Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 30 Yi Jin wash marrow, star meridians!

Chapter 30 Yi Jin wash marrow, star meridians!
Late at night, the night is like black ink.

The star of Milan is far away from the sun, so the sunlight here is not strong, and the night is darker than that of the earth. Only the lights of the city are enough to illuminate the night.

If you are in the suburbs, it is no exaggeration to see your fingers.

The starry night sky is like a black cloth hanging there, only the starlight of the stars proves that it is a dark space.

However, at this moment, a huge change appeared in the dark night sky.

A trail of light spread across the dark night sky, illuminating the sky above the Milan star.

The rays of light are interspersed together, forming a huge network of human meridians.

This kind of vision immediately attracted the attention of many Milan star powerhouses.

Above a certain building in the headquarters of the Milaner Group, Li Xun looked up at the starry sky and saw the meridian map of the human body hanging horizontally above the Milaner. God-level exercises for cultivating meridians."


He heard the sound of the Milan star rule ocean shaking!

hum! ! !
A shock!

Three bangs!


Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner were unable to see visions or hear the vibrations of the ocean of rules during the inheritance of the Yi Jin Jing, but they knew that they could not fully inherit the Yi Jin Jing, otherwise even in Milan Star, it would have an impact. Also big.

So, when they passed half of the inheritance, they suddenly stopped the inheritance.

Over the Milan star.

The huge network of human meridians suddenly collapsed, and the night once again enveloped the sky over the Milan star.

Seeing this scene, Li Xun frowned, pondered for a moment, and murmured: "The vision is broken, this is the remnant of the present, the remnant of the seven-sounding exercise, this level of exercise dares to be in Milaner. Such a big star inheritance, the person who inherits it doesn't know how to keep a low profile!"

You must know that many awakened people who have obtained god-level exercises do not dare to inherit on planets with many people, but drive private spaceships, enter remote space areas, and inherit in space, so that almost no one will find them.

But what Li Xun never expected was that this time, the person who inherited the god-level exercise and even the suspected supreme exercise was an awakened person who had no personal spaceship at all.

At the same time, the gods on the Milan star are also communicating with their divine senses.

"Milan Star has a god-level inheritance, or a seventh-order god-level exercise. Such major matters need to be reported to the Federal League of Gods!"

"I'm afraid this god-level exercise is more than seventh-level, the vision is broken, it is a fragment of the world!"

"The Federal League of Gods issued an order not long ago. The birth of high-level god-level skills must not be leaked. They can only be reported and cannot be searched for." "I heard that there were several cases of high-level god-level skills being born on the earth not long ago. Is it possible? What big thing happened in this universe that caused these high-level god-level techniques to fail to come into existence one by one?"

"If the inheritors of the god-level exercises don't say it themselves, it is difficult for us to find out, and we don't need to pay too much attention to this matter."

Guardian Spirit Space.

Lin Tian is rushing into the Marrow Washing Realm.

Xiao Xiner's conscious body stood by and guarded, but she was not too worried.

It is not very dangerous to hit the Marrow Washing Realm, and Lin Tian accepted the inheritance of Yi Jin Jing at such a high level, so it is very easy to hit the Marrow Washing Realm, and there is almost no possibility of failure.

The meridians of the human body are very fragile. Even if the awakened person in the physical state will increase the strength of the meridians when cultivating, it cannot completely change the essence of the meridians. At the beginning of the cleansing state, the meridians are tempered, and then the marrow is tempered.

The full name of Yi Jin Jing should be Yi Jin Xia Sui Jing. In ancient times, Hua Xia Yi Jin Xie Su Jing was divided into two parts, the upper and lower parts, which became Yi Jin Jing, but the complete Yi Jin Jing includes Xia Mu Jing. The classics, when combined, are called Yijin Xisui Jing.

Lin Tian entered the Shaolin Sutra Collection Pavilion, and naturally obtained the complete Yi Jin Jing, including the part of washing the marrow.

Easy tendons first, then marrow washing!
This is the true meaning of the Marrow Washing Realm in the Galaxy Era!
At this time, Lin Tian was doing tendons.

There are twelve meridians and eight extraordinary meridians in the human body. If one of the twelve meridians is opened and fully tempered to the extreme, one can step into the marrow-washing state.

Although there is a saying of opening up the meridians in the Chinese civilization era, it has not been tempered to the extreme. In the Huaxia era, a meridian cannot be tempered to the extreme in a lifetime, but in the Galaxy era, there are various powerful exercises and magical medicines. It is also easy to temper it to the point where it is tougher than steel.

Under the operation of the Yi Jin Jing, Lin Tian's first twelve meridians, the Hand Tai Yin Lung Meridian, were easily opened up, and after the operation of the Yi Jin Jing's mind method was tempered again and again, a trace of mysterious spiritual power emerged from the void. It was submerged into his meridians to assist in tempering.

"It takes three days!"

Lin Tian suddenly opened his eyes and muttered.

"What three days?" Xiao Xin'er asked.

There was a hint of excitement on Lin Tian's face and said, "I made a budget, and it will probably take me three days to fully enter the marrow-washing realm."

"I want to do my best, and step into the tenth level of the physical realm as soon as possible!" Xiao Xin'er clenched her fists and encouraged herself.

In the next few days, Xiao Xiner and ten students from Feilan No. [-] Middle School had a swim in Milan Star under the arrangement of the Milaner Group, tasted all kinds of food and went to various scenic spots, everyone's mobile phone It's full of photos.

Day [-].

The Mirner Group was going to send Xiao Xin'er and the others back, and before leaving, each of them received a bottle of C78 high-quality marrow cleansing solution from the Mirner Group.

(End of this chapter)

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