Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 324 Sha Mo: The Best Dantian Small Space

Chapter 324 Sha Mo: The Best Dantian Small Space
Planets, stars, galaxies, star fields, universes.

From the individual to the entire universe, this is an ever-expanding range.

According to the division of the universe in the Galaxy Age, the entire universe is divided into countless star domains, and each star domain contains more or less several or dozens of galaxies, and each galaxy includes countless planets, of which these planets are divided into galaxies. and stars.

The Tianxuzhu imitates the size of this range to measure the quality of the small space in the dantian.

When the cosmic void appears, it is undoubtedly the highest-level supreme dantian small space, and the planetary phantom represents the lowest-level low-grade dantian small space.

Using such a vision to identify the level of the small space in the dantian is very vivid and easy to identify, and it also contains certain truths.

Range also represents potential as well as limits.

The phantom of the planet not only represents the low-grade dantian small space, but also indicates that the awakened person will be called the top powerhouse on top of one planet in the future; while the quality of the middle-grade dantian small space indicates that the awakened person can walk out of the planet and be comparable to the stars , also means that an awakened person has the potential to become a stellar god, of course, it is only potential; the quality of the high-grade dantian small space shows that the awakened person is expected to dominate a galaxy and stand in the invincible realm of the galaxy; the best-grade dantian small space shows that The awakened person can be called the king in a star field, and look down on everything; the supreme dantian small space represents all possibilities, and is expected to become the top existence in the universe.

Of course, the quality of the Dantian small space only represents potential and combat power, and cannot really represent everything. It is not uncommon for the low-grade Dantian small space to surpass the best-quality Dantian small space.

"Okay, let's test it!"

Instructor Iron Shadow shouted.

Immediately, a student stepped forward to test.

"Original leaf, galaxy phantom, high-grade dantian small space!"

"He Hua, galaxy phantom, high-grade dantian small space!"

"Zao Zi, galaxy phantom, high-grade Dantian small space!"

Many students tested one by one, but they were basically high-grade dantian small spaces. This quality of dantian small spaces was very good.

The Awakeners who were able to break through to the Void Realm are all very talented. If they have poor talent, there is no hope of becoming a Void Realm.

On a planet, many talented Tianjiao entered the Void Realm, and the condensed dantian small space was basically a low-grade dantian small space, and only the top talent could condense a middle-grade dantian small space.

This is what's going on inside the planet.

And the students in the super elite student training camp are all high-grade Dantian small spaces, which is already a very good achievement.

As for the top-quality Dantian small space, it depends on luck and deep aptitude.

Gu Feng, Beishan, Ziyun and other arrogant figures only condense out of the high-grade dantian small space, but the galaxy phantoms they show are obviously larger and more solid, so they are much stronger than other high-grade dantian small spaces, but still It does not reach the quality level of the best Dantian small space.


Instructor Iron Shadow shouted.

Sha Mo stepped forward, and many people watched.

"Sha Mo's practice should be his family's Star God Realm, a Void Realm practice. It is said that this Void Realm practice is as high as a fifth-order god-level practice. It is almost difficult to find such a practice in the outside world. The power will not come out."

"Yeah, the fifth-order god-level Void Realm exercise, the highest circulating in the universe is only the fourth-level god-level exercise, and many planets don't even know that humans have god-level exercises above fifth-order, even if some large The forces have obtained higher-level god-level exercises, and they will not secretly inherit them. They will not let people know that the Shamo family's Star God Realm is a fifth-order god-level Void realm known to the outside world. Unfortunately, this exercise It cannot be passed on to others, and every clan must make a soul oath if they want to cultivate."

"It is certain to make a soul oath. It is not only the value of Shamo, but which top major force will freely grant God-level exercises? If you don't make a soul oath, you won't be able to learn God-level martial arts exercises at all."

"With Sha Mo's background and the fifth-level god-level skills, there should be some hope of condensing the best Dantian small space, right?" Many students are envious of Sha Mo's fifth-level god-level skills in the Star God Realm. However, Xiao Xiner and Lin Tian smiled secretly in their hearts.

Fifth-order god-level exercises, any of the exercises from the Huaxia era are higher than this level.

The Primal Chaos Technique they practiced surpassed the level of the ninth-order god-level technique and reached the level of the supreme technique.

A copy of the Chaos Beginning Technique is even worth tens of thousands of fifth-order god-level exercises, and it is even enough for the Emperor of the Universe to fight each other for a supreme exercise.

At this time, Sha Mo's hands were placed on the Tianxu Pillar.

Soon, a vision appeared on the Tianxu Pillar.

The galaxies are combined into a huge star field, and countless star phantoms stand in the vision.

The stars are shining, the stars are shining.

The vision is very clear!
"The phantom of the star field!"

"Exquisite Dantian Small Space!"

Suddenly, many people cast an envious look.

Seeing the phantom of the star field, Sha Mo also breathed a sigh of relief.

Before the test, he was not sure whether his Dantian small space had reached the top level, but it must have reached the top level.

Now that the test came out, he was finally excited when he saw that it was a top-quality Dantian small space.

The best Dantian small space, this shows that he is expected to compete with the top group of Tianjiao in the universe.

"Xiao Xiner, what is the quality of her dantian small space?"

Sha Mo looked at Xiao Xiner, very curious.

In his heart, Xiao Xin'er can only condense the best dantian small space at most, and even the high-grade dantian small space is possible.

After all, the quality of Dantian's small space has something to do with the exercises, as well as the previous background and the aptitude of the body, and has nothing to do with combat effectiveness.

Once in the universe, there was a arrogant man who was unparalleled in combat power. However, the quality of his dantian small space was only a medium-grade dantian small space, so the strong combat power did not mean that the condensed dantian small space was of high quality.

Shamo went down, and several other people tested one after another, and finally it was Xiao Xiner's turn.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Xiao Xin'er.

The high-grade Dantian small space is certain, but it is not easy to say whether it can be the same as Sha Mo and achieve the best-grade Dantian small space.

Under everyone's attention, Xiao Xin'er put her hands on the Tianxu Pillar.

A trace of Dantian small space power poured into the Tianxu Pillar, and a vision emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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