Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 281 Use the abyss troll to temper!

Chapter 281 Use the abyss troll to temper!

"These chaotic trolls were originally from a tribe. They were captured by my human race gods and imprisoned here."

Instructor Iron Shadow explained.

Imprisoning aliens is very common. Even in the abyss troll family, there may be a large number of human beings imprisoned.

Humans and abyss trolls are enemies, so imprisoning abyss demons is not evil.

"Instructor Tie Ying, what are these demons imprisoning in the Sealing Demon Tower?"

A student asked curiously.

"Train you!"

Instructor Tie Ying said coldly.


Some students turned pale when they heard that they were going to use these abyss demons to train.

"Instructor Tie Ying, these demons are all abyss demons in the void, how can we beat them?" Gu Feng's expression changed.

He is now at the pinnacle of the fifth level of the spiritual realm. In terms of combat power, he is not weaker than the ninth awakening of the spiritual realm, but he can never defeat the abyss troll in the void realm.

In terms of combat power, the abyss trolls of the same level are stronger than ordinary human awakeners, which is a physical gap.

The power of the abyss troll is too terrifying, comparable to the human body cultivator, but the understanding is a little worse, and the perception of skills and laws is not as powerful as the human being, otherwise, the abyss troll will absolutely sweep the human race.

"Don't worry, I will naturally not let you fight the abyss trolls in the Void Realm. I will seal their power. At the beginning, you will fight against the abyss demons of the same level. If you can defeat the abyss trolls of the same level, their The cultivation base will be unlocked by one layer until you are defeated."

Iron Shadow said.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They are not afraid of the abyss trolls of the same level. As the top talents of Galaxy University, not to mention the abyss trolls with the same cultivation as themselves, even the abyss trolls with a small level of cultivation are not their opponents.

"Let me talk about the rules first, everyone will test their cultivation first, and then I can arrange the challenge."

"Second point, come to test one by one, first choose an abyss troll, in case someone of you accidentally kills it, then re-select another abyss troll."

"The third point to explain is Destiny Points, which is what you are most concerned about. Defeating an abyss troll of the same level can get 100 Destiny Points, and defeating abyss trolls of a higher level will reward 200 Destiny Points. An abyss troll that is two levels higher than you will get 300 more destiny points. If you can defeat an abyss troll that is three levels higher than yourself, you can get another 500 destiny points and defeat an abyss troll that is four levels higher than yourself. You can get 800 Destiny Points..."

"Finally, I would like to add that if anyone can defeat the abyss troll in the Void Realm, an extra 1000 points will be added, because you are all awakened from the Spiritual Realm. The Spiritual Realm and the Void Realm are separated by a large realm. The magic is very difficult, so I specially reduced an extra 1000 points!"

Iron Shadow smiled.

Defeat the abyss trolls at the level of the void?

When everyone heard it, they shook their heads secretly, this was too difficult.

If they are the tenth-level awakeners of the psychic realm, they can definitely easily defeat the abyss trolls of the first-level void realm, but unfortunately they are not, and they are still far from the tenth level of the psychic realm.

"Test your cultivation first!"

Iron Shadow took out a test column from the Void Ring.

"Come up and test your cultivation one by one!"

Iron Shadow said.

Immediately, students stepped forward to test.

There is no doubt that the students who can be selected into the ultra-elite student training camp are all spiritual practitioners.

"Li Meng, the second level of the spiritual realm!"

"Zhao Longsheng, the third level of the divine realm!" "Beishan, the fifth level of the divine realm!"

"Ancient wind, the fifth level of the spiritual realm!"

"Sha Mo, the seventh level of the spiritual realm!"

"Xiao Xin'er, the sixth level of the spiritual realm!"

When Xiao Xiner's cultivation base was tested, many people were surprised.

Therefore, everyone knew very well that Xiao Xiner's cultivation at the Galaxy University exchange meeting was not high. At the beginning, it was only in the innate realm, and it was only during the exchange meeting that she stepped into the spiritual realm.

When Xiao Xiner was at the tenth level of the Innate Realm, Sha Mo was already at the fourth level of the Spiritual Realm.

But now Sha Mo is only at the seventh level of the spiritual realm, but Xiao Xiner has already entered the sixth level of the spiritual realm, only one level away.

"She's improving too fast!"

Shamo was surprised.

At this speed, wouldn't it soon surpass her?

"No, you must take advantage of this training camp opportunity. The principal told me that this training camp is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and there are many cultivation treasures that some top big families do not have, and there is also the support of the Federation of Gods Alliance. The super elite student training camp, and Destiny Points is an extremely important thing, as long as you have a lot of Destiny Points, the growth rate will be much faster than others."

Shamo thought to himself.

Therefore, in the training camp, it is necessary to fight for a large number of Destiny Points at all costs.

And this abyss troll challenge is undoubtedly an opportunity to get a lot of destiny points.

He must hold on to it.

"Who came first?"

Instructor Iron Shadow asked.

"Let me do it!"

A student took the initiative.

This student is the third-level cultivation base of the psychic realm, which is not weak, but is considered ordinary among this group of geniuses.

"Just this abyss troll, I will now seal his cultivation in the third level of the psychic realm!"

As soon as the voice fell, seals fell from the void and were printed on the body of the abyss troll.

In a blink of an eye, the aura of this abyss troll has become the third level of the psychic realm.

Seeing that his cultivation base was sealed, the abyss troll roared: "Damn human beings, actually sealed my cultivation base, even if my cultivation base is sealed, I can still crush your human genius, so that you can't even save it! "

"You still pray that you don't get killed!"

Iron Shadow sneered.

The student entered the stone gate and fought with the abyss troll.

And Xiao Xin'er and the others kept watching, it was the first time they saw the abyss troll make a move.

boom! ! ! ! !
As soon as the abyss troll made his move, he carried endless murderous aura, and every move and every style was full of a sense of strength. Although he did not have the power of law, his combat experience was very angry.

Originally, the abyss troll had a great physical advantage. Even if his cultivation base was sealed, his physical strength was not sealed too much, and his strength was still far beyond that of ordinary third-level awakeners.

Moreover, the abyss trolls hate human beings very much, and they don't stay behind at all, and they play with all their might.

This student didn't get used to it all of a sudden, and was immediately confused!
(End of this chapter)

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