Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 391 Another era of whirlpool!

Chapter 391: An era on the other side of the whirlpool!
"Aren't you always curious about what's on the other side of this vortex?"

Lin Tian stared at Xiao Xin'er and said mysteriously.

"I'm curious, but if you don't want to say it, you don't need to say it."

Xiao Xiner said so, but her eyes were full of curiosity.

"I am willing to tell you, but you must not leak it out, otherwise even the strongest Supreme in the Galaxy Era will have to shoot at you."

Lin Tian warned.

"What, even the Supreme is moved!"

Only then did Xiao Xiner really realize the importance of this secret.

Above the planetary level is the stellar level god, and above it is the universe emperor.

The cosmos emperor is a powerful being that can truly traverse the universe, and the ten emperors of the Federation God Alliance are the ten most powerful emperors, each of which has reached the tenth level of the cosmos emperor, and is almost invincible.

But above the tenth level of the universe emperor is the supreme realm.

Universe Supreme!

That is the existence standing at the peak of the universe!
Xiao Xiner doesn't know whether there is a cosmic supreme in the human race. She is still far from being able to reach that level of existence, but it is difficult for her to imagine the secrets that make such an existence like the supreme.

I am afraid that the entire Celestial Holy Land will not be placed in the eyes of the Supreme.

If the secret that Lin Tian said was really that important, but now he wants to tell her, how much trust in her!
For a time, Xiao Xiner was extremely moved.

At this time, Lin Tian took a deep breath and said, "The other end of the vortex of the guardian spirit space is actually a world, or a universe."

"The world, the universe?"

Xiao Xiner was shocked.

But what's even more surprising is that...

"To be precise, that was an era, an era that was a billion years ago, that was the era of China a billion years ago, why do I know so many attacks from the Huaxia era, and how many exercises can I get? It's not because I remember it, but because I'm in the Huaxia era, I can search for any exercises I want on the Internet, or go to some places to find them. I'm not a dead creature, but a living creature. I was summoned by Lin Tian a billion years later and became your guardian spirit. The era I live in is exactly one billion years apart from yours."

Lin Tian revealed everything and did not hide it at all.

"Are you saying that behind the whirlpool is the Huaxia era a billion years ago, and you are a living person in the Huaxia era and have not died?"

Xiao Xiner looked at Xiao Xiner in shock, she couldn't believe it.

"That's right!"

Lin Tian nodded.


Xiao Xiner took a deep breath, completely stunned.

Her biggest guess before was that there was a space at the end of the vortex, and there were countless Huaxia exercises and treasures in that space, and just taking it out was enough to make the gods move.

A whole space will definitely make the supreme heart move.

But she still far underestimated this secret, she never thought that this is not a space, but an era.

Other people's guardian spirits are dead, and after many years they have become people's guardian spirits, but her guardian spirit is a living person, a human being in the Huaxia era a billion years ago, and can travel freely between the two eras.

"Lin Tian, ​​if you say that, you can return to the Huaxia era at any time. Do you still have relatives there?"

Xiao Xiner was curious.

"Well, I still have my parents, sister, and some relatives. As for my friends, there are almost no friends. I have spent most of the past ten years in the Galaxy Era, and those classmates and friends have long since lost contact."

Lin Tian said.Perhaps because he confessed everything, Lin Tian felt much better and chatted happily with Xiao Xiner.

And Xiao Xiner, like a curious baby, asked a lot about the Huaxia era, and Lin Tianju told Xiao Xiner.

"Lin Tian, ​​I really want to go to Huaxia Era."

Xiao Xiner's longing look seems to be fantasizing that she has gone to the Huaxia era to meet Lin Tian's parents.

"Xin'er, since I can come to the Galaxy Era, maybe you can also enter the Huaxia Era in the future. As long as we keep practicing, maybe we can crack the secret of this vortex and let us break the time and space constraints."

This is not only Lin Tian's expectation, but also Xiao Xiner's wish.

"Okay, let's work together!"

Xiao Xin'er clenched her fists, her face full of fighting spirit.

It seems that as the two opened their hearts, this time when Xiao Xiner and Lin Tian practiced telepathy again, the telepathy progressed by leaps and bounds, and everything came naturally.

The third level of telepathy is completed!

"Lin Tian, ​​summon!"

After Xiao Xiner reached the third level of telepathy, she began to summon Lin Tian.

According to the test, the time required for this summon is only 0.0001 seconds, which is infinitely close to 0.

In this era, even the Emperor of the Universe cannot attack Xiao Xiner in 0.0001 seconds. This time is no different from 0. As long as Xiao Xiner is willing to summon the guardian spirit, no one can stop her.

After telepathically entering the third floor, Xiao Xiner and Lin Tian easily cultivated the indestructible spirit body to the fourth floor.

As for the fifth layer of the immortal spirit body, it will take a little while, but it will definitely not be too long.

3 years later.

At this time, Xiao Xiner is already at the fourth level of the Void Realm. She could have raised her cultivation to the fourth level of the Void Realm, but in order to stabilize her foundation, she has been refining her Divine Sea power again and again. .

In the past three years, her progress in all aspects has been exaggerated.

For example, in terms of laws, all the six laws Xiao Xin'er had realized have entered the realm of Xiaocheng, and none of them are new to Xiaocheng. Among them, the Law of Sword has made the greatest progress, reaching the peak of Xiaocheng, and is almost entering the realm of Dacheng. .

This kind of progress made everyone in the ordinary disciple area stunned, and the gap between the other three preparatory saints and her was getting bigger and bigger.

Another example is the quality of the soul.

Today, her soul golden body has reached the realm of the late stage of Xiaocheng, and it is much stronger than before.

As for all kinds of martial arts, the progress is also very great.

It can be said that Xiao Xiner three years later can easily kill her previous self.

As Xiao Xiner's guardian spirit, Lin Tian's progress is also huge, faster than Xiao Xiner's.

"Lin Tian, ​​I'm about to enter the elite disciple area. The ordinary disciple area won't help me much!"

Xiao Xiner discussed with Lin Tian.

She is a preparatory holy child. As long as her cultivation reaches the fourth level of the Void Realm, she can enter the elite disciple area, and she does not need to wait for the arrival of the annual exam.

This is one of the treats that prepares the Son!

"Well, yes, then go to the elite disciple area!"

Lin Tian agrees.

(End of this chapter)

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