Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 362 The Holy Son tens of thousands of years ago!

Chapter 362 The Holy Son 10,000+ years ago!

"Prepare the Son token!"

The gods of the Holy Land were surprised.

You must know that there are not many holy children in the Holy Land, and each holy child can only be given a chance to prepare the holy child token. The other preparatory holy children are selected from the core disciples step by step.

The election of the Son of God is carried out once every thousand years.

In the past thousand years, there have been at most a dozen or so preparatory holy child tokens given, and they are basically given to internal disciples. There are very few outsiders like this one who join the heavenly holy land with the preparatory holy child token.

Now that Xiao Xiner appeared with a preparatory holy child token, it was no wonder they were not surprised.

A god suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Xiner and said, "What's your name?"

"Xiao Xiner!"

Xiao Xiner said lightly.

"Xiao Xin'er, can you show me the prepared Saint Child token?"

The God of Heavenly Sacred Land opened his mouth and said.

Preparing the Holy Son token is related to the number of Holy Sons in a Holy Land, so he naturally wants to confirm it.

This kind of preparatory son token is not impossible to imitate, it must be checked.


Xiao Xiner handed the prepared holy child token to the god in the Holy Land of Heaven.

The divine consciousness of the Tianji Holy Land is poured into the Tianji Holy Son token, and it is checked again and again.

"The preparatory holy child token is true, but this preparatory holy child token belongs to a holy child named Lingguang. For tens of thousands of years, our Heavenly Holy Land has never had a holy child named Lingguang. Xiao. Xin'er, can you explain how you got this preparatory holy child token?"

The god of the Holy Land asked.

"Don't know the Holy Son of Lingguang?"

Xiao Xiner was stunned at first, but then she understood.

This god is not very old, maybe only a few hundred or a few thousand years old, and Holy Son of Lingguang is a Holy Son who lived more than 10,000 years ago, and caused heavy losses to Tianji Holy Land. It is estimated that Tianji Holy Land is not willing to mention it. As for this Holy Son, it is normal for latecomers not to know that the Holy Son of Lingguang is.

"I remember that as long as you hold the Preparatory Holy Child token, you can join the Heavenly Holy Son and become a Preliminary Holy Son of the Heavenly Holy Land. This is the rule of the Heavenly Holy Land, right?" Xiao Xiner said.

"Yes, this is indeed the rule, and it has not changed now, but it must be the token of the living son. If the son dies, his reserved son's token will be scrapped. If you can't prove the son's Existence, I can't let you enter the Heavenly Holy Land."

The gods of the Holy Land explained.

far away.

The disciples of the Heavenly Sacred Land who had just entered the scene heard the conversation here, and they couldn't help but start talking again.

"I thought it was through the back door, but I didn't expect it was the Preparatory Holy Son Token. I have also heard of this thing. You can use this thing to directly enter Tianji Holy Land, above ordinary disciples, and directly become the Preparatory Holy Son. Today is considered I saw this Preparatory Holy Son Token, but it’s a pity that this token seems to be useless!”

"I guess this is a token of a holy child who has died for countless years. This Xiao Xiner got this token by luck, but the Holy Land of Heaven requires the living holy child to prepare the token of the holy child. It is only effective, Xiao Xiner's preparatory holy child token is probably useless."

"It's useless, otherwise, a person who didn't even take the entry test would directly become a preparatory holy child and surpass us, how irritating!"

"The preparatory holy son should be the most talented and powerful disciple. It would be unfair if such a lucky person could become the preparatory holy son!"

Obviously, many people do not want Xiao Xiner to become a preparatory saint. "This god, Holy Son of Lingguang is still alive. You can ask the senior officials of Tianji Holy Land for instructions. They should know about the existence of Holy Son of Lingguang! He is a Holy Son from 10,000+ years ago!"

Xiao Xiner said truthfully.


The god of the Holy Land of Heaven immediately sent a message to the high-level officials of the Holy Land of Heaven.

Time passed by and everyone was waiting.

About 3 minutes passed.

The god suddenly said: "Yes, Holy Son of Lingguang is indeed a Holy Son 10,000+ years ago, and he is still alive today. This Preparatory Holy Son token is effective. Congratulations on becoming a preparer of our Tianji Holy Land. Son!"

"Thank you!"

Xiao Xiner smiled.

At this time, the new disciples who had just joined the Heavenly Pole Holy Land were suddenly dumbfounded.

There is no need to test, no need to show talent and strength, or even to check the details. With a token, he will directly become the preparatory holy son of the Heavenly Sacred Land, and his identity is far beyond them.

Many people were immediately dissatisfied, but they dared not speak out.

They are not stupid. Now they have just joined the Heavenly Sacred Land, and they have no status at all. How dare they question the decisions of the Heavenly Sacred Land gods and high-level officials.

Heavenly Sacred Land, in a splendid hall.

There are several stalwart figures standing in the void deep in the hall and talking.

"Just now, a deacon in charge of recruiting disciples came over. A girl from the Void Realm joined the Heavenly Holy Land with a preparatory holy child token. I agreed."

"Emperor Tianguang, this is just a small matter, why did you let us come here?"

"Preparing the Holy Son token is indeed a small matter, but do you know whose hands this preparatory holy child token came from?"

"Who, Holy Son Minghe? Holy Son Fenglan? Or..."

"No, it's not the recent batch of saints, but a saint from 10,000+ years ago."

"Who was it 10,000+ years ago? I remember that those Preparatory Holy Son Tokens of the Holy Son must have been used up long ago."

"There is still one person who has not used the reserved holy child token, have you forgotten it?"

"It's the Holy Son of Lingguang!"

"Yes, it is indeed the Holy Son of Lingguang. At the beginning, he was the first Holy Son of that session. His talent was the highest in the universe, and he crushed the Holy Son of other Holy Lands. Unfortunately, a disaster caused him to completely decline, and he even left the Heavenly Holy Land for this reason. , is still a demigod!"

"The Holy Land of Heaven has forgiven him for a long time, but unfortunately he is unwilling to come back. Otherwise, it will not be difficult for me to pay some price to lift the curse for him!"

"He doesn't want to come back, why did he hand over his preparatory holy child token to a girl? Maybe it's his descendants, but I've never heard of him having descendants!"

"Maybe it's a Tianjiao he is more optimistic about, no matter what, holding the token of the preparatory holy child is the preparatory holy child!"

"Well, this Xiao Xin'er, you can pay more attention to it. I don't know if there is any talent that can give away the Holy Son token without having to prepare the Holy Son token for 10,000+ years."

(End of this chapter)

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