Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 365: Eye-catching battle!

Chapter 365 Watch the battle!
Ordinary disciples basically live in one area, and the Holy Land of Heaven also has a virtual world network called the Domain of Heaven.

Therefore, the news spread very quickly, and soon all ordinary disciples knew that Zhang Qichao, who was ranked 65th on the list of people, was going to challenge the newly-arrived child, Xiao Xiner.

This challenge immediately attracted the attention of many people.

This matter was immediately discussed in the forum of ordinary disciples of the Heavenly Pole Domain.

"Zhang Qichao is very fast. If I had known I would have challenged Xiao Xiner. Although it is a bit risky, I heard that this Preparatory Saint Son got the Preparatory Saint Son Token from a Saint Son 10,000+ years ago. , maybe he is a descendant of that Holy Son, and he got the Preparatory Holy Son token through his connections, so he may not necessarily be strong."

"That's right, Zhang Qichao seems to be preparing to bet 2000 Tianji points. He's brave enough to get 2000 Tianji points all at once. If he wins, it's 4000 Tianji points!"

"Zhang Qichao's strength is not weak. He is ranked No. 60 and [-] on the list. The prodigies from the outside world have just joined Tianji Holy Land. They are not very strong. They will become stronger slowly. This preparatory saint may not necessarily be able to defeat Zhang Qichao. !”

"Haha, if the preparatory saint child Xiao Xin'er loses, it will be a shame!"

"If you lose face, you will lose face. At most, you will lose a bit of Tianji points. They are preparing for the Holy Son, and 10000 Tianji points are given every year. We can't compare with others!"

"Yeah, no matter how weak she is, she is also preparing for the Holy Son. This is the rule of the Holy Land!"

"Hey, I think this regulation should be changed. If the preparatory holy son's strength is too poor, the status of the preparatory holy son should be revoked. This is reasonable!"

The challenge this time not only attracted the attention of ordinary disciples, but also some elite disciples and core disciples.

Immediately, some elite disciples and core disciples prepared to cross the area to watch the battle.

Soon, three days passed.

Cloud Terrace.

Above the mist-shrouded mountains, a huge platform stands in the void.

There are countless seats lined up all around, and in the center, there are huge challenge platforms located there. Each challenge platform uses the technique of space folding. The interior space is very large, like a small space, enough to support Void battles without breaking.

Zhang Qichao challenged Xiao Xiner. Although everyone knew about this incident, tens of thousands of ordinary disciples would not come.

Many ordinary disciples are cultivating hard. Where are they in the mood to watch what kind of battle, many ordinary disciples don’t even know about it, and some are in retreat and can’t come here for the time being.

However, even so, nearly 5000 ordinary disciples came to watch the battle, and some elite disciples and core disciples also came here.


A clamor sounded.

"It's Preparing Saint Son Wang Xingyun and Preparing Saint Son Zi Zhao. They have been practicing in seclusion all the time. They rarely show up, but they came here unexpectedly!"

The ordinary disciples exclaimed.

Wang Xingyun and Zi Zhao are the second of the four preparatory saints living in Holy Spirit Mountain. Except for one preparatory son who did not come, three of the three preparatory saints will arrive today.

Different from Xiao Xin'er, Wang Xingyun and Zi Zhao were the preparatory holy children who were competed for the preparatory holy child status in the preparatory holy child assessment. Both of them are now at the third peak of the Void Realm, but their real combat power is far beyond. Ordinary ordinary disciples.

Among the people list, Wang Xingyun ranked second, Zi Zhao ranked third.

As for No. 1, it is the Preparatory Son who has never come.

The three preparatory saints are among the top three in the list of people. They are the well-deserved pride of heaven. No one dares to question them, and no one dares to challenge them.In the audience.

Wang Xingyun and Zi Zhao were sitting next to each other, while the other prospective disciples did not dare to approach each other.

"Wang Xingyun, who do you think will win this time, Zhang Qichao and the probationary son Xiao Xin'er?"

Zi Zhao suddenly asked.

"I can't guess." Wang Xingyun shook his head, "If Xiao Xiner is the preparatory saint who has stepped up step by step, then Xiao Xiner will definitely win. After all, Zhang Qichao's strength is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the preparatory saints. But Xiao Xiner obtained the status of the Preliminary Saint Child by using the Preparatory Saint Child Token. Who knows how strong she is. Even an Awakened with stupid talent and poor strength can become a Preparatory Saint Child by obtaining the Preparatory Saint Son token. child, so unpredictable."

"Yeah, it's impossible to predict, but this time the challenge can also show her strength. As the preparatory saints, we are all competitors, and there are quite a lot of preparatory saints, but only 10 saints are born in each session. , we can't wait for the next one."

Zi Zhao condensed.

"Yeah, there are so many saint sons competing for 10 saint son places. This pressure is not small. With one more reserve saint son, the competitiveness will be higher." Wang Xingyun nodded in agreement.

Therefore, both of them hope that Xiao Xin'er is not a preparatory holy son with innate talent, but a preparatory holy son with ordinary strength.

As a result, they also have one less competitor.

"Zhang Qichao is here!"

someone shouted.

I saw Zhang Qichao, who was wearing a black suit, stepped into the cloud and fog platform and came to a challenge platform, sitting cross-legged in the challenge, waiting for Xiao Xiner's arrival.

Time flickered, and after half an hour, Xiao Xiner was long overdue.

They knew Xiao Xiner's appearance for a long time, so when Xiao Xiner came, many people recognized it and shouted: "Xiao Xiner is here!"


All eyes focused on Xiao Xin'er.

"Xiao Xiner, I am Zhang Qichao, let's challenge the Taiwan battle, my bet in this battle is 1000 Tianji points, I mentioned in the challenge book, if you win me, I will give you 1000 Tianji points, if I win You, you have to give me 2000 days of extreme points, this is the rule!"

Zhang Qichao was the first to remind.

"I know this rule!"

Xiao Xiner crossed a long distance in one step, and with a movement, entered the challenge platform where Zhang Qichao was.

Challenge table, small space inside.

Xiao Xiner confronted Zhang Qichao.

At this time, Zhang Qichao said: "The challenge is divided into the awakened challenge, the guardian spirit challenge and the unrestricted challenge. The so-called unrestricted means that the guardian spirit, weapons and any means are not restricted. Which one do you choose?"

"Unlimited challenges!"

Xiao Xiner said.

(End of this chapter)

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