Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 370 The theory of life level!

Chapter 370 The theory of life level!

There are tens of thousands of ordinary disciples, so there are also ordinary disciples who come to the Secret Art Pavilion.

When Xiao Xiner came to the Secret Art Pavilion, she saw sparse twos and threes coming in and out.

The Secret Art Pavilion has nine floors, and each floor has a staff member sitting at the entrance.

Xiao Xiner entered the first floor, came to the front of the staff, and said politely: "Administrator, I want to know which floor is the content about the life level?"

The staff member was a middle-aged man. He glanced at Xiao Xiner and said lightly: "Fifth floor, ask the administrator of the fifth floor, he will tell you."

"Thank you!"

Xiao Xiner turned around and went to the fifth floor of the Secret Art Pavilion.

The fifth floor of the Secret Art Pavilion.

Xiao Xiner asked the administrator of the fifth floor, and found the books on the life level, but these books are not available to watch, and you need to pay a certain amount of Celestial Points.

"Introduction to Life Levels!"

"Life-level cultivation tips!"

Xiao Xiner watched a bunch of secret books, only to find that there is no special secret technique for the life level, only a bunch of training tips and experience details or introductions to books such as Daquan.

Obviously, there are no shortcuts to the level of life, it is a step-by-step exploration.

Xiao Xiner still bought a few books on the level of life.

For example, the introduction to life levels, 23 celestial points!
Life-level cultivation tips, 27 celestial points!
For ordinary disciples who are only rewarded with 100 Celestial Points a year, these two books will cost 50 Celestial Points, which is equivalent to half of an ordinary disciple's salary for one year.

Ordinary disciples will definitely be reluctant to buy these two books unless they have earned a lot of Celestial Points.

But for Xiao Xiner, the mere 50 days of extreme points is really nothing.

The books on the Secret Art Attic cannot be taken away, and must be inherited in the Secret Art Attic, and the content of these inheritances must be sworn.

Soon, Xiao Xiner and Lin Tian passed on the two classics, the Introduction to Life Level and the Essentials of Life Level Cultivation.

After the inheritance, Xiao Xiner and Lin Tian suddenly realized that they knew a lot about the level of life.

In the universe, all living beings are divided into first-order life, second-order life, third-order life, fourth-order life... ninth-order life according to the level of life.

Among them, human beings are first-order beings, and beings that are lower than human beings are not counted in the series of life levels in the universe at all.

From an individual point of view, the level of human life is indeed inferior to many beings, and a single human being is very weak at the beginning.

The classification of life levels in the universe is basically divided into three aspects - first, life span. The higher the life level, the longer the life span. Even if the cultivation level is low, the life span is far longer than those of lower life forms.

The second is talent. The life talent with the higher life level is generally very powerful. This is unquestionable, but it is not absolute. There are exceptions. On the whole, the talent of human beings is very low. If it were not for the endless number, human beings would not be able to become the overlord of the universe at all.

The third is power. The higher the level of life, the more terrifying its power is. For example, the dragon family has a very high level of life, and its power far exceeds that of humans.

According to general regulations, the higher the life level, the higher the lifespan, the powerful talent, and the terrifying power. This is a normal law.

A first-level life can live for about 100 years, a second-level life can live for about 500 years, a third-level life can live for 1000 years, a fourth-level life can live for 3000 years, a fifth-level life can live for 10000 years, and a sixth-level life can live for 10 years. , the seventh-level life can be said to be millions of years, while the eighth-level life can live for tens of millions of years, and the theoretical life span of the ninth-level life is eternal.

The basic life level of human beings is the first-order life, stepping into the innate can become a second-order life, stepping into the psychic realm can become a third-order life, stepping into the void realm can become a fourth-order life...

But the real dragon clan is different. As soon as the dragon clan is born, even if it is in the innate realm, its life level is also the fifth order.

That's right, the basic life level of the dragon family is fifth-order life, and it is a fifth-order life when it is born. Its life level will increase as human beings with practice, and even reach sixth-order life or even seventh-order life in the void level.

Currently, Lin Tian has cultivated eight immortal bodies of Tianlong, and possesses the power of two real dragons, but this is only power, not life level.

In theory, Lin Tian is currently only a fourth-order life, no different from other Void Realms.

"I didn't expect the level of life to be so mysterious, and the life spans of all beings in the universe are different. It's because of the difference in the level of life. There are also many higher beings listed above, all of which are superior to humans. Dragons can't even rank first, no. Young and senior beings are born at a higher level than those of the dragon race!" Lin Tian was amazed.

"Life with a higher level of life than the dragon family is too rare. There are often only one or two in a family, or even the only life born in the universe. Naturally, this cannot be compared!" Xiao Xin'er said.

Although the level of life is predestined, it can be raised the day after tomorrow.

The Awakener system of human beings can increase the level of life. After the innate realm, each time a big realm is broken through, one can increase the level of life. This is the normal way to improve the level of life, but there are also shortcuts.

For example, Ling Lao, a demigod who is supposed to be a fourth-level being, can only live for 3000 years, but he has lived for 10,000+ years. Only a sixth-level life can live for more than 10 years. Even if Linglao is not a seventh-level life, he is at least a sixth-level life. level life.

Therefore, the level of the void can improve the level of life, but it is more difficult.

The book "The Essentials of Life Level Cultivation" also mentions how to improve the level of life. First, you must understand the laws of life, which is the primary premise.

Once you understand the laws of life, you will slowly understand the life force of cells, and study the cells of various higher life, understand the difference from the two, and then transform your cells to achieve the evolution of cells, and even the evolution of the entire body. degree.

Because each person's cells are different, it is impossible to practice with specific life-level methods. You must rely on your own perception and research.

Once it is fully understood, it is not an extravagant hope to break the limit of life and be promoted to a higher level of life.

But the premise of everything is to understand the law of life. If you don't understand the law of life and try to study the power of cell life, you are compromising your lifespan and committing suicide!

(End of this chapter)

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