Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 301 The provocation of Wanzu Academy!

Chapter 301 The provocation of Wanzu Academy!
The deity of Wanzu College is named King Taihe, and he is an acquaintance with King Amaterasu.

But since King Amaterasu went into seclusion, the two have been gone for a long time.

However, the relationship between the two is not really as good as the tone of speech. The two are in a competitive relationship.

"Hahaha, let the students of the two schools get in touch and communicate. The juniors of our Wanzu College are a little rebellious, so let them come and see the top talents of other colleges, so that they can know There are people outside people, and there are heavens outside of heaven.”

King Taihe's remarks seem to be reprimanding the students of Wanzu Academy, but in fact they are praising and provoking.

He is complimenting the students of Wanzu Academy for being very strong, otherwise how can they be rebellious?
At the same time, he is provoking the students of Galaxy University, and wants to let the students of Wanzu College communicate with the students of the super-elite student training camp of Galaxy University.

As for there are people outside people, there are days outside the world, the words are not given to the students of Wanzu College, but to the students of Galaxy University.

A pun, this is the meaning of the words of King Taihe!
King Amaterasu understood the meaning of King Taihe's words, but he couldn't lose his momentum. Even if he lost, he couldn't lose the battle.

So, King Amaterasu said with a smile: "The exchange between the junior students of Galaxy University and Wanzu College also promotes the effect for them. This time, let them learn from each other, although the strength of our students of Galaxy University is average. It is normal, but it is still qualified to guide the students of Wanzu College."

This sentence also seems to be demeaning the current Academy of Galaxy University, but it demeans the students of Wanzu Academy even more.

When Taihe Wang heard it, he was naturally upset.

However, the war of words is meaningless.

"Since King Amaterasu also agrees with the exchanges between the students on both sides, let's let them learn from each other. I wonder if King Amaterasu has any suggestions for discussion?" Taihe Wang asked.

"The guardian spirit, the awakened, the savvy, etc., what type of discussion Taihe Wang wants to choose, the students of our Galaxy University Super Elite Training Camp will accompany you."

Amaterasu Wang said confidently.

But in fact, he had no confidence in his heart.

He is very clear that Wanzu College has always pursued elite education, and it has focused on cultivating top talents from the beginning of freshman year, but this is not the case at Galaxy University.

Galaxy University intends to train a large number of outstanding students, and focuses on training only the third-year super-elite training camp.

Comparatively speaking, there is a certain gap between Galaxy University and Wanzu College in terms of top talents.

But he can never say that the students of the super-elite student training camp are not as good as the top talents of the Wanzu Academy. Wouldn't that mean that he slapped himself in the face and cowarded himself before the competition?

"The guardian spirit is very important to the awakened. What about the three competitions, power control, guardian spirit competition and awakened combat competition? The power control training of our Wanzu Academy also started in the training camp of the third year, with you Xinghe The universities are the same, so this kind of competition is fair!"

King Taihe suggested.


King Amaterasu nodded.

"The first test of power control, King Amaterasu, there are 26 students in our Wanzu College this time, and you have 100 students in the super-elite student training camp of Galaxy University, so you don't need to choose 26 people, let's compare and test together. ."

Taihe Wang said.

King Amaterasu looked at Instructor Tie Ying, and said through a voice transmission: "Tie Ying, this time, if you outperform a student of Wanzu College, you will be rewarded with 100 Destiny Points. If you can defeat all Wanzu Academy students, you will be rewarded with 100 Destiny Points, and there will be three competitions, and each competition will be the same reward."

When instructor Tie Ying heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised.

This reward plan is very powerful. If the three competitions are all first, wouldn't it be rewarded with 7800 Destiny Points!

Instructor Tieying nodded to King Amaterasu's decision.

King Amaterasu has a high status in the super elite student training camp and has the right to give this reward.Immediately, Instructor Tie Ying passed it to each student and told them the rewards of the competition one by one.

After Xiao Xiner and the others heard it, they were all excited.

The reward this time is really too generous, and they are naturally excited.

"We must outperform more Wanzu College students!"

Everyone secretly swears.

On the other hand, the students of Wanzu College also have a similar reward plan, and they also want to sweep the students of the super-elite student training camp of Galaxy University.

Soon, the first competition began.

Power control!

Amaterasu Wang waved his hand, and a disc was suspended in the air, radiating a circle of light.

This aperture has a wide range, covering a range of hundreds of meters.

At this time, King Amaterasu introduced: "This is the power aperture, which can detect everyone's physical fitness and attack strength. It has never judged the level of power control, it is very accurate, and it is almost impossible to make mistakes. King Taihe should also know about mine. This power aperture, I use this to test the students' power control level, it should be fine, right?"

King Taihe smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem, even if you don't say it, King Amaterasu, I will let you test the power aperture. This thing is the best item to test the level of power control, and it is naturally the first choice. Well, I Go up here to test one person, you Xinghe University will go up to test four people, and then wait for the number of people to be almost the same, just go on one by one, is this okay?"

"Just do it!"

Heaven still agreed.

Immediately, a student from Wanzu College went up.

This student is non-human. His whole body is blood red, with faint black patterns on his body. His face is similar to that of a human being, but the delay is very sharp, similar to shark teeth.

This is a very rare ethnic group in the universe - the red striped clan!

"Wanzu College, Lu Zhu!"

The member of the Red Stripes introduced himself.

"Go up and test!"

King Taihe said lightly to Lu Zhu.

"Yes, Lord Taihe Wang!"

Lu Zhu entered the power circle and began to perform a series of moves to demonstrate the level of power control.

I saw numbers displayed on the power aperture. These numbers kept beating, but finally stabilized on one number——


This indicates that the power control level of this red striped clan Lu Zhu is 2.11 times.

Although it is not very high, it is definitely not low!

(End of this chapter)

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