Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 340 Register as a cosmic mercenary!

Chapter 340 Register as a cosmic mercenary!

Xiao Xiner and the group of senior students who want to go to the planet arranged by Xinghe University have two choices. One is to take a spaceship by themselves, and the other is to take a space flight.

Although there are no direct space flights from the earth to many planets, every galaxy in the universe has a space transfer station, through which it can enter other galaxies.

A transit station can ensure that people from each planet can reach the planet they need to reach, and at most they need to transit a few times.

The first option is to go directly, but in this case the safety is not high, so if you take a spaceship by yourself, it is easy to encounter a cosmic bandit group, or some very dangerous space storms or other dangers. Once you encounter such a situation, your own strength is not enough. If you are strong, you will inevitably encounter danger.

Although the second method is a waste of time, it is better in safety. Space flights are basically equipped with powerful space weapons and strong guards. The general space robber group is not afraid to rob spaceships of these space flights, and such flights robbed It doesn't make much sense. Not to mention how much property you can't rob, it's easier to offend the top forces behind these flights.

Behind each route is controlled by a large force, if it really offends some big forces, those cosmic bandits will be waiting for endless pursuit.

"Let's choose a transfer!"

Xiao Xiner thought about it and decided.

Although she is very confident in her own strength, she will not be arrogant to the point of ignoring everything. It is indeed too dangerous to drive a spaceship to Tianmoxing alone.

From the earth to Tianmoxing, you need to cross hundreds of galaxies in the middle, and you even need to pass through some dangerous places in the middle. It is really dangerous to be alone, and it is safer to take a specific space flight.

the next day.

Xiao Xiner came to the Earth Space Station, not the Galaxy University Space Station.

In the earth space station, there are a large number of space flights, one of which is the flight to the Milky Way space transfer station.

Not only Xiao Xiner, but many senior students of Galaxy also took this flight.

Since the flight does not jump in space, the time is a bit slow, and it takes half a day to arrive at the Milky Way space transfer station.

Once you reach the Milky Way space transfer station, you have more options.

Xiao Xiner's destination is Tianmoxing, which is in the Blood River Galaxy, and the Milky Way Space Station can go directly to the Blood River Galaxy space transfer station.

Between these two transit stations, you can choose an ordinary route, which will pass through galaxies and stay in many galaxies for a long time, which is the best route for interstellar travel; Some, as long as several months or even a year; there are also fast flights prepared for awakened people above the innate realm. The number of passengers on this flight is very small, because this flight requires continuous space jumping, and a spaceship only It can accommodate a small number of passengers and can guarantee to arrive at the transfer station of the Blood River Galaxy within a few days, but taking this flight requires cultivation and is relatively expensive.

Xiao Xiner didn't care about the cost, she only cared about the time, so she chose the fast flight.

Two days later, the express flight arrived at the blood river galaxy transfer station, and then took a spaceship from the blood river galaxy transfer station to Tianmoxing.

Tianmoxing, Heluo City.

"It turned out to be an ancient-style city!"

Lin Tian was surprised.

At this time, Xiao Xiner was standing in Heluo City, surrounded by ancient-style buildings, and rarely seen buildings in the current style.

"Well, the data also says that Tianmoxing lacks high-tech in many places, just like the barbaric era!"

Xiao Xiner nodded.

"Xin'er, let's enter Heluo City and quickly go to the Universe Mercenary Association to register as a mercenary!" Lin Tian urged.

He is very curious about cosmic mercenaries, so he wants to see the cosmic mercenary association.

"it is good!"

Xiao Xiner quickened her pace and headed to the Cosmic Mercenary Association in Heluo City.

Heluo City is one of the top ten giant cities in Tianmoxing. It has a branch of the Cosmic Mercenary Association. After a little inquiries, I know the location of the Cosmic Mercenary Association.

In less than a while, Xiao Xiner came to the Cosmic Mercenary Association.

I saw a huge castle built of special stones appearing in front of Xiao Xiner, looking very simple.

But as soon as she entered, Xiao Xiner found a slow sense of technology here.

Inside the castle, a modern hall is located.

Each hall has many counters and a large number of virtual screens, and many staff are handling procedures for each mercenary.

The mercenaries who entered the Cosmic Mercenary Association had the lowest cultivation base above the Innate Realm.

Xiao Xin'er took a closer look and found that many of them were from the Tianmo tribe. The scales between their eyebrows were very conspicuous, and they could be recognized at a glance.

Coming to an empty counter, Xiao Xin'er said, "I want to go through the registration procedures for mercenaries."

"Yes, please fill in the information and indicate your specific identity!"

The staff glanced at Xiao Xiner, then handed over a screen monitor and asked Xiao Xiner to fill in the information.

Soon, Xiao Xiner completed the filling.

When the staff saw Xiao Xiner's information, they were surprised, but they returned to normal immediately.

"Xiao Xin'er, please wait a moment. We need to verify the information. If the information is verified, we will register you immediately!" The staff said apologetically.

It is necessary to verify the information, because many people try to register mercenaries with false information, which will have a bad influence on the mercenary association.

The Cosmic Mercenary Association has the authority to share information with many major forces and schools, and the information of each human can be roughly checked.

For example, Xiao Xiner, which planet she came from, her age, what school she attended, whether she committed a crime, etc., can all be found out.

Even the news that she is a third-rank rune master can be found out by the Cosmic Mercenary Association as long as you check it out.

Of course, this small branch does not have the authority to check the identity of Xiao Xiner's third-rank rune master. It can only find out that Xiao Xiner is from Earth and is a senior at Galaxy University.

"Xiao Xin'er, your information has been verified. I'll go through the registration procedures for you now. After registration, you are the official black iron mercenary of the Cosmic Mercenary Association!"

The staff looked friendly.

(End of this chapter)

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