Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 491 Backed by an era!

Chapter 491 Back to an era!
"Lin Tian, ​​how are you, have you brought back the leaves of the world tree?"

Xiao Xiner asked with great anticipation.

She doesn't expect Lin Tian to move the World Tree over. After all, the World Tree is the sixth treasure on the list of strange things in the universe. Even if it is a young tree, it is not something that a Void Realm can dig up.

And the young World Tree is also very large, and the dzi of time can't hold it.

"Bring it back!"

Lin Tian said with joy on his face.

He took out the dzi of time and placed it in front of Xiao Xiner.

Xiao Xiner's consciousness entered the dzi of time, and saw the leaves of the world tree spread in the void, and each leaf of the world tree was huge enough to accommodate many people to comprehend and cultivate on it.

These world tree leaves cannot be taken out. Once taken out, it will contradict the cosmic laws of this era, and will definitely disappear in an instant, leaving no residue.

The reason why Lin Tian can exist in a billion years from now is because he is a guardian spirit, and a guardian spirit is a special existence that can break the laws of time.

If Lin Tian is not a guardian spirit, once he appears in the era a billion years from now, he will be an invader. Unless he can fight against the entire universe, he will be wiped out by the universe.

"Xin'er, you enter the Dzi of Time to comprehend it."

Lin Tian urged.


Xiao Xiner entered the dzi of time and sat on a leaf of the world tree and began to comprehend.

Although the Dzi of Time is an artifact of time, it can adjust the passage of time, but Lin Tian also knows the drawbacks of the passage of time. Once the time acceleration is turned on, he will not be able to comprehend other laws, and it will have an impact on himself.

Therefore, Lin Tian didn't have the ability to use time to accelerate, and he completely regarded it as an ordinary treasure.

As long as the time ability is not turned on, Xiao Xiner's comprehension and cultivation in the Dzi of Time will not be affected in any way.

"Xin'er, I superimposed all the world tree leaves, the effect should be better!"

Lin Tian mobilized the power of the Dzi of Time to stack all the leaves of the world tree layer by layer to form a huge sphere, and the sphere just exposed a gap, allowing Xiao Xiner to enter and exit.

With so many World Trees stacked together, the effect is naturally far beyond the effect of a single World Tree leaf.

The only pity is that once the leaves of the World Tree leave the World Tree, the power contained on it is limited. If you comprehend it on it, you will also have the opportunity to consume the power of the World Tree leaves, which will be exhausted one day.

If it can't be consumed all the time, then the value of the leaves of the world tree is too sky-high.

Lin Tian is not afraid that the power of the World Tree leaves will be exhausted. Anyway, he can return to the Huaxia era to pick the World Tree leaves at any time, and can provide Xiao Xiner with the World Tree leaves continuously.

With the enlightenment of the leaves of the world tree, Xiao Xiner hardly ever went to the cultivation treasures in the Holy Land of Heaven.

Because the leaves of the World Tree can replace many cultivation treasures, the stone tablet of the inevitable law, the effect brought by the stone tablet of the general law is not as good as the leaves of the world tree.

Xiao Xiner has been comprehending and practicing on the leaves of the World Tree. This kind of treatment is not something that ordinary people can enjoy. Even if many strong people get a piece of World Tree leaves by chance, they do not dare to cultivate all the time, only when they are in a bottleneck. Only then will I take out the leaves of the World Tree and comprehend it.

Of course, the biggest effect of the leaves of the world tree is the fusion of laws.

Xiao Xiner now just wants to integrate the thirteen laws as soon as possible to try to understand the laws of chaos, and use the laws of chaos to integrate the thirteen laws and embark on her own way of chaos.

In a flash, ten years have passed.

For ten years, Xiao Xin'er has been staying on her island No. 1. She hardly goes out and rarely sees guests. On the contrary, Li Zhenjin and Shao Xing often appear in various tasks and various occasions, in the core disciple area. Gradually his reputation grew.However, no one will ignore Xiao Xiner.

In their hearts, Xiao Xiner is still the first to prepare the Son of God.

Ten years have passed, and the rankings in the sky list have started again, but Xiao Xiner is absent.

There is no need for him to go to the Wheel Tomb Realm. Although killing illusions can increase his perception, those perceptions are of little use to her. She is someone who has experienced reincarnation, and the perception of reincarnation far exceeds those of illusions.

As for the reward of Tianji points, she doesn't care.

Although the phantom points can be exchanged for celestial points, only the phantom points that exceed the previous time can be converted into celestial points, and the same is true for the ranking of the heavenly list.

Xiao Xiner is already number one on the Heavenly Ranking List, and it can be said that her ranking has come to an end.

If she only gets a few thousand Tianji points, she is not interested at all.

Unless someone surpassed her last illusion score and dropped to No. 2 on the Heavenly Ranking, she had no interest in going to the Tomb Realm to participate in the Heavenly Ranking again.

However, her 120 million phantom points are not so easy to break.

Sure enough, after this group of core disciples and the preparatory holy sons went to the Wheel Tomb Realm, the blood hoof with the best score only had 110 million phantom points, still not breaking Xiao Xiner's record.

The blood hoof's combat power has basically come to an end, and even if it is improved, it is difficult to improve by much.

In a word, Xiao Xiner's number one position on the Heavenly Ranking List is stable and no one can break it.

Another five years have passed.

On this day, a joyful female voice came from Island No. 1, and the voice spread throughout Island No. [-].

The servants on Island 1 knew that this was Xiao Xiner's laughter. They had never seen Xiao Xiner so excited and excited. It must have been a major breakthrough in cultivation.

But they didn't dare to disturb Xiao Xin'er and were still busy with their own affairs.

In the training room, the Dzi of Time floats in the air.

Xiao Xin'er was sitting inside the world tree leaf ball of the Dzi of Time, her face was full of joy.

She broke through!

It wasn't a breakthrough in cultivation, but she realized the law of chaos.

It took 15 years, and with the help of so many World Tree leaves, to understand the law of chaos, which was really not easy.

Compared with Lin Tian, ​​the speed at which she comprehends the Law of Chaos is undoubtedly much slower, but Lin Tian cultivates and comprehends on the World Tree, while she comprehends on some World Tree leaves, the two are incomparable.

If Xiao Xin'er could also practice and comprehend on the World Tree, she would have already comprehended the Law of Chaos.

And she realized the law of chaos, and the price she paid was very high, wasting 100 World Tree leaves.

If others knew that she had spent 100 World Tree leaves, they would definitely be heartbroken.

But for Xiao Xiner, 100 World Tree leaves are nothing, and Lin Tian can easily get more World Tree leaves.

Backed by an era, this is an advantage that others do not have!
(End of this chapter)

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