Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 290 Machine ball skills training!

Chapter 290 Thousand Machine Ball Skill Training!
Day three.

Xiao Xiner finally brought her strength to her usual attack strength in a 2x environment.

Since there were seven days, she did not end the training, but continued to triple the gravity, and began to train the strength control in the tripled environment, striving to explode the strength to the normal attack level in the tripled gravity environment.

Training day by day.

Finally, on the seventh day, Xiao Xiner accomplished this goal.

As for Lin Tian, ​​since he only trains a few hours of strength control every day, within these seven days, he can barely exert his usual attack strength in a 2x environment.

But this speed is already faster than Xiao Xiner, after all Xiao Xiner is training all the time.

this day.

Instructor Iron Shadow is here!

Gravity downstairs.

"How is your training situation, is there anyone who can burst out the usual attack power in a 2x environment?"

Instructor Tie Ying asked directly as soon as he arrived.


A few responded on the spot.

"Yes, there are still some people who have reached the goal and walked into the gravity room. You can demonstrate to me, don't deliberately cheat, you can't hide your power control from me. If the attack really breaks out in a gravity environment, then 2 Destiny Points will be deducted directly." Instructor Iron Shadow warned coldly.

Originally, some people still had this idea, but when they heard the words of Instructor Tie Ying, they didn't dare.

Gravity Building, a large gravity chamber.

A student begins to demonstrate force control in a 2x gravity room environment.

A total of 15 people demonstrated power control, and all of them showed their usual attack strength in a 2x environment, as for the others, they couldn't do it.

"Yes, all of them are considered qualified, especially Xiao Xiner, I think you hit a stronger force than usual in a double-gravity environment, you should improve a bit more, presumably you can play your usual strength in a triple-gravity environment. Attack power."

Instructor Iron Shadow praised.

"Yes, Instructor Iron Shadow!"

Xiao Xiner nodded lightly.

Immediately, many people were extremely surprised. This speed was very fast, far exceeding them.

"Yes, the 15 of you can go to the next stage of training. As for the others who continue to train here, I will take you to the next stage of training when you can perform your usual attack in a 2x gravity environment. Of course. , If you want to be lazy and go to the Law Tower to gain enlightenment, I will not stop you, but if you cannot complete this stage of training, then you will not be able to do this stage of training." Instructor Tie Ying made it clear.

"Yes, Instructor Iron Shadow!"

The crowd responded.

Others continued to go back to the Gravity Building for training, and no one went to the Law Tower. Although the effect of the Law Tower was amazing, it also required the consumption of Destiny Points. Going to the next stage of training, it will be difficult to have the opportunity to get Destiny Points.

Moreover, they came here for training. If they gave up even in the first training stage, how could they catch up with those top talents?

You can go to the Law Tower at any time, but the strength control training cannot be delayed.While flying with Instructor Tie Ying, Xiao Xin'er and the others were very curious about what the second phase of Instructor Tie Ying's power control training was about this time.

Instructor Tie Ying suddenly said.

When everyone saw it, they saw that this was a palace.

"Thousand Machine Hall!"

Xiao Xiner looked at the plaque above and said.

At this time, Instructor Tie Ying introduced: "There are all kinds of ingenious things in the Hall of Thousand Machines, and this time I will ask you to receive one thing to train your strength and skill control. Before, you just exploded in gravity, but you couldn't control the explosion freely. The power of the power must be learned in the same way as the free control skills in order to be able to truly control the power.”


Xiao Xin'er and the others nodded, agreeing with what Instructor Tie Ying said.

Immediately, everyone followed Instructor Tie Ying into the Thousand Machines Hall.

There are quite a few staff in the Hall of Thousand Machines, and under their arrangement, everyone received a batch of Thousand Machine Balls that looked like iron balls.

After coming out, Instructor Tie Ying took out a Thousand Machine Ball and introduced: "This Thousand Machine Ball is hard, of course, if you attack with all your strength, you can easily destroy it, but it is very difficult to open this Thousand Machine Ball with normal techniques. There are 1008 tiny passages inside the ball, and the internal organs must be opened at the same time to truly open the whole thousand balls. This thousand balls are generally used to store important small things. The training requirement is to use your psychic power to extend into the inside of the Thousand Machine Ball, turn it into 1008 forces and open the Thousand Machine Ball mechanism at the same time, just like it is now."

I saw Instructor Iron Shadow holding the Thousand Machine Ball, power poured in, the Thousand Machine Ball opened instantly, and a small iron ball was exposed in the center of the complex internal structure. It is also possible to put it in.

"Power control is not only physical power, but also spiritual power. Physical power, spiritual power, and spiritual power finally constitute what we call power control. If you think that only physical strength training is carried out, then it is a big mistake. You are very wrong. In this level, you only have 7 days to open the Thousand Machine Ball, and I will take you to the next level to control the power of consciousness!"

Instructor Iron Shadow said.

"Yes, Instructor Iron Shadow!"

The crowd responded quickly.

After Instructor Tie Ying left, Xiao Xiner and the others began to return to their residence.

This thousand-machine ball can be tried to be opened anywhere, and the residence is naturally acceptable, and it is best to be a very quiet place, so everyone will not get together to exercise.

After going back.

Xiao Xiner began to try to divide the power into 1008 parts, but this step was very difficult.

Soon, Lin Tian was summoned by Xiao Xiner.

"Lin Tian, ​​in this stage of training, what do you think is the best way to exercise?"

Xiao Xiner asked Lin Tian for his opinion.

Lin Tian pondered for a few seconds, then said: "Don't rush to divide it into 1008 parts, let's divide it into 2 parts and pour it into the small channel inside the Thousand Machine Ball to open the mechanism; then divide it into three parts, four parts, five parts, Six parts... Step by step, there will always be a time when it can be divided into 1008 parts, and then this stage of training will be completely completed."

"Well, that's a good idea!"

Xiao Xin'er's eyes lit up and she said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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