Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 373 Annual Examination of Five Major Projects!

Chapter 373 The annual exam of the five major projects!
Only ordinary disciples and outer sect disciples have annual exams in the Holy Land of Heavenly Pole, and there are no annual exams for elite disciples.

Ordinary disciples and outer sect disciples were assessed in their respective areas and would not be together.

And the ordinary disciple assessment is located in the central place of the ordinary disciple area - Saint Cloud City!

This is a small town, but it is the core area of ​​the ordinary disciple area. Many deities of the Heavenly Pole Holy Land live here, and occasionally gods stay here.

Every year, the annual examination of ordinary disciples attracts the attention of many gods, and the annual examination is also an opportunity for the gods to choose their disciples.

Disciples who perform well will even be accepted as apprentices by some powerful gods, but ordinary gods accept apprentices.

Therefore, it is very difficult to see the gods accepting apprentices every year. Often, no gods take a fancy to ordinary disciples for a year, and there will not be any gods accepting apprentices, or there will be gods accepting apprentices, but those ordinary disciples do not look down on them. refused outright.

After all, the talents of these ordinary disciples are very powerful, and they are top talents in the outside world. If you want to apprentice, you can easily worship the stellar-level gods in the outside world as your masters. Some planet-level gods want to accept them as apprentices. How could they possibly want to.

There are not many items in the annual examination, such as the power control assessment, which is the most important one.

As for other assessments, they are selective assessments. Many annual examinations are located in various places in Sacred Cloud City, and each ordinary disciple can only choose five items for assessment.

You can only choose five items, you can't choose more than one, otherwise, if you choose all of them, it is equivalent to brushing the assessment to get Tianji points.

Passing these five items is enough to let the Heavenly Sacred Land know the progress of the disciples.

St. Cloud City.

Many ordinary disciples came here, and Xiao Xiner also came.

Walking in Saint Cloud City, suddenly a voice came——

"Xiao Xiner!"

Hearing this voice, Xiao Xiner turned her head and looked over.

I saw the three of them walking slowly. Xiao Xiner knew these three people. After all, they occasionally met in Holy Spirit Mountain.

These three are the preparatory sons of the Holy Spirit Mountain, Wang Xinghe, Zi Zhao, and the most mysterious Li Zhenjin who hardly comes out!

For half a year, Xiao Xiner had only seen Li Zhenjin once in a hurry.

She didn't know much about Li Zhenjin, but on the forum of ordinary disciples, people mentioned that Li Zhenjin was very worshipped, and his strength was above the preparation of the holy son Wang Xinghe and Zi Zhao.

It is said that Li Zhenjin has a [-]% hope of obtaining a place for a holy son, but this is an exaggeration by people. She is not sure whether it is true or not.

But judging from the positions of the three people in front of them, Li Zhenjin was a little bit ahead, while Wang Xinghe and Zi Zhao were a little bit behind, as if they were followers. From this, it could be seen that Li Zhenjin's status was higher.

"Wang Xinghe, Zi Zhao, Li Zhenjin, how are you!"

Xiao Xiner walked over and said hello.

"Xiao Xin'er, we are all preparatory saints in the ordinary disciple area. Why don't we go to the exam together this time, and it is your first time to take the annual exam, so you don't know many things, we can help you explain it. "

Wang Xinghe said with a smile.

However, it is worth pondering how much real and how much this smile is fake.

Regarding Wang Xinghe's kindness, Xiao Xin'er accepted it and said quickly: "Thank you very much! Actually, I really don't know much about it, and I want to ask for advice!" "I don't know what you don't understand, Xiao Xin'er. You can ask, if we know, we will definitely tell you!”

Wang Xinghe's kindness doesn't really want to help Xiao Xiner, he just wants to know more about Xiao Xiner's strength, and this annual exam is an opportunity to know Xiao Xiner's strength.

He wants to see Xiao Xiner's level with his own eyes!

"I want to know which five assessments are better for the annual exam?"

Xiao Xiner asked seriously.

"The five assessments I choose every year are power control, law evaluation, life level, soul quality and combat power assessment, and these five assessments can basically test the true progress level of an awakened person. We three prepare The annual examination items of the Holy Son are also selected from these five items, and these five can get a lot of Tianji points, I suggest you also choose these five assessment items, we can go to the assessment together."

Wang Xinghe proposed.

"That's right, the four preparatory saints will be assessed together, which is very good!"

Zi Zhao also said on the side.

Li Zhenjin didn't talk much, so he stood there and didn't speak, but the meaning in his eyes was that he hoped that Xiao Xiner would choose these five assessment items.

Seeing this, Xiao Xin'er nodded: "If this is the case, then I will choose these five assessment items. Which item should I take the annual exam first?"

"The first one I suggest to choose the annual soul quality test. This is the closest to the annual soul quality test, so let's go there first."

Li Zhenjin spoke suddenly.

Immediately, Xiao Xiner, Wang Xinghe and Zi Zhao all agreed.

The annual examination of soul quality is located in the Hall of Souls.

The Soul Hall is specially designed to conduct soul quality assessments. At this time, hundreds of people have come here, and they are all conducting soul quality assessments.


Someone shouted: "Look, the four major preparatory saints in our ordinary disciple area are here, and this is to be assessed at the same time!"

"The four preparatory saints will be assessed at the same time, which must be very interesting!"

"Hahaha, I'm going to call other people to watch the fun and prepare the Holy Sons to test at the same time. This is a gravity-level PK!"

"I'm very curious as to which one of the preparatory saints is better in the soul quality assessment!"

"Li Zhenjin should be No. [-], right? Xiao Xiner came to the Heavenly Pole Holy Land for too short a time. It is estimated that she has never even gone to the training treasure land to improve the quality of her soul. She should be the last one among the four preparatory saints. ."

"Don't underestimate Xiao Xin'er, maybe her talent is very evil!"

With the four major preparations for the Holy Son to take the annual soul quality test, many ordinary disciples came from other areas, and some demigods and even gods who originally lived in Shengyun City came to watch the fun.

Suddenly, the Soul Palace was bustling with activity!

(End of this chapter)

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