Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 400 World of Abyss Fragments!

Chapter 400 World of Abyss Fragments!

After settling in the perfect villa in the realm, Xiao Xiner officially entered the circle of elite disciples in the Holy Land of Heaven.

There are separate circles for core disciples, elite disciples, and ordinary disciples in the Celestial Sacred Land. For example, the three major circles of the Celestial Domain Forum are separate. Ordinary disciples cannot enter the elite disciples forum, and elite disciples can no longer enter the ordinary disciples forum. .

However, this restriction is not valid for the preparation of the Holy Son. Although Xiao Xiner has entered the elite disciple area, she can still enter the ordinary disciple forum without any restrictions.

After all, she is not an elite disciple, but a preparatory holy child, and naturally has special authority.

After coming to the cloud dream world, Xiao Xiner did not practice immediately, but learned about the things and precautions in the elite disciple area.

She estimates that she will live in the elite disciple area for a long time, so she naturally needs to know more about the elite disciple area.

And the first thing Xiao Xiner knew about was the cloud dream world.

There are ten preparatory saints and 32 top elite disciples in Yunmeng Realm. Most of the top elite disciples dominate the villas in the low-end realm, but their strength is not weak. They are the most elite among the elite disciples.

There are nearly 4000 elite disciples, and the 32 top elite disciples who have competed among them are not as strong as Xiao Xiner, but they are definitely very powerful, and can shine brightly even in the entire Galaxy University.

"Ancient Wolf, second on the Earth Ranking!"

"Fengxu, fourth on the Earth Ranking list!"

"Huo Yu, number three on the Earth Ranking!"

Xiao Xin'er is holding a document in her hand, which records the situation of a famous preparatory holy child and top elite disciples in the Yunmeng Realm, which she asked the maids to collect.

This kind of information is not difficult to collect. You can buy it in the shops selling news in the elite disciple area with just a few stars. Although it is not very comprehensive, it can at least give an overview.

To understand the general situation, this is enough for Xiao Xiner.

This document contains not only the information on the preparatory holy children and the top elite disciples, but also various introductions to the elite disciple area, plus some scattered information she learned on the elite disciple forum. After a few days, she has I know a lot about the elite disciple area.

"The elite disciple area is very exciting!"

Xiao Xiner couldn't help but smile.

The life of ordinary disciples is basically practice and practice, and there is very little training, but elite disciples are different. There is real training here, and there is even the danger of falling.

For countless years, many elite disciples have died in the elite disciple area.

During normal matches or competitions, there are gods guarding them, and there is almost no death, but in many cases, no gods are present.

Such as fighting with aliens!

"I didn't expect that there is an entrance to the abyss fragment in the core disciple area of ​​​​the Holy Land!"

Lin Tian couldn't help but be surprised when he saw this information.

Before, she didn't know what an abyss was. She had only heard of it, but had never seen it.Now, she has joined Tianji Holy Land and finally knows what the abyss is.

The abyss is the entrance to a huge space crack somewhere in the universe. That space crack is very huge, running through a star field, and swallowing everything around it like a gluttonous glutton.

Passing through that entrance, you can enter the abyss, which seems to be a new world, but it is far beyond the cognition of the world in the universe.

For example, the small world of the magic sound on the earth, the small world where the Heavenly Pole Holy Land is located, is not big, not bigger than a star.

But the abyss is different. Countless stars thrown into the abyss cannot fill the abyss. It is an unimaginably huge world, but it is far less huge than the universe.

According to known intelligence, the abyss is the size of a galaxy.

A small galaxy is far inferior to the universe, but this area is already terrifying.

There are countless ethnic groups in the abyss, and most of them have various negative attributes such as darkness, evil, and curse. Among them, the abyss trolls are a very powerful group, and the gods in the abyss are called the abyss devils!

Most of the ethnic groups in the abyss are opposed to the human race, and the human race is also a very expansive ethnic group.

As long as it is in the territory of the human race, if the aliens do not seek refuge, they will be killed directly.

Xiao Xiner is a human race, but she has to admit that the human race did destroy many ethnic groups at the beginning of the Galaxy Age, but more ethnic groups were vassalized by the human race.

It can be said that most of the rich territory of the universe today belongs to the territory of the human race, and the abyss has been peeping at the territory of the universe, and it is naturally the emperor of the human race.

But the human race is very strong, so the various races in the abyss dare not step into the universe, even if they come, it is sneaky, for fear of being killed by the strong human race.

But even so, there have been many wars between humans and the abyss. Many times in history the collapse of civilization is related to the abyss. For example, the collapse of the ancient god civilization, some of which are also related to the abyss.

In the endless years, I don't know how many powerful civilizations have been born. Under the first war, the abyss was also smashed into many fragments. These fragments flowed all over the universe and evolved into huge worlds.

These worlds are abyss fragments, but they also have a complete ecosystem, and the Holy Land of Heaven has an entrance connected to the abyss fragment world, where there are many abyss ethnic groups.

The creatures in this abyss fragment world are not very powerful, so this world was indirectly controlled and blocked by the Holy Land of Heaven, and it became a training ground for the elite disciples of the Holy Land of Heaven.

Occasionally, some elite disciples will enter this fragmented world to temper and fight, but because they are in another world, if they encounter danger, the gods of the Holy Land cannot bless them, so deaths will still happen.

But many elite disciples are still keen to go to the abyss shard world to train. First, the abyss shard world has nurtured some treasures, and will get a lot of celestial points, and this celestial point is the most important.

Many tasks in the elite disciple area are related to that abyss fragment world, but that abyss fragment world is not always opened, at most once a year.

"If you open it next time, be sure to enter and see!"

Xiao Xiner whispered to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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