Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 338 The Cosmic Mercenary Association!

Chapter 338 The Cosmic Mercenary Association!

The senior year has just begun, and Galaxy University has no plans.

Xiao Xiner practiced and practiced every day, and occasionally refined some rune weapons, some of which were directly sold to Galaxy University, and some of which were directly sold to some companies or sold on

Since she has the right to sell for life, Xiao Xiner does not need to pay other fees, and all the sales proceeds belong to herself.

After breaking through to the Void Realm, Xiao Xiner's progress was very slow, not as fast as before.

In the entire universe, the level below the Void Realm is just laying the foundation, and the real beginning is the Void Realm.

The Void Realm can be regarded as truly stepping into the big stage of the universe, and can be qualified to see the vast sea of ​​the universe.

As for the levels above the Void Realm, you can only make a little trouble on a certain star.

However, in the past two months, Galaxy University has successively opened some courses, which are courses about the knowledge of the universe.

Cosmic Elixir Knowledge Encyclopedia Course!

Cosmic Monster Knowledge Encyclopedia Course!

Cosmic Race Introduction Knowledge Encyclopedia Course!

A course is all about the knowledge of the universe, and the introduction is very detailed.

These courses are required courses.

And each course involves too much content. If it is described in words, each course has at least several billion words. It is conceivable how huge the content involved in these courses is.

If it was a normal student, he would not be able to finish reading a book even in a year, but Xiao Xiner and other seniors had a very strong memory, and they all completed the targets of these courses.

If the speed is slow, it will take nearly 2 months to complete the course. For example, Xiao Xiner, who is fast, completed these courses in just a few days, and passed the assessment with almost full marks.

At first, Xiao Xiner didn't know what the significance of Galaxy University's sudden establishment of these courses in the senior year, thought it was to prepare for graduation in the future, but soon they all realized that they were wrong.

Not to prepare for after graduation, but to prepare for your senior year.

Because they are about to go on a real cosmic adventure.

Originally, they thought that all this was going to happen after the senior year, but they didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

Class four and three classrooms.

Gao Ling's mentor called Xiao Xiner and the others here, and ordered this trip to the universe.

In classrooms.

There were more than 80 people sitting there. There used to be about 100 people in a class, but now there are only more than 80 people left. Some of them were expelled, and the rest fell into their freshman and sophomore careers. .

On the stage, Gao Ling's tutor said: "Students, you must have received the notice. As the notice said, you will be assigned to various planets this time for a period of one and a half years, and one and a half years to return to the Earth Galaxy. University, remember that you are returning alone, and Xinghe University will not pick you up. And this time the experience journey is also the most dangerous. There are many students who have fallen in this trial in the past, so no one knows what will happen. Of course, don't expect a quiet vacation alone. That's fine, but if you don't meet the mission targets of Galaxy University, then you won't be able to graduate smoothly."

Upon hearing what instructor Gao Ling said, many students frowned.At this time, instructor Gao Ling said again: "You don't need to worry too much. This is just a preview of your future adventures in the universe. If you are afraid of danger, you can choose not to graduate. Even if you don't graduate, your senior career will be over. There are many forces who want to recruit you. The only thing missing is a Galaxy University graduation certificate. In the past, only 500 people were able to graduate successfully, and 300 people were unable to graduate. They could only be considered successful. I spent four years at Galaxy University."

At this point, some students had already made up their minds.

Most students want to graduate, but some students are still hesitating. If the task index is difficult, they are unwilling to complete it.

"Teacher Gao Ling, what are the mission indicators?"

Xiao Xiner asked.

Instructor Gao Ling smiled slightly and said, "You should all know the Cosmic Mercenary Association, right?"


Everyone responded in unison.

The Cosmic Mercenary Association, also known as the Cosmic Mercenary Organization, is one of the most powerful top forces among the cosmic human race.

There are branches of the Cosmic Mercenary Association on almost every planet. They are all over the Terran planet, and their main business is to release tasks and receive tasks.

As long as the strength is above the Innate Realm, you can register as a member of the Cosmic Ownership Association, receive tasks from the Cosmic Mercenary Association, and post tasks.

But whether it is accepting a task or releasing a task, the Cosmic Mercenary Association will take a certain commission.

Even some gods are still accepting tasks and releasing tasks in the Cosmic Mercenary Association. It is conceivable that the Cosmic Mercenary Association is powerful.

"This time, your task is to register as a member of the Cosmic Mercenary Association, starting from the black iron mercenary. Only by becoming a bronze mercenary in a year and a half can you complete the graduation task of Galaxy University."

Instructor Gao Ling announced.

"What, become a bronze mercenary for one and a half years!"

Many people were amazed.

This graduation task is not easy, it is very difficult.

It is not difficult to become a bronze mercenary. Many Xiantian realms can easily do it, but the key problem is that a year and a half is too short.

The mercenary level of the Cosmic Mercenary Association starts from the black iron mercenaries, which are bronze mercenaries, silver mercenaries, gold mercenaries, diamond mercenaries, king mercenaries, holy mercenaries and emperor mercenaries.

Although the black iron mercenary is low-level, everyone starts from this level and needs to complete a lot of tasks before they can be upgraded to the bronze mercenary. The key problem is that many tasks require a certain mercenary level to be accepted, not you You can take any task you want.

Even gods have to gradually upgrade from black iron mercenaries, and it is impossible to cross-domain black iron mercenaries to become more advanced mercenaries at one time.

It takes a year and a half to upgrade from a black iron mercenary to a bronze mercenary, and it takes a lot of tasks to complete the level. Task.

But such a mission is rare!
(End of this chapter)

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