Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 299 Power control in blood cells!

Chapter 299 Power control in blood cells!
"Wanzu College!!!"

Sha Mo and others frowned. This is the No. 3 university in mankind, and Galaxy University is ranked fifth.

Although the gap between Galaxy University and Wanzu College is not big, there is definitely a gap.

Wanzu College dared to provoke Galaxy University, one can imagine that this class of students is definitely not easy.

This pressure is not small!

"Instructor Tie Ying, what is the level of combat effectiveness of this year's Wanzu College juniors?"

Shamo asked.

This is something he is more concerned about, and it is also something that everyone else is very concerned about.

"I don't know!"

Instructor Tie Ying shook his head and said, "Wanzu College doesn't have much overlap with our Galaxy University, and each student has made great progress during the university. For example, before and after you came to the super elite training camp, how big is the gap between your strengths, you yourself are very clear. , Sometimes even if you get specific information, after a month, this information is basically useless."

"That's true!"

The crowd nodded.

"Instructor Tie Ying, when will the talents of Wanzu College come?"

Xiao Xiner asked.

"Ten days!" Instructor Tie Ying said: "You still have ten days to cultivate, but don't rush to break through to the Void Realm, lay a solid foundation, it is best to increase your strength to the ultimate in the Spiritual Realm before attacking the Void Realm. As far as I know, the third-year students of Wanzu College are basically at the level of psychic realm. Even if anyone deliberately ascends to the Void Realm, the students of the same cultivation level will be required to discuss at that time, and there will be no Void Realm bullying. The situation of the Spiritual Realm."

Competing with the same cultivation base, the competition is the combat power.

"Ten days!"

Xiao Xiner began to secretly plan how to spend these ten days.

The cultivation base cannot be improved, and there will be no huge breakthrough in the realm of law within ten days. The most cost-effective cultivation plan is to cultivate in the super-space tower.

"100 times the acceleration time, 800 Destiny Points can stay for eight days, that is, 800 days. This is a matter of several years, and it can definitely increase the combat effectiveness." Xiao Xiner secretly said.

Immediately, she decided to practice in the Macross Tower.

Although it takes a long time to cultivate in the Super Dimension Tower, in fact, this kind of cultivation will not increase the age. The higher the cultivation of human awakened people, the cell growth and bone growth cannot be judged as age.

In this era, the strong people judge their age by the traces of the years.

Any person has been recognized by the universe as a creature from birth. Even if he has practiced for countless years in a time-accelerating environment, the time a person exists in the universe is the same, and the time law of the universe leaves no traces on a person. will increase over time.

For example, Xiao Xiner is 23 years old now, but in fact, she has accumulated more than 23 years of life from birth to now, because she has practiced for a lot of time in a time-accelerating environment.

But under the law of the origin of the universe, her time of existence is 23 years!
Of course, under the law of time, lifespan will still be consumed, which has nothing to do with age.

Super Space Tower.

100x speedup in small spaces.

Xiao Xiner began to practice various martial arts and power control, but due to the influence of time acceleration, the effect of comprehending the law here is very poor, so it is not suitable for comprehending other laws, only the law of time.

Xiao Xin'er has not comprehended the law of time, so she will not comprehend it. More than 800 days, equivalent to more than two years.

the first year.

Xiao Xiner has been practicing martial arts and power control, occasionally tempering the power of the gods and the indestructible body of the diamond.

Thanks to her unremitting efforts, she once again experienced the ashes and refining the golden body, which raised the phoenix indestructible body to a new level, and her strength increased greatly.

At the same time as the strength increased, the strength control was slightly weakened, and it took her half a month to finally regain control of the strength.

At this time, Lin Tian fell into a bottleneck.

His power control has reached 6.99, but he has never been able to cross the level of 7 times.

After discussing with Xiao Xiner for a few days, there was no result, so he just sat there comprehending the deduction.

"The power control of spiritual consciousness cannot be developed again, and it is difficult to develop the power control of the gods, but the power of the physical body can be developed again. The physical body is a huge treasure, containing infinite mysteries. Before the gravity room exercise power control is only a superficial method. It's just that, if you control your body's power deeply again, there will definitely be a huge transformation. For example, blood, bones, internal organs, and even every cell in the human body..."

Lin Tian suddenly thought.

Thinking of it, he is ready to try. He has eight real dragons that are immortal, and has reached a very high level. Even if his internal organs are broken, he will not die, and just taking a blood test will not lead to death.

Human blood is also composed of countless blood cells, and each blood cell contains a powerful force.

If you can control the power of blood cells and add it to the power increase, the power control can definitely break the limit of 7 times.

It is difficult for ordinary people to mobilize the power of each cell in the blood, because it is more difficult than the control of the consciousness. How to mobilize the power of the cells in the blood?

Ordinary people have no clue at all, but Lin Tian has a solution.

"Blood nerves, I didn't expect this Huaxia practice to help me now!"

Lin Tian secretly said.

The blood nerve is a method of changing blood. It can temper the blood and make the blood very powerful. It can be cultivated all the time to make the blood like the blood of the gods.

But the control of blood nerves on blood is far incomparable with other blood exchange techniques, and it even allows Lin Tian to control every blood cell.

This is the real power of blood nerves!

"Try to control a blood cell first!"

Lin Tian began to operate the blood nerve, and his consciousness instantly magnified the blood countless times, controlling a blood cell to mobilize a trace of the power of the blood cell, ensuring that the activity of the blood cell would not be affected.

In the beginning, due to improper control, blood cells were directly broken and died.

But gradually, Lin Tian successfully controlled a blood cell, extracted a trace of blood power, and added it to the power control.

It's just that the power of this one cell is too insignificant and has no effect at all.

As a result, Lin Tian began to control more and more blood cells, and eventually turned into an instinct to control the blood in a blood vessel, and even the blood in the whole body.

It took Lin Tian three months to control the blood power throughout his body, but the final result made Lin Tian very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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