Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 330 The Stone Wall of Destiny!

Chapter 330 The Stone Wall of Destiny!

"That old man is really generous, he even gave me such treasures!"

Xiao Xiner couldn't help sighing.

"Yes, ordinary people would definitely be reluctant to part with it, but that spiritual elder was very guilty of Tianji Holy Land and always wanted to make up for the losses of Tianji Holy Land. I estimate that in the past 10,000+ years, Tianji Holy Land has never given birth to a powerful Holy Son, so That’s why Elder Ling hopes you will join Tianji Holy Land!”

Lin Tian guessed so.

"In any case, the attitude of this old man shows that the Holy Land is really good. If the Holy Land is not good, I think Instructor Tie Ying will not take me to see the old man. After graduation, I will go to the Holy Land. "

Xiao Xiner decided.


Lin Tian also nodded.

In the next two months, Xiao Xiner spent most of her time on the stone tablet of comprehension.

There are not many opportunities to comprehend the law stone tablet, and power control can be slowly exercised after leaving the super elite student training camp, but if you miss the opportunity to comprehend the law stone tablet, that is the real loss.

After two months of comprehension, Xiao Xiner's Destiny Points were completely consumed, but the progress was very amazing.

The law of sword is small, the law of yin and yang is small, and the law of wind is introductory.

At the same time, Xiao Xiner also realized the law of power, and also realized the law of power to the peak level of the first entry, not far from the entry.

In comparison, Lin Tian has made greater progress, especially in the law of the sword.

If the realm of the Law of Small Completion is further subdivided and described as a percentage, then Lin Tian has now stepped into the Law of the Sword Small Completion by 40%, which is a huge improvement.

Once you have comprehended the law of the sword, as long as your cultivation reaches the level of a sub-god, you can directly attack the level of a god.

After only a few years of cultivation, Lin Tian has made such progress. It can only be said that it is against the sky.

this day.

Instructor Tie Ying called Xiao Xiner and others together again, because today is the end of the super elite student training camp.

Gathering Square.

Instructor Tie Ying stood in front of everyone and said loudly: "The two-year super-elite training camp officially ended today. Each of you has made great progress in this training. Although you are leaving, as an instructor, I still have a message for you - work hard! Work hard! Work hard! Your life has just begun. Don't be complacent because you have made great progress this time. The road ahead is still long. The Void Realm is not your end, but It's just a process on your life path. If you are lazy, you will definitely be surpassed by others. I hope that after you leave the super-elite student training camp, you will still maintain the same enthusiasm for training. I also hope that each of you can step into the level of gods. , to become a god that everyone envy..."

Instructor Tie Ying talked for a long time, but no one was bored, and everyone listened carefully.

"Finally, there is one more thing, and the last thing you have to do in the super-elite student training camp, and that is to engrave your names on the stone wall of destiny, which means that you have stayed here."

Instructor Iron Shadow said.

"The Stone Wall of Destiny?"

For this place, everyone does not know, it is the first time to hear about it.

"I will take you to the Destiny Stone Wall, but it's not easy to engrave your name in a good position on the Destiny Stone Wall!"

Instructor Tie Ying said with a smile.

Under the leadership of instructor Tie Ying, Xiao Xin'er and the others came to a sacred mountain.There is a huge stone wall on top of this sacred mountain, hidden in the clouds and mist, emitting a faint light that spreads across the sky.

Before the stone wall, everyone stood and stared at this stone wall.

This stone wall is gray-white, about 300 meters long and 400 meters high. It is a very huge stone wall.

And there are names on this stone wall, all inscribed by students who have been here in the past.

Most of the names are engraved at the bottom. The higher the level, the fewer names are engraved. As for the top position, there are almost only a handful of names.

"This is the Destiny Stone Wall. It's not an ordinary stone wall, but a stone wall made of a treasure placed here and integrated with the mountain. Every 200 years, this Destiny Stone Wall will be taken away and stored in one of the Destiny Stars. In the exhibition hall, a blank Destiny Stone Wall will be placed here again for students to engrave their names, so as to ensure that the Destiny Stone Wall will not be full! At present, the exhibition hall has stored more than [-] Destiny Stone Walls. Each stone wall is engraved with a large number of student names, which is a testimony of history!" Instructor Tie Ying introduced.

"Instructor Tie Ying, is it more difficult to engrave your name on the Destiny Stone Wall?"

Xiao Xiner asked.

"Not bad!" Instructor Tie Ying nodded: "The Stone Wall of Destiny is a treasure. The closer you are to the Stone Wall of Destiny, the greater the pressure you will encounter. You must use your own strength and the power of the law to offset this pressure, rush to the top, and must You can only engrave your name on the Destiny Stone Wall if you retain a certain amount of strength. If your strength is not enough, you can only engrave your name in the position below."

When everyone heard it, they immediately understood.

But if you can engrave your name on it, then you must engrave it on it.

One is conspicuous, and the other is proof of strength!
"There are still many blank spaces on the Destiny Stone Wall, you can try it!"

As soon as Instructor Tie Ying finished speaking, a bunch of people went to try it.

Xiao Xin'er didn't move, just stood there and watched other people leave their names.

A group of people wanted to rush to the top, but before they could fly far, a terrible pressure was pressed down, and one by one fell from the air like dumplings.

In desperation, they can only fly slowly and try their own limits.

Some left their names at 20 meters, some at 30 meters, and some at 80 meters.

Top geniuses such as Gufeng and Beishan all left their names at positions more than 100 meters away.

As for Sha Mo, he flew to a position of 230 meters in one fell swoop and left his name on it.

This position is already very close to the top position!
"Xin'er, you should go too!"

Lin Tian said quickly.


Xiao Xin'er jumped and flew above the Destiny Stone Wall.

At this time.

Many people's eyes were fixed on Xiao Xiner.

"Xiao Xin'er should be able to reach the top!"

They made guesses one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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