Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 473 World cultivation, new insights!

Chapter 473 World cultivation, new insights!
Due to the lack of some inheritance of these monsters, even if the resources here are rich, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is rich, and they were bred on the world tree, and their bloodline talents are also powerful, it is still difficult to enter the level of gods.

Simply put, their communication with the outside world is almost 0, which restricts them from becoming gods.

The level of the gods is a level that was finally discovered after countless years of exploration in a cultivation civilization, and it is undoubtedly difficult for these monsters to enter the level of gods. beast.

For ordinary small forces, these monsters are also terrifying enough to destroy them.

But for Lin Tian, ​​these monsters were too weak.

"Yin Yang Taiji Diagram!"

A Tai Chi map that stretches for thousands of miles covers the surrounding area and is instantly suppressed.

The terrifying power coupled with the law of yin and yang, many weak monsters were crushed to death, and the blood of countless monsters filled the air.

Immediately, Lin Tian used the blood river secret technique on the blood nerve to control the blood in this ten thousand li, forming a blood river that madly strangled those monsters in the void.

After a while, many Void Realm monsters were wiped out by Lin Tian's blood river.

In less than half an hour, almost all the monsters in this small world were wiped out.


Lin Tian sat cross-legged on the World Tree and began to feel the magic of the World Tree.

Gradually, Lin Tian's consciousness seemed to be integrated into the World Tree.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, a world tree covering many worlds took root in the void, and its branches extended into worlds.

The basis for the birth of these worlds is the World Tree.

It can be said that without the World Tree, all these worlds will be destroyed, and the World Tree is the pillar that supports the existence of these worlds.

But soon, Lin Tian realized it.

This is a world that has not been born for a long time, it should be said that it is a young world tree.

"According to records, the real World Tree is [-] trillion miles high, covering tens of thousands of worlds, and this World Tree is too small, at most only one thousandth of the height of a normal World Tree!"

"It seems that this World Tree was born soon, otherwise it wouldn't be so small!"

"However, no matter how small it is, it is a world tree. Cultivation in such a world is many times stronger than a leaf of a world tree."

"Go back and talk to Xin'er first."

Immediately, Lin Tian returned to the Galaxy Era.

"Xin'er, I found the World Tree!"

As soon as Lin Tian came back, he immediately communicated with Xiao Xiner telepathically and informed Xiao Xiner of the good news.


Xiao Xin'er was very happy, with a smile on her face.

The two chatted for a while before Lin Tian returned to the Huaxia era.

Although Xiao Xiner can't go to this World Tree to practice, Lin Tian can completely comprehend the Law of Chaos by himself, and then tell some details of how to comprehend it one by one. s help.

Huaxia era, Galaxy World Tree.

This is the name Lin Tian gave this world tree.

Lin Tian did not practice immediately, but went to the other worlds on this world tree and found that there were no gods in other worlds, but the bloodline of several monsters was too powerful, even if they only had the ninth level of cultivation in the void realm , but its combat power is not weaker than that of ordinary gods.If Lin Tian fights with all his strength, he can still tie with his opponents, but these monsters have a large number of subordinates and occupy a part of the world, so it is difficult for him to be the opponent of these monsters.

Therefore, Lin Tian withdrew immediately after fighting for a while, chose a weak world at the top of the World Tree, occupied it, and started retreating here.

There are many benefits to practicing on the World Tree.

For example, it can increase comprehension, and the speed of comprehending the law is very fast, which is comparable to the effect of ordinary law stone tablets. Slowly, but really expanding.

Of course, the most important benefit is that it can make Lin Tian realize the true meaning of the world's operation, understand how many laws are integrated together, and evolve a world, so that many laws can be integrated into one, forming the way of many laws.

But everyone's laws are different. The World Tree only provides a foundation. How to blossom and bear fruit is still up to you.

Sitting on a leaf on the World Tree, Lin Tian seemed to be in a strange world, and all the laws became very clear, as if manifested and surrounded himself.

At the same time, he can clearly sense how these laws coexist in this world.

"The beginning of chaos!"

With the operation of the exercise, the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth was transformed into the energy of chaos under the operation of the method, and the energy of chaos was also released by Lin Tian, ​​transforming the surrounding area into a chaotic area.

By comprehending the power of chaos, comprehending the power of the world, and trying to integrate and comprehend the power of the thirteen laws, a new kind of law - the law of chaos, is also the prototype of a new kind of Tao.

Time passed by, and Lin Tian continued to comprehend like a statue.

Ten days!

One month!

Two months!
Half a year!

When Lin Tian was enlightened, Xiao Xiner, who was in the Galaxy Era, was very nervous. She didn't know how many times she wanted to call Lin Tian, ​​but in the end she couldn't help it. She was worried that she would disturb Lin Tian.

And just like that, a year has passed.

this day.

Lin Tian woke up, no, he should have woken up from his cultivation state.

The years of practice in this year are like having an epiphany all the time.

Although he didn't deliberately cultivate, his law realm advanced by leaps and bounds, and the realm of the thirteen laws rose sharply.

But what made Lin Tian happy the most was that he finally touched the threshold of the law of chaos.

Chaos is the beginning, the source of all things.

The reason why it takes more than thirteen laws to form the laws of chaos is because only by gathering the power of the thirteen laws, from the power of chaos, we can perceive the origin of chaos, and then we can perceive the ubiquitous but The law of chaos that cannot be sensed.

To use a metaphor to describe-

The law of chaos is a sea, and the other laws are parts of the sea. The various components of the sea form the sea, but for the components of the sea, they alone cannot understand the sea.

The same goes for the laws of chaos!

Before, he thought that the law of chaos could be formed only by the fusion of thirteen laws.

But now, he knew he was wrong!
The thirteen laws are just an introduction. Use the introduction to comprehend the laws of chaos from the power of chaos, and then use the laws of chaos to absorb the power of the thirteen laws to create your own prototype of the way of chaos.

This is the path he wants to take!
(End of this chapter)

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