Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 4 God-level exercises are born!

Chapter 4 God-level exercises are born!

"The Chinese practice of a billion years ago?" Lin Tian said strangely: "But even if I take it out, you don't know it. According to your description, you didn't know anything about the Chinese civilization at that time. You only know that there are This civilization just exists."

Xiao Xiner hurriedly explained: "If you can come up with the exercises of Chinese civilization and put them in our era, even the most rubbish Chinese civilization exercises will become god-level exercises."

"What do you mean, I didn't understand." Lin Tian shook his head.

"In our era, the rules of the universe have undergone tremendous changes. The older things are, the more valuable they are, such as exercises. An extremely advanced practice. The practice of Chinese civilization a billion years ago, any practice in this era can surpass the ninth-level practice and become a god-level practice." Xiao Xiner said.

"You...are you telling the truth?"

Lin Tian took a deep breath.

If what Xiao Xiner said is true, then...

"Of course what I said is true. I'm afraid you are fooling me, and you are just a mortal. Do you have any exercises on your body?" Xiao Xiner expressed her doubts. There are many contents involved in a single exercise, and mortals who have not practiced can't do it at all. Can't remember those exercises.

Even if Lin Tian is really a human of the Chinese civilization, how can he remember the exercises, and most of the memories of many guardian spirits have been lost, and he can't remember many exercises at all, otherwise millions of years ago or even tens of millions of years ago. The exercises will not be so rare.

"Wait, I'll be back in a while!"

After Lin Tian finished speaking, his figure moved, and he instantly plunged into the vortex at the end of the galaxy and disappeared.

"Why is my guardian spirit so strange, even if I don't know about the guardian spirit, it will disappear in the guardian spirit space. I don't know what is at the end of the vortex. Could it be that he has opened up a residence in the guardian spirit space?" Xiao Xiner muttered to herself.


"That's not a dream!"

On the bed in the rental room, Lin Tian's body appeared out of thin air.

When he first entered the guardian spirit space, he was still a little confused, but now he has fully understood his own situation.

He really became the guardian spirit of a peerless beauty in a billion years, and crossed time and space to become the guardian spirit of future people, but these strange things happened to him.

More importantly, he became a guardian spirit in the form of a living person.

He closed his eyes slightly to sense it, and he could sense the existence of a vortex in his mind.

This vortex is the channel connecting him and Xiao Xiner's guardian spirit space. He can enter these two places freely, and he can sense Xiao Xiner's call.

"The older the exercises are, the stronger they are. For Xiao Xiner's era, the era I live in now is a billion years ago. I don't remember any exercises, but I can relax in this era. Obtain any of the exercises." Lin Tian said excitedly.

Through the induction in the dark, Lin Tian understood that he could not carry anything from this era into the guardian spirit space, and he could carry only memories.

Therefore, he could not bring the exercises books into the guardian spirit space, and could only record those exercises by memory.

But which one should you choose for the first exercise?
"Just the Tao Te Ching!"

Lin Tian decided.

The Tao Te Ching is the general outline of Taoist exercises, and there is also a full version on the Internet. This general Taoist outline can be remembered separately. He will memorize the first chapters to try.

"The Tao can be called the Tao, the very Tao. The name can be named, it is very famous. It is not named the beginning of heaven and earth; it is named the mother of all things. Therefore, it is always absent, and I want to see its wonderfulness; there is always, I want to see it..."

Lin Tian looked at the Tao Te Ching on the computer and read it word by word.

In the past, he also read the Tao Te Ching and memorized it when he was in school. Although he can't remember it completely now, the memory hidden in the depths emerged immediately after a little review.

In less than half an hour, he memorized all the first ten chapters of the Tao Te Ching.

"Go to the guardian spirit space and try it." Lin Tian's body suddenly disappeared from the rental house and came to the guardian spirit space in Xiao Xin'er's soul.

"You're back!"

Seeing Lin Tian coming out of the vortex, Xiao Xiner said quickly.

"I'm sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time. I'll pass you a part of a practice right now." Lin Tian sat cross-legged and began to recite the contents of the Tao Te Ching.

"The way is good, it's very good. The name is famous, it's very famous..."

As Lin Tian recited, each word flew out of his mouth, turning into golden words and flying in the guardian spirit space.

"Spit regular words, this is a god-level exercise!"

Xiao Xiner was shocked.

In this era, all god-level exercises can be turned into rules once they are recited.

Mouth spit rules are regarded as a sign of god-level exercises!

Immediately, Xiao Xiner also sat cross-legged and read the Tao Te Ching along with Lin Tian.

"The Tao can be called the Tao, the very Tao. The name can be named, it is very famous. It is not named the beginning of heaven and earth; it is named the mother of all things. Therefore, it is always absent, and I want to see its wonderfulness; there is always, I want to see it..."

As Xiao Xiner recited, countless insights into Tao Te Ching poured into her heart.

This is the first time the Tao Te Ching appeared in this era, and it was recognized by the rules of this era.

And Xiao Xiner and Lin Tian were together and recited the Tao Te Ching together, so they also began to inherit the Tao Te Ching.

In the outside world, the Tao Te Ching also caused a huge movement.

I saw Xiao Xiner's body surrounded by a large number of rules, turning her into a sea of ​​rules, subtly changing her body.

This is just a small movement, the real movement is above the earth.

The rules of the universe came to the earth and turned into countless golden lights to form a huge phantom.

This is an old man, with a childlike appearance, wearing a Taoist robe, who is the Laozi in the legend of Chinese civilization.

Lao Tzu stepped on the void, a huge Tai Chi map evolved into a galaxy, his eyes turned into the world of Tao, and he silently recited the Tao Te Ching.

It's just that the others couldn't hear what Lao Tzu was saying, and only saw Lao Tzu's mouth moving.

hum! ! !
The rules of heaven and earth are shaking, like the ringing of a bell, shaking the void of the earth!
The average person only sees this vision, but does not know what is going on.

However, in the eyes of many powers of the earth, the regular ocean of the earth oscillates in the void, setting off a huge regular tide.

The headquarters of the Federation of the Earth Federation.

A terrifying figure bathed in the rules appeared, all of them staring at the ocean of rules on the earth.

"The ocean of rules shakes, and the phantom of the ancient gods descends. This is a sign of the birth of a god-level exercise!"

A shocked voice echoed over the headquarters of the Earth Federation God League.

(End of this chapter)

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