Chapter 56 God Lecture!

"That's right, Lin Tian has accumulated such a huge amount of money, and he has also cultivated the blood nerves, which are a billion years ago in the Chinese era. It is normal to form golden blood as soon as he breaks through. It is estimated that when I break through, golden blood will also form."

Xiao Xiner muttered.


The river of black blood exploded, and Lin Tian opened his eyes and stood up.

This time, Lin Tian's clothes did not burst, because his clothes were made of the unique spiritual power of the guardian spirit space, and would not shatter easily.

"The first level of blood exchange!"

Lin Tian felt the first-level power of the Blood-Exchange Realm, which was much stronger than the Marrow-washing Realm.

His whole body seemed to be boiling with blood, and there was a terrifying power and potential waiting for him to tap.

"Lin Tian, ​​congratulations on entering the realm of blood exchange."

When Xiao Xiner is in Hexi Lintian, she is also in Hexi herself. After all, Lin Tian is her guardian spirit.

"Xin'er, I will stabilize the realm and realize the mystery of the blood-changing realm. You can call me again if you have anything."

Lin Tian said lightly.

"Okay, then I'll practice first!"

Xiao Xiner nodded lightly.


At Galaxy University, there are seminars on the gods every week.

The lectures of the gods are taught for 2 days at a time, and listening to the lectures of the gods is also very cheap. It only requires 10 points. For those students with many points, 10 points are nothing at all.

Previously, in order to hurry up and earn points, Xiao Xiner and the other freshmen did not waste a day, so few students came to listen to the gods lecture.

Now, the freshmen have finished the battle for points in the freshman period, and they are ready to listen to the lectures of the gods.

The hall of gods.

This is a venue that occupies a mile in size and resembles an oval fortress.

The outside area is one mile in diameter, but the interior contains the universe, which is a full ten miles in size, and the place where the gods lecture is 3 miles in diameter, and there are other areas, which are guaranteed to be given to the students who listen to the lecture within these two days. Our perfect logistical service.

Entrance to the Hall of Gods.

Xiao Xiner walked in and saw the huge area inside, and couldn't help but marvel: "It's huge, from the outside, although the hall of the gods is big, it's not so exaggerated. The inner area is too big."

"This should be because the gods used space means to expand the space, similar to the principle of the Void Ring?" Lin Tian guessed.

"Well, it should be the case. Only gods have such powerful means. We are far from being able to do it now."

Xiao Xiner continued to walk inside, took a ground aircraft, and entered the inner venue. This is a huge square, occupying a 3-mile radius.

With the eyesight of the ninth level of the Cleansing Marrow Realm, in such a spacious place, he can see things within a 3-mile radius at a glance, so it will not affect listening to the lecture.

Within this 3-mile radius, there are small tables.

The table is half a meter high, round, and one meter in diameter.

This is the place for students to listen to the lectures of the gods. Each person has a table. There are not many students in Galaxy University, and many students often go out to practice. These densely packed tables are enough for the students.

Xiao Xiner found a table at random to sit down, not too close to the center of the venue, nor too far away.

After sitting down, Xiao Xiner quietly waited for the arrival of the gods.

"I haven't seen a god yet. I don't know what a god looks like?"

Xiao Xiner became curious and muttered softly.

Lin Tian couldn't help laughing when he heard it: "What else can it look like? It must be the same as me, but if the gods preach, maybe it will make the scene a bit grander."

"Yeah!" Xiao Xiner agreed with Lin Tian.

In normal times, the gods are definitely similar to normal people, but if they are preaching, the gods are expected to use powerful means to appear taller.

ten o'clock in the morning.


Above the inner venue of the gods, swirls of light gathered.

After a while, a large amount of light converged into a human-shaped light and shadow dozens of meters high, which looked like a god.

This deity looks like a 20-year-old youth, wearing a golden robe and purple gold boots, with auspicious clouds floating behind his head.

"Not the body!"

Xiao Xiner secretly said.

Although she doesn't know the realm of the gods very well, although this phantom is very real, it is obviously not the real body.

It's right to think about it. It's a bit funny that a high-level deity's real body came to teach a group of weak students.

"It should be the incarnation of the gods!"

Not only Xiao Xiner, but other freshmen who listened to the gods lecture for the first time also guessed the same.

At this time, the gods spoke up—

"My name - King Zijin, the lecture is for two days, during which you can leave to rest, but you must not leave the venue, and you must not make noise!"

The Zijin King's voice was very grand, and it was rippling in the void with the rules of the text.

Guardian Spirit Space.

Looking at the appearance of King Zijin and the tone of his speech, Lin Tian couldn't help but muttered, "I can really pretend!"

He was sure that King Zijin would usually speak the same way as them, but during the sermon, he would definitely not speak like he usually does, it would appear imposing.

After a while, the lecture began.

The content of King Zijin's explanation is random, sometimes he will be cultivation, sometimes he will protect the spirit, sometimes he will talk about artistic conception, and sometimes he will also talk about some fields.

When his lecture started, a field enveloped the audience, and everyone was immersed in his words, feeling the mystery contained in the words.

"As expected of a god, every word can explain the truth of cultivation!"

Lin Tian sighed and listened carefully.

2 days seem to be a long time, but in the minds of the students, these 2 days passed quickly.

"I feel very deep!"

Xiao Xin'er came out of the hall of gods with no end in sight.

At this time, she really realized the benefits of listening to gods lectures frequently. She might not feel it for a while, but in the long run, the awakened person will have a clear understanding of the future road and will not go the wrong way.

However, listening to such a lecture once a month is enough, any more is a waste of time.

Cultivation mainly depends on yourself!

After the lecture at the Shenling venue, Xiao Xiner combined her insights from listening to the lecture, and made a breakthrough soon after, entering the tenth level of the marrow washing realm.

After a little stabilization of the realm, Teacher Gao Ling asked them to gather in the class.

A month has come.

The first small trial mentioned by instructor Gao Ling is coming soon!

(End of this chapter)

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