Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 40 Shocking results!

Chapter 40 Shocking results!
Half a month after the end of the college entrance examination, the results of the cultural examination came out.

Xiao Xiner checked it out—

"997 points!"

Seeing this score, Xiao Xin'er sighed, "Sure enough, those three questions are wrong!"

In fact, this score is already very high. If you really get 1000 points in the test, it will be too scary.

As soon as the scores came out, Xiao Xiner shared the scores with her parents and grandpa.

Afterwards, Xiao Xiner applied for Xinghe University, just waiting for the acceptance letter of Xinghe University to arrive.

A meeting of the senior management of the Xiao family.

Dozens of senior Xiao family members were chatting, and suddenly they talked about this college entrance examination.

Xiao Ao said: "The college entrance examination is over, and the grades are all down. My grandson Xiao Tangyu scored 756 in the cultural test, and the cultivation level is the second level of the marrow washing realm. You all know about the guardian spirit, so I won't mention it again."

When Xiao Ao finished speaking, the others were surprised, and they hurriedly congratulated each other.

"Elder Xiao Ao, your family's Xiao Tangyu is good. This time I can go to a good and good university. I don't know which university to apply for?" Elder Xiao Fei asked.

"Zhanling University ranks seventh in the Earth University rankings, isn't it?" Xiao Ao is complacent, after all, his grandson is so powerful, it can be regarded as adding a lot of face to him.

Suddenly, an elder asked Patriarch Xiao Batian: "Patriarch, how is your granddaughter Xiao Xin'er doing?"

Before Xiao Batian could speak, Elder Xiao Ao said first: "Patriarch, it's not me who attacked your granddaughter, your granddaughter's strength is beyond doubt, the guardian spirit of the body is even more powerful than the first awakened person of the Marrow Washing Realm, and can kill by leaps and bounds. Enemy. But the college entrance examination has strict indicators for guardian spirits. The universities that the inferior guardian spirits can go to are only those universities that are ranked lower, and they can't compare with the Zhanling University that my family Tang Yu attended. "

After speaking, Xiao Ao gave Xiao Batian a provocative look.

Xiao Batian was not angry, smiled slightly, and said lightly: "My granddaughter's grades are average, her cultural test score is 997, and as for the cultivation base test, it is the fifth level of washing the marrow, the guardian spirit is medium, and the potential is unlimited."

This kind of result is no longer ordinary, but it is too heaven-defying!
"Medium guardian spirit? How could it be possible? Wasn't it a low-level guardian spirit in the Xiao family competition before?" Xiao Ao and the other elders looked confused.

"Actually, I'm also very confused, but do you still remember the first time my granddaughter's guardian spirit was mortal?" Xiao Batian said with a smile, "That girl Xin'er told me that her guardian spirit is special and will be upgraded. She can become a higher guardian spirit, but requires some special conditions, so her guardian spirit can be upgraded from an ordinary guardian spirit to a medium guardian spirit."

"A medium guardian spirit, the fifth level of the Marrow Washing Stage, and the cultural test score is 997!"

Xiao Ao clenched his fists, unable to believe this achievement.

This result is many times stronger than his grandson Xiao Tangyu, completely crushed!
"Is this grade enough to get into Dixing University?" a senior Xiao family member whispered.

Earthstar University, the second-ranked university on Earth, is far more powerful than Zhanling University.

Compared with Earth Star University, Zhanling University is a scumbag.

Just when many senior members of the Xiao family were immersed in Xiao Xiner's terrifying results, Xiao Batian continued to break out a shocking statement: "By the way, I forgot to tell you, my granddaughter took the supplementary exam during the cultivation level exam, and passed Yes, I have already applied for Xinghe University a few days ago!"

This sudden revelation immediately stunned them.Additional test, Galaxy University!

"Additional test? Patriarch, are you kidding me? You need to comprehend the artistic conception to pass it. Few of those who are strong in the congenital realm can comprehend the artistic conception. There are so many people present that none of us can comprehend the artistic conception. You say that your granddaughter is talented. Do you understand the mood after washing the marrow?" Xiao Ao didn't believe it.

"If you don't believe me, you can check it out and ask the leaders of Feilan No. [-] Middle School. Why should I lie to you!" Xiao Batian spread his hands.

"Congratulations, Patriarch, Hexi Patriarch!"

"Congratulations to the patriarch, our Xiao family actually gave birth to a student from Galaxy University. It is said that the weakest students who graduate from Galaxy University are congenital, and even the enchanting monster who can reach the spiritual realm after graduation. It seems that our Xiao family wants to Add an innate, or even a future spiritual master!"

A high-level Xiao family congratulated Xiao Batian, and Xiao Ao was completely forgotten by everyone.

In front of Xiao Xiner's results, Xiao Tangyu's results were completely turned into scum.

A few days later, the notice from Galaxy University came down.

Xiao Xiner was successfully admitted to Galaxy University and became the only student in Feilan City to be admitted to Galaxy University this year.

For a time, Xiao Xiner's name resounded throughout Feilan City.


After more than a month, Xiao Xiner left Feilan City and went to Galaxy Sky City.

Galaxy Sky City is the city where Galaxy University is located. This is not an ordinary city, but a giant city suspended in the sky.

Guardian Spirit Space.

Xiao Xiner was complaining to Lin Tian: "Hey, it's been so tiring this month, I don't even have much time to practice, the media come to interview me every day, and various people come to visit, and I finally left, otherwise I'll be fast. crazy."

"There is no way, who let you be admitted to Galaxy University, and you are the only student admitted to Galaxy University this year." Lin Tian said.

"By the way, Lin Tian, ​​you are about to break through to the realm of blood exchange, right?" Xiao Xin'er asked.

"Well, soon, I have already cultivated the tenth level of the marrow washing realm to the extreme, and it is estimated that it will be in the past few days."

Although Lin Tian said this on his lips, he was worried about the exercises in the blood exchange realm.

Shaolin doesn't have any cultivation techniques for blood, so he has not found a suitable method for the blood exchange realm, otherwise, he would have hit the blood exchange realm long ago.

"It's time to go to the Huaxia era to find a blood-changing practice!"

Lin Tian decided.

(End of this chapter)

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