Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 305 Emperor Star vs. Huoyun God of War!

Chapter 305 Emperor Star vs. Huoyun God of War!

"That's right, it is the Fire Cloud God of War." King Taihe nodded, "Although that Fire Cloud God of War is not the most powerful of the Fire Spirit clan, he is very famous. At that time, the Fire Spirit clan had two The big faction, one faction insists on vassalizing our human race, and the other faction firmly resists, and the Huoyun God of War is the leader of that faction. An ordinary cosmic emperor survived for a day and night before being defeated, but unfortunately, he was finally wiped out by our human race."

"Yeah, the original generation of God of War, unfortunately, has now lost its original fighting spirit and has become a guardian spirit!"

"The guardian spirit seems to be resurrecting people who have been dead for a long time, but the memory is missing, and even a part of human nature is lost. Even the rebellious god, once it becomes a guardian spirit, its character will change dramatically. Such a guardian spirit has already It is no longer the original god, it is just another kind of creature that retains some memory and combat power." King Taihe commented on the guardian spirit.

"Well, if that's not the case, wouldn't the guardian spirit be in trouble!"

King Amaterasu exclaimed.

The two gods really talked about him in the face of the Huoyun God of War, but they didn't care at all.

If Huoyun God of War was still the former Huoyun God of War, Amaterasu King and Taihe King would not dare to say a word out loud, but now Huoyun God of War is just a guardian spirit. According to Wang and Taihe Wang in the eyes.

They were only amazed by the former Huoyun War God, not the current Huoyun War God guardian spirit.

But for Sha Mo and other students, Linghuozi's guardian spirit, Huoyun God of War, is very powerful.

All of a sudden, their faces changed dramatically!

At this moment, Huang He's god-level guardian spirit reacted to the blood of the Huoyun God of War, and immediately took a step back.

"Fire Cloud God of War, let's go!"

Linghuozi said.

"it is good!"

The Fire Cloud God of War took one step forward, and instantly pierced the space with the Fire Cloud War Spear, aiming at the chest of the god-level guardian spirit on the opposite side.

Not to be outdone, Huang He's guardian spirit turned into an endless storm with the law of wind, trying to resist the attack of the Fire Cloud God of War.

However, with one shot, the endless storm collapsed.

The fire cloud spear penetrated the chest of the Yellow Crane Guardian Spirit, and instantly scattered its guardian spirit body.

In one move, Huang He's guardian spirit was defeated!

Shamo frowned.

At this moment, he began to have little confidence in his guardian spirit.

Emperor Star is strong, but just in terms of past achievements, Huoyun War God is not weak Emperor Star, even stronger than Emperor Star. After all, Huoyun War God can fight with an ordinary universe emperor for a day and a night before being defeated, while Emperor Star is defeated. But he was easily killed by a cosmic emperor.

This is the difference!
After Huang He's guardian spirit was defeated, Zhao Ling, Ziyun, Gao Gu and other guardian spirits of Tianjiao came on stage one after another, and all of them were defeated in one move.

The strength gap is too large, and it is not a level at all.


The number of people at Galaxy University is getting smaller and smaller, and there are only two people left.

Xiao Xiner and Sha Mo!

Originally, Instructor Tie Ying wanted to send Xiao Xin'er to play first. After all, Xiao Xin'er's guardian spirit was not as good as Emperor Star at the beginning, and she won Emperor Star by trickery.

But she saw Xiao Xiner's face relaxed, while Sha Mo frowned.

Immediately, she asked Sha Mo: "Sha Mo, is your guardian spirit confident of defeating the Fire Cloud God of War?"

Sha Mo said solemnly: "My guardian spirit told me that he has only [-]% hope!"

"Xiao Xin'er, where is your guardian spirit?"

Instructor Tie Ying asked Xiao Xiner.

She just asked casually and did not believe that Xiao Xin'er's guardian spirit could pose any threat to Huoyun War God. She was [-]% sure to lose.However, Xiao Xin'er suddenly said: "My guardian spirit told me that he is [-]% sure of winning!"

"One hundred percent sure to win? Are you sure?"

Instructor Tie Ying was surprised.


Xiao Xiner smiled confidently.

At this time, Sha Mo also looked at Xiao Xiner in surprise.

He had fought against Xiao Xiner's guardian spirit Lin Tian, ​​and he knew very well about Lin Tian's strength. The real combat power was much worse than that of his guardian spirit Emperor Star. If it wasn't for the eight-array map and the third-grade rune weapon long sword, He had already won.

And this time, there are no previous rules and restrictions.

Why is Xiao Xiner so confident?
But Xiao Xiner has created miracles one after another, and maybe this time, she will create even stronger miracles.

So, Sha Mo took the initiative to say: "Instructor Tie Ying, this time I will be the first to appear!"

He knew very well that his guardian spirit should not be able to defeat Huoyun War God, and after Huoyun War God, there was Xue Moli's guardian spirit.

According to the order of Wanzu Academy, Xue Moli's guardian spirit should be the most powerful.

Emperor Star has no hope of winning even the Huoyun God of War. How can he fight against Xue Moli's guardian spirit?
Rather than that, it is better to let Emperor Star appear first.

Since Xiao Xiner is so confident in her guardian spirit, she might as well act as the finale.

"Well, Sha Mo, let your guardian spirit appear first!"

Instructor Iron Shadow agreed.

Immediately, Sha Mo summoned his guardian spirit - Emperor Star!
on the ring.

Emperor Star and Fire Cloud God of War confronted each other.

From the very beginning, Emperor Xing used his own unique trick - Wanxing Divine Fist!
The phantoms of the stars were combined into a big star and patted the Huoyun God of War.

The power of this move is many times stronger than that at the Galaxy University exchange meeting. After all, at the beginning, Emperor Star could only exert the fifth-level combat power of the Innate Realm, but now it can exert the tenth-level combat power of the Spiritual Realm. .

This big star hand seems to be grabbed from the starry sky like the hand of a god. Its power can wipe out a small city from the stars with one blow, and cut off a huge river with one blow.

"Nice move, but unfortunately you don't understand the true mystery of the stars!"

The faint voice of the Fire Cloud God of War echoed in the void.

I saw the Huoyun War God holding the Huoyun war gun and swept away with one shot.

Immediately, a firebird appeared, like a real divine bird.

"Heavenly Fire God Bird, the totem holy beast of the Fire Spirit family!"

Amaterasu Wang said lightly.

As soon as the Heavenly Fire Bird came out, a cry shattered the space, and it turned into countless phantoms, welcoming the Wanxing Divine Fist that fell from the void.

Boom! ! ! !

The roar continued.

Under the impact of the Heavenly Fire Bird, the phantoms of the stars were destroyed.

Then, like a ray of light, the Heavenly Fire Divine Bird penetrated the Ten Thousand Stars Divine Fist and turned into a star giant hand, rushing towards the Emperor Star itself.

(End of this chapter)

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