Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 453 The Way of Chaos!

Chapter 453 The Way of Chaos!

In the blink of an eye, 2 months have passed.

500 Heavenly God Points a day, and 2 months, Xiao Xiner spent 3 Heavenly God Points, if the average three or four-star Tianjiao student is like this, I am afraid they can't bear it long ago.

In 2 months, Xiao Xiner and Lin Tian also lost 4 leaves of the ancient enlightenment tree, and several other Tianjiao naturally discovered this situation, and they were shocked by the speed at which Xiao Xiner and Lin Tian lost the leaves of the ancient enlightenment tree.

You must know that in the past 2 months, they have not lost a single leaf of the ancient enlightenment tree, but Xiao Xiner and Lin Tian have lost 4 ancient enlightenment tree leaves. How can this not be shocking?
2 months just passed this day.


There are fluctuations in the five laws of Xiao Xiner's body -

The law of gold, the law of wood, the law of water, the law of fire, and the law of earth.

The five laws are transformed into each other, forming a perfect cycle.

Coincidentally, Gu Yunhe's eyes swept to Xiao Xin'er's side at this time, sensing the fluctuation of the Five Elements Law, and suddenly sneered at Xiao Xin'er.

"How arrogant, how dare you practice the Five Elements at the same time!"

Most people don't know the way of the law, and they just think that the more laws they understand, the better, but Gu Yunhe knows the difference between the ways of the law.

The sixth level of the Void Realm does not need to worry about the path of the law, but once the practice reaches the ninth level of the Void Realm, which is the level of the sub-god, it must be chosen.

Choose which way to step into the planetary level of the gods.

A single law is undoubtedly the easiest way. After breaking through to the level of the gods, you only need to comprehend one law. Other laws can only be temporarily abandoned. The choice has been made at the time of the sub-god level.

For example, if you choose the law of fire, once you break through to become a god, the star core godhead will show the breath of the law of fire and become a godhead of fire. The godhead of fire is fixed, and naturally you can no longer comprehend other laws, even if you can mobilize other Discovered, but can no longer progress, is equivalent to abandonment.

One kind of law is the simplest, and two kinds of rules are more difficult, but the Five Elements Law contains five kinds of rules!

Although each Tianjiao has learned a lot of laws, he can practice many martial arts and increase his strength.

But Xiao Xiner used the Five Elements Law to comprehend martial arts at this time. This is obviously to comprehend a kind of god-level martial arts at the Five Elements level. It is equivalent to walking the Five Elements. To learn the Five Elements Martial Arts?

This is the realm of the ancient tree of enlightenment. Wouldn't you be stupid to practice martial arts that you will give up in the future?

If she doesn't give up, then Xiao Xiner must follow the five elements.

Even he didn't dare to walk the Five Elements Road, Xiao Xiner even dared to try to follow the Five Elements Road, not to mention the difficulty of breaking through to the level of the gods with the Five Elements Road, just to attack the universe emperor in the future, it would be too difficult. .

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me!"

Gu Yunhe closed his eyes and continued to comprehend the martial arts and laws he wanted to cultivate.

"The second level of the five-color divine light is complete!" Xiao Xin'er realized in her heart and couldn't help but show joy.

According to inheritance, there are five layers of five-color divine light, and the power of five-color divine light on each layer is different.

Now, after two months of comprehension, Xiao Xiner finally cultivated the five-color divine light to the second level of perfection, and the five-element law has also been cultivated to the realm of small achievement.

And if you want to cultivate the five-color divine light to the third layer, you must cultivate the five-element law to the Dacheng realm, otherwise you will not be able to hit the third layer of the five-color divine light.

Lin Tian on the other side has also made great progress. He has already cultivated Pangu's real body to the third level.

Pangu's real body has a ninth-level realm, and only the third-level Pangu real body has increased Lin Tian's current strength by ten times, and it has completely integrated the supreme cultivation technique of the eight immortal real bodies of Tianlong.

Today, Pangu's real body has all the characteristics of the eight immortal real bodies of Tianlong.

The real body of Pangu needs the Qi of Chaos, and chaos can accommodate everything, so it can accommodate the eight immortal bodies of Tianlong.

"The first four levels of Pangu's real body are better to practice, but the fifth level needs to comprehend the law of chaos!"

Lin Tian frowned.

The law of chaos does not actually exist in the universe. It is the power of the law that exceeds all laws. Even the law of time and the law of space cannot be compared with the law of chaos.

It can be said to be a fusion law!
The laws of time, space, light, darkness, yin and yang, and the five elements can all be merged into the law of chaos.

As long as you comprehend the power of the thirteen laws, and then comprehend the power of chaos, there is a certain hope to comprehend the laws of chaos.

Unfortunately, this step is very difficult to do. After all, human energy is limited. If a person wants to comprehend the power of the thirteen laws, it is too difficult and too difficult. The power of the law is much more, and it is very difficult to comprehend the power of other laws.

Even if some top geniuses have been comprehended for a lifetime, they may not be able to comprehend the thirteen laws without breaking through to the realm of the gods, and they may not be able to comprehend the thirteen laws after exhausting their lifespan, let alone comprehending the laws of chaos.

"With the supreme martial arts like Pangu's real body, I naturally have to realize the law of chaos, and my practice in the void is the beginning of chaos, and I have the energy of chaos, so taking the path of chaos is the most suitable way. "

Lin Tian has long been ready to take the road of chaos. Although this road is very difficult, once he steps in, the future is bright.

"Xin'er, I'm going to take the path of chaos, how about you?"

Lin Tian informed Xiner of his thoughts.

"I also follow the way of chaos!" Xiao Xin'er said: "Although we have practiced the exercises of the Huaxia era, there are also supreme exercises, but since this universe has the name of the supreme exercises, it means that there must be supreme exercises in this era. For example, the existence of the ten emperors can unite and comprehend together, and maybe they can create the supreme practice. Maybe there is a supreme in this universe, and it is not difficult to create the supreme practice with the ability of the supreme. We have not really seen the universe yet. The most powerful Tianjiao characters, but there are definitely Tianjiao who practice many supreme exercises. If we choose the ordinary path, we will definitely not be as good as those who are the most defying Tianjiao, and the way of chaos should be the strongest way. , We have the foundation of cultivation, and naturally we must take the path of chaos. Once we successfully embark on the path of chaos, those Huaxia martial arts that we practiced before can continue to flourish and will not be abandoned in the future."

"Xin'er, then let's keep working hard to step into the Chaos Way!"

Lin Tian smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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