father Xiao He.

Xiao Batian and Xiao He have limited talents. Even if there is no shortage of resources, their achievements are still very low. So far, they have only reached the fifth level of the gods, and the hope of breaking through the void level is very low, let alone hitting the god level.

"Xin'er, you haven't come back for a long time!"

Xiao Batian and Xiao He were very happy to see Xiao Xiner.

The two asked a lot of things, and when they learned that Xiao Xiner was all right, they were relieved.

"Grandpa, Dad, I have two things for you when I come back this time."

Xiao Xiner is very serious.

"What to send, you have enough things, we don't need too many treasures!"

Xiao Batian said quickly.

"You definitely need these two things!" Xiao Xiner revealed a mysterious smile.

Then, she took out the artificial godhead and the liquid of the death tree from the void ring.

"what is this?"

Xiao Batian has little knowledge and naturally does not know the artificial godhead and the liquid of the death tree.

Don't say he doesn't know it, maybe no one on earth knows it, not even the gods of the Earth Federation Divine Alliance, after all, this is a very rare treasure.

"Grandpa, this is an artificial godhead!"

Xiao Xiner pointed to the artificial godhead and introduced: "Once this artificial godhead is refined, that person can be promoted to a god in a very short period of time. Even if the person refining is a mortal, he can also become a god!"

"What, there are treasures here?"

Xiao Batian was extremely surprised.

It was hard for him to think that there are such treasures in the universe, so what else do people cultivate? Can't they become gods if they get an artificial godhead?
But soon, he realized that this artificial godhead must be very precious.

Xiao Xiner's father Xiao He quickly said, "Xiner, this thing is so precious, keep it for yourself, don't give it to us!"

Xiao Xiner smiled and said: "Dad, grandpa, this thing is indeed rare and very precious, but it is of no use to me. If I want to break through the gods, I can break through at any time, and artificial godheads also have drawbacks, although it makes people He jumped to become a god, but after breaking through to a god, his combat power is definitely not strong, and it is almost impossible to improve. He will stay at the planetary level all his life, and his lifespan will basically end at 10000 years! Under normal circumstances, there are awakeners who have the hope of impacting the gods. An artificial godhead will not be used, but for those mortals who have no hope of becoming a god, or even an awakened person, an artificial godhead is undoubtedly a heaven-defying thing."

After Xiao Xiner finished speaking, Xiao Batian and Xiao He basically understood the usefulness of the artificial godhead, but this artificial godhead still had a very tempting temptation for them.

Once you get an artificial godhead, you can become a god!
There are so many talented people born on the earth every year, how many can become gods?

It takes many years for a god to be born, and it even takes a hundred years for one to be born. I don’t know how many geniuses will always stay in the void realm.And they also know that they have no hope of even breaking through the void realm, let alone breaking through to the divine level.

So they don't care about the disadvantages of artificial godheads at all.

But right now there is only one artificial godhead, and only one person can take it.

At this moment, Xiao Xiner pointed to the bottle containing the sap of the Death Tree and said: "Dad, Grandpa, this bottle contains one liter of Death Tree sap, which can increase your life by 3000 years! And there are no disadvantages. You two Let’s think about it, who wants the artificial godhead and who wants the sap of the Death Tree?”

Xiao Xiner also wanted to give her father and grandfather an artificial godhead, but artificial godheads were too rare, so she won one.

She wanted to trade an artificial godhead in the Gods and Demons Arena before, but unfortunately no one traded, maybe not, or maybe she was unwilling to trade, in short, it was too difficult to get an artificial godhead.

"I want the liquid of the death tree, give your grandfather the artificial godhead!"

Xiao He made a concession.

Although he also really wanted to become a god, his lifespan was secondary. He mainly wanted to experience what it was like to become a god and become a supreme powerhouse.

But he also knows that his father wants to be a god, and as a son, he can't compete with his father for the only artificial godhead, right?

"Let it go to your father!"

Xiao Batian said to Xiao Xiner.

The two let it go, but in the end the artificial godhead was given to Xiao Batian, and Xiao He got the liquid of the death tree.

In the hall, Xiao He swallowed the liquid of the Death Tree on the spot, and Xiao Xiner was protecting the law beside him.

Soon, the liquid from the Death Tree entered Xiao He's body.

Gradually, a breath of death emanated from Xiao He's body and dissipated in the air.

Eliminate death and increase vitality, this is the secret of the liquid of the death tree to increase lifespan.

Originally, the lifespan of an awakened soul was 1000 years, but now in Xiao Xiner's eyes, Xiao He's life breath has increased rapidly.

The lifespan also increased rapidly from 1000 years to 2000, 3000, 4000 years!
"Four thousand years of life!"

Xiao He opened his eyes and sensed the surging life force all over his body.

Being able to live for 3000 years has surpassed many Void Realm Awakeners. After all, Void Realm Awakeners can only live for [-] years.

"Grandpa, it's your turn!"

Xiao Xiner somewhat looked forward to her grandfather being able to leap from the psychic realm to the divine level.

Once Xiao Batian becomes a god, but the Xiao family will be different. It will become the god family of the earth, and it will become the top family of the earth. Although it is not as good as the god family like the Jin family, it is enough to deter countless forces.

It is not difficult to refine the artificial godhead, and slowly refine it with divine sense.

Xiao Batian used the power of divine consciousness to slowly refine the artificial godhead. In less than an hour, the artificial godhead was completely refined by Xiao Batian.

I saw the artificial godhead swipe into Xiao Batian's soul sea, merged with his soul, and transformed his soul.

(End of this chapter)

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