Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 441 Lin Tian's Potential!

Chapter 441 Lin Tian's Potential!
Xue Moli and Ling Huozi knew how powerful Lin Tian was, so they were not surprised to see Lin Tian score 81 points.

Xue Moli's half-emperor guardian spirits were defeated by Lin Tian. Lin Tian was just a high-level guardian spirit at the beginning, but now he has become a super guardian spirit, and his strength is definitely much more terrifying than before.

A guardian spirit that can progress easily is definitely superior to a half-bottom guardian spirit, and is comparable to a weaker emperor-level guardian spirit.

Therefore, Xue Moli and Ling Huozi were not very shocked.

After Lin Tian's test ended, the other geniuses went up to test one by one, and soon the guardian spirit level test ended.

In this test, only two guardian spirits scored above 80 points.

The two guardian spirits are Lin Tian and Emperor Xinggu. Although Lin Tian’s score is only 81 points lower than that of Emperor Xinggu, and Emperor Xinggu’s score is 84 points, Lin Tian is a super guardian spirit, and Emperor Xinggu is an emperor. As a super guardian spirit, Lin Tian is only three points lower than Emperor Xinggu. You can imagine how evil his talent is.

At this time, many people were extremely shocked by Lin Tian's talent, and they all envied Xiao Xiner.

In the guardian spirit level test, there were only about 70 geniuses with scores between 80 and 20, and most of these 20 people were half-emperor guardian spirits.

Later, King Lingguang began to announce the start of the guardian spirit potential test.

The potential of each guardian spirit is different. Some guardian spirits may not have a high level, but their potential is incredible; while some guardian spirits may have a high level, but their potential is not high.

Because of this, the potential of guardian spirits needs to be tested.

Boom! ! !

King Lingguang waved his hand and took out a stone tablet from the Void Ring.

The whole body of this stone tablet is blue-grey, with a faint blue light seeping out.

The stele is three meters wide and ten meters high.

This stone tablet is a guardian spirit potential monument specially used to test the potential of guardian spirits, and it is a very advanced guardian spirit potential monument.

After King Lingguang announced the start of the test, each genius asked his guardian spirit to go up for the test.

After the guardian spirit of the first genius went up for testing, a data was displayed on the guardian spirit potential monument, which was 57 points.

This 57 points means that the potential of this guardian spirit is 57 points.

Then the guardian spirits were tested one by one. The potential scores of most guardian spirits were around 60 points.

At this time, Sha Mo's Guardian Spirit Emperor Star walked up, placed his hands against the Guardian Spirit Potential Monument, and poured a force into the Guardian Spirit Potential Monument.

Suddenly, the Guardian Spirit Potential Monument shone brightly, and a statistic appeared on top of the Guardian Spirit Potential Monument—69 points!
This 69 points is quite good, exceeding the potential of most guardian spirits present.

"Xiao Xin'er, I'm going to let my guardian spirit go up and try it out first." Li Zhenjin said impatiently.

Soon, your serious guardian spirit walked up, stood in front of the guardian spirit potential monument, and started to test according to the method of guardianship potential test. Soon a set of data appeared, and a data of 70 points was displayed on it.

This score of 70 means that Li Zhenjin's guardian spirit potential exceeds that of Sha Mo, which is a very good result.

Shortly afterwards, Shao Xing's guardian spirit also took the test. His guardian spirit test scores were much better than those of Sha Mo and Li Zhenjin's guardian spirits.

After all, Shaoxing's guardian spirit is a half-emperor guardian spirit, so its potential is naturally very high.Soon, Shaoxing's guardian spirit test ended, and the score showed a score of 76.

This result is obviously within everyone's expectations. After all, he is a half-emperor guardian spirit. It would be abnormal if he could not reach more than 70 points.

Ling Huozi's guardian spirit test result was 71 points, while Xue Moli's guardian spirit test result was 77 points.

Under the spotlight, Gu Yunhe's guardian spirit went up for the test. At this time, many people were speculating on what level Gu Yunhe's guardian spirit could achieve?
"Gu Yunhe's guardian spirit is an emperor-level guardian spirit, and its potential must be above 85 points."

"We can't say for sure yet. The potential of an emperor-level guardian spirit may not be very high, maybe only about 80 points."

"No matter what, Gu Yunhe's guardian spirit potential is definitely the highest. There is no doubt about this."

"This is of course natural. The potential of emperor-level guardian spirits must be higher than the potential of other genius guardian spirits."

At this time, no one thought that Lin Tian's potential could surpass Gu Yunhe's guardian star, the Great Emperor.

Everyone was staring at Gu Yunhe's guardian star, Emperor Gu.

Soon, the Star Ancient Emperor test ended, and a shocking data appeared.

"86 points!"

The score of 86 completely surpasses the potential scores of other guardian spirits.

Yu Long from the Space Mercenary Association, his guardian spirit's potential is only 80 points.

As for Yang Taien of Universe Bank, the potential of his guardian spirit is only 79 points.

It can be seen from this that the potential of the Guardian Star Ancient Emperor is so incredible!

At this moment, Xiao Xin'er's guardian spirit Lin Tian walked up.

Lin Tian poured power into the guardian spirit potential monument.

Many people are paying attention to Lin Tian. They are very curious, how far can the potential of a super guardian spirit reach?
60 point?
70 point?
At this time, no one thought that Lin Tian's potential could reach more than 80 points. After all, he was just a super guardian spirit today, and it was almost unrealistic for a super guardian spirit to achieve a score of more than 80 points.

Some people even think that Lin Tian's potential may only be about 50 points.

If Lin Tian's potential is really only 50 points, that would be so embarrassing!

Xiao Xiner was also looking at Lin Tian, ​​and she was also a little nervous.

Her goal is not high. As long as Lin Tian's potential reaches above 75 points, she will be satisfied.

Lin Tian himself was a little nervous. His goal was 80 points.

As for whether he could reach 80 points or above, he felt a little unsure.

Under the spotlight, a piece of data appeared in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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