Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 548 Formation Legacy From Past Life!

Chapter 548 Formation Legacy From Past Life!

"Tower breaker, use your power to attack the stone tablet! Only when your power increases by more than 15 times will the portal to the third floor appear."

This voice came from the voice of the Heavenly Pagoda Artifact Spirit.

Some artifacts have artifact spirits, and some artifacts do not, but artifacts such as Tianji Sacred Pagoda breed artifact spirits.

"15 times the strength increase!"

Xiao Xiner is very calm, because her strength has increased by 15 times, to be precise, it has reached 15.8 times.

This is because she spends most of her time in other areas. If she concentrates on cultivating strength increase, her strength increase can definitely reach the level of 16 times, 17 times or even 18 times.

Standing in front of the stone tablet, Xiao Xiner controlled the power multiple and slammed it with a punch.

This punch exerted 15.8 times the power control with full force, and the huge force bombarded the stone tablet, bursting with bright light.

These rays converge into a portal.

The portal appeared, representing that Xiao Xiner had broken through the second floor of the Celestial Pagoda.

In fact, the difficulty of the second layer is lower than the first layer, but it is not much lower, because among the holy children, it is too rare to be able to control 15 times the power.

Many holy sons progress very slowly when their power control reaches ten times or more, and some are unwilling to spend time to increase their power control multiples after reaching 11 times and cannot improve, and some reach their limit when they reach 13 times.

For example, this time, the strongest Saint Son, Minghe Saint Son, only reached 13.8 times the power control multiple. Although it was very powerful, it did not meet the minimum requirement of 15 times for the second floor of the Celestial Pagoda.


"It takes 15 times the power control to break through the second floor of the Celestial Pagoda. Xiao Xiner has broken through. Her other aspects are so terrifying, she even took the time to increase the power multiple!"

Holy Son Youyao was surprised.

Saint Son Minghe smiled and said: "Saint Son Youyao, for us, it takes a long time to increase the power control multiple, maybe for a genius like Xiao Xiner, it is not much to increase the power control multiple. time."


Holy Son Youyao smiled bitterly.

Xiao Xiner broke through the second floor of the Celestial Pagoda, and she came to the third floor of the Celestial Pagoda.

The third level is the law formation assessment, this level is difficult, even some half emperors who are not even stellar level and can not get out of the third level.

The law formation assessment and cultivation base are dull. If the formation cannot be cracked and the formation is forcibly broken, the formation will change with the attack of the passers-by.

Therefore, this level pays attention to the understanding and attainments of the law formation.

the third floor.

As soon as Xiao Xiner came here, a majestic formation came crashing down.


The big formation was also projected, and the rippling power of the law permeated the void. The entire void seemed to be divided into nine pieces, and Xiao Xiner was at the intersection of the nine pieces of space.

"This is the nine-pole law of heaven and earth!"

A half emperor could not help but exclaimed when he saw this law formation.

The core disciples and the Holy Sons do not understand the nine-pole law formation of heaven and earth, because their level is far from the level of studying the law formation.Although it is not necessary to be a rune master to study the law formation, you only need to understand the law to directly understand the law formation. However, for many geniuses, if they are not rune masters, it is extremely difficult to directly study the law formation.

Cultivation takes a long time, and many holy sons are not willing to spend time studying the law formation, unless they really have a unique talent in this area.

But if they were really talented, they would have already become powerful rune masters.

The saints did not understand this formation, so they asked some gods.

At this time, a half emperor who was proficient in law formations explained: "The nine-pole law formation of heaven and earth is based on the changes of the nine laws, and the space of the nine laws is constantly changing. You want to be familiar with the changes in the space of the nine laws, and It is too difficult to find out the loopholes in the law space change. Once you try to attack, the law of change will change again, and you have to study it again. What is even more frightening is that the space of the nine-pole law of the world will continue to compress with the attack. , if you don't attack the formation, it's fine, you will only be trapped in the formation of the nine poles of heaven and earth, and nothing will happen. If you attack with improper methods, you will be in danger of falling!"

"It turned out to be such a terrifying formation!"

Many gods were shocked.

Even after being explained by this Half-Emperor, they still have no clue, and they don't even understand this formation.

"If you study slowly like this, if you study for ten days and a half months, there may be hope to crack the nine-pole law of heaven and earth, right?" Holy Son Feng Lan said.

"No, the third floor has only one hour to break the formation according to the regulations of the Heavenly Pole Sacred Pagoda. Once the formation is not broken for more than an hour, it will be regarded as a failure to break through the tower!" A half emperor explained.

"It's impossible to crack such a law formation in an hour!"

A god who is proficient in law formation also shook his head.

He thought that he was in Xiao Xiner's situation, and he couldn't crack this law formation. If he was given ten days and a half months, he might still have hope.

The third floor of the Celestial Pagoda.

Xiao Xiner sat cross-legged in the center of the hall, and glanced at the formation of the Nine Polar Laws of Heaven and Earth, without any signs of worry.

in the dark.

She is communicating with Lin Tian.

Although the Chuangtian Pagoda does not allow guardian spirits to appear, it can communicate with guardian spirits.

"Lin Tian, ​​I only got a glimpse of this formation, and I can't break the formation within an hour!"

Xiao Xiner said helplessly.

Although she has obtained a law formation inheritance in the Palace of Heavenly Kings, the time to study the law formation is still a little short. If she is an ordinary law formation, she can break it at will, but this level of law formation belongs to the medium and high law formation. That's right, she can't break it.

"I'll take a look!"

Through the guardian spirit space, Lin Tian's chaotic eyes peeped at the nine-pole law formation of heaven and earth.

Seeing this formation, he suddenly felt a sense of familiarity.

He can be sure that he has never seen such a formation in the memory of the first life. This must be the formation of the later generations, or maybe it is a practice created in one of his lifetimes.

It is a pity that he has only obtained the memory of the first life, so he cannot know which life this formation came from.

After studying it for a minute, Lin Tian suddenly exclaimed: "This formation actually borrowed some of the mysteries of Jiugongge. It seems that it was really created by me in a certain life."

(End of this chapter)

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