Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 565 Three amazing treasures!

Chapter 565 The three amazing treasures!
The abyss troll clan, the Yasha clan, and the celestial demon clan are the top clans in the abyss, and they are many times more powerful than the horned demon clan that Xiao Xiner encountered at the beginning.

The Horned Demons are absolute overlords in that small abyss world, but in the real abyss, the Horned Demons can only be regarded as a middle-class group.

These three geniuses came from the three big clans in the abyss, and they formed a private competition at the same time, which shows that the relationship is not ordinary.

The three arrogances sat there cross-legged, with a suspended light curtain on it, which introduced the content of the competition they set up.

"The first competitive event: Choose a first-order array arbitrarily compared to the speed of arranging the first-order law formation. The one with the largest number of first-order arrays will win, and the guardian spirit can also play instead."

"Second competitive event: Both sides of the competition each set up a first-order trapped formation, and whoever breaks out of the formation first will win."

"The third competitive event: speed, strength, and will to choose the same competition."

"Three major sports, you need to win two to be considered the final winner!"

"Betting: A pair of wings of a Yaksha at the level of the Emperor of the Universe, a magic stone of the gods and blood, and a liter of the liquid of the death tree! The total value of the bet is 6000 god crystals!"

"Participants need to pay treasures worth 3000 divine crystals. Once you participate in the competition, you will not regret it. There is no limit to the number of people. You need to queue up one by one to compete."


"Three competitive events, you have to win two competitive events to win. This is too harsh. Although the stake is only half, these three competitive events are obviously beneficial to these three talents."

Ming He frowned.

"Indeed, there are too few almighty people, and these three arrogances are probably very powerful. It is very difficult to defeat them in three aspects, unless it is the kind of true arrogance. The key is not to limit The number of people participating in the competition, once they participate in the competition, there is no regret, that is to say, even if someone beats them, the people behind them have to participate in the competition, and once they lose, they have to pay 3000 divine crystal treasures. As long as the three of them win more people, Even if they lose one or two games, they will still make money!"

Feng Lan analyzed.

Xiao Xiner nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, these three people's plans are too good. As long as there are many people participating, they will make sure no losses. It depends on how many people participate. If two people participate, and both win, then they will lose a lot."

"I guess a lot of people will participate. After all, the bets given by the three of them are too attractive." You Yao stared at the names of the three treasures with burning eyes——

The wings of the Yaksha at the level of the universe emperor, the magic stone of the gods and the blood, and the liquid of the tree of death.

The value of these three treasures all come from the abyss, and the value is very high. It is estimated that there are more than 6000 divine crystals in the abyss world. This 6000 divine crystals should be conservatively estimated.

If you get it among the human beings in the universe, these three treasures can be sold for at least 10000 divine crystals.

For example, the wings of the universe emperor Yaksha, this is a good thing!
The wings of Yaksha, the emperor of the universe, can be used to refine into artifacts, and can be made into wing artifacts. At that time, the refiners have wings on their backs, which can easily tear through the void and fly.

Therefore, the wings of Yaksha, the emperor of the universe, can be called the treasure of space.

The god-blood demon stone is also a rare treasure. It is a kind of magic stone that the demons use the blood of other groups of gods to continuously pour into a kind of magic stone, so that the magic stone continues to grow, and eventually becomes the god-blood demon stone.

This kind of divine blood demon stone is an excellent tool for tempering will, even among the demon clan there are not many.The sap of the Death Tree is even rarer. It is the sap of the Death Tree, No. 13 on the list of wonders in the universe. The Death Tree is in the abyss, and the Death Tree sap produced every year is very rare and of high value.

One liter of the liquid of the tree of death is enough to make many people of different races crazy, because the biggest effect of the liquid of the tree of death is to increase the lifespan.

The sap of the Death Tree can increase life span by up to 1 years, but one liter of Death Tree sap can only increase life span by 3000 years.

The 3000-year lifespan seems to be weaker than the 10000-year lifespan created by the artificial godhead, but in fact, one liter of the liquid from the tree of death completely crushes the artificial godhead.

General Tianjiao, who is willing to use artificial godhead?Wouldn't that be self-destructive?
The liquid of the death tree is different, it will not adversely affect the practice, even if it is taken by the gods, it can increase the lifespan, but it is useless for the gods above the universe emperor.

It can even be said that a mortal who takes the liquid of the tree of death can increase his lifespan by 3000 years.

There are 3000 years of lifespan to squander, and mortals with low talent can slowly cultivate to the Void Realm level, or even higher.

From this, it can be seen that the sap of the death tree is precious.

These three treasures really attracted many Tianjiao, all of them were very excited, but many Tianjiao were hesitant.

If you win, you get these three treasures, but what if you lose?That is a treasure that has to lose 3000 divine crystals!
For many Tianjiao, except for some treasures that cannot be sold, the treasures of 3000 divine crystals are almost half of their net worth.

Who dares to make jokes about half the net worth?

Just then, a figure came from outside.

"Nothing to hate, Mo Tianci, Quanba, the three of you actually held a private competition together, how many dare to compete with you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man with two horns and a black dragon robe walked in.

"Ao Chang, it's you!"

The Void Yaksha, who was called nothingness and hatred, looked at the young man who came, and said coldly.

At this time, many people's eyes also turned to this young man with two horns.

"Is it the legendary real dragon family?"

Ming He was slightly surprised.

"It's not the real dragon clan, it's the flood dragon clan. To be precise, it should be the dark flood dragon clan, a clan of the abyss." You Yao said: "The abyss demon dragon clan has been severely injured, and some demon dragons have integrated into the real dragon clan. As a result, the dragon clan in the abyss was almost disappeared, but the blood of the dragon clan was spread in the abyss. Among them, the dark dragon clan had the blood of the devil dragon clan, plus the blood of other abyss clans, and finally formed the dark dragon clan. The abyss Jiaolong clan The talent is second only to the real dragon clan, and the number of the dark flood dragon clan is also quite large. In the abyss, the dark flood dragon clan is not as good as the Yaksha, the demon and the abyss troll, but it is not too weak."

Ao Chang walked in, looked directly at the three abyss geniuses Xianwuhen, Motianci, and Quanba, and said jokingly: "The three of you have a lot of money, and you actually took out these three treasures. It really makes me a little excited." ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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