Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 28 Space Jump, Milan Star!

Chapter 28 Space Jump, Milan Star!

"78 force, so strong!"

Xiao Lingyan's expression changed, she believed that she was far from Xiao Xin'er's attack power.

You must know that the attacks that some of the weaker Awakeners of the First Stage of Washing Marrow can perform are only a little over 100 strength. Xiao Xiner's attack is already second only to Stage One of Washing Marrow, not much weaker.

After Xiao Xiner finished the test, Xiao Lingyan started the test.

"43 Forces!"

Xiao Lingyan suddenly became worried when she saw the strength of her blows.

She knew that her attack would not be too strong. After all, in the past ten days, she used the body quenching liquid to forcibly elevate to the ninth level of the physical realm, and the realm was not stable. Even if she had a high-level guardian spirit, she had mastered not weak martial arts. Attack, but 43 force is already her limit.

The data of 43 force is not weak in the ninth level of the physical realm, but it is not too high.

She has already counted it. There are currently nine people who have attacked more than her before her. If one more person exceeds her, she will lose this spot.

"There are still six or seven people to test, I hope no one is stronger than my attack!" Xiao Lingyan secretly said.

However, Xiao Lingyan was quickly disappointed. In the penultimate student test, she scored 46, surpassing her.

In terms of strength ranking, she is ranked No.11!

Seeing such a result, she was full of disappointment.

"C78 fine marrow washing liquid is unavailable. If I can get such a marrow washing liquid, I will definitely be promoted to the marrow washing realm before the college entrance examination. Now my hope is dashed, it's all Xiao Xin'er!"

At this moment, Xiao Lingyan blamed Xiao Xiner for everything.

In her opinion, if there is no Xiao Xiner, she is the tenth, then she can get a C78 fine marrow washing liquid, and she can also travel around the alien planet, which is something worth showing off.

"Xiao Xin'er, I hate you!"

Xiao Lingyan lowered her head, but her face was a little grim.

Xiao Xin'er didn't notice Xiao Lingyan's expression, at this moment she was completely caught up in excitement, sharing the joy with Lin Tian in the guardian spirit space.

"You, you, you... ten of you have the opportunity to visit the Milaner Group headquarters, time is limited, give you an hour to call home to make arrangements, and I will take you to leave the earth in my spaceship in an hour. ." Li Xun said eloquently.

"Yes, senior!"

The ten students who got the places said in unison.

An hour is not much, take a break, and make a few more phone calls.

Xiao Xiner called home and told them that they were going to play on Planet Milaner for a few days, and Lin Tian also took the opportunity to return to the era of Chinese civilization, called home and chatted with his parents for a while.

Afterwards, Lin Tian returned to the guardian spirit space.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed.

"Get on my aircraft!"

Li Xun waved, and the huge aircraft arrived. Ten students, including Li Xun and others, boarded the aircraft together.This kind of aircraft flies within the planet. It is equivalent to an ultra-miniature spacecraft. It is very fast, but its carrying capacity is not large, and it can only carry a dozen people.

"You ten have never been on a spaceship, have you?" Li Xun asked.

"No!" Xiao Xin'er and the others all shook their heads.

At this time, Li Xun said again: "Using a spaceship is different from an ordinary aircraft. A spaceship needs to perform space jumps in space, and it takes ten days to jump from the earth to the Milan planet, and these ten days are uninterrupted. Doing space jumps will put a lot of pressure on the human body. So you need to lie down in the space dormancy capsule for ten days."

Xiao Xiner and the others nodded. Although they had never been on a spaceship, they still had some understanding of this knowledge, so they wouldn't make a joke.

The aircraft was very fast and arrived at the earth's space port in less than half an hour.

Li Xun's spaceship was docked at the earth's space port. After a series of procedures, Xiao Xiner and other ten students successfully followed Li Xun into the spaceship.

Afterwards, Xiao Xiner entered one of the space dormancy capsules, and gradually fell into a deep sleep under the cover of the dormant capsule nutrient solution and the sleeping medicine liquid.

ten days later.

Li Falcon's spaceship descended on Milan Star's space port 13.

"finally reached!"

Xiao Xiner came out of the dormant capsule, got off the spaceship and stood at the spaceport overlooking the Milan star.

"Milan Star is much bigger than Earth!"

Xiao Xiner was amazed.

According to preliminary estimates, Milan Star is at least ten times larger than Earth.

"The volume of the star of Milan is 11.3 times that of the earth, and the gravity is 1.8 times that of the earth. You may have initial discomfort when you enter the star of Milan, but you are all awakeners of the ninth level of the physical state, and you should adapt soon. "Li Xun reminded.

Spaceport 13, Interface 7.

Li Xun took Xiao Xiner and the others to stand here, waiting for the aircraft from the Milaner Group headquarters to arrive.

Less than 5 minutes.

A huge golden aircraft came to the 7 good interface.

This aircraft is very domineering, with various runes flashing on it, which is very dazzling.

"That should be the rune from the age of machine civilization, right?" Xiao Xin'er murmured while staring at the rune.

"Yes, it is indeed the rune of the era of machine civilization. The era of machine civilization is far away from our Galaxy era, and the inheritance is basically cut off, but some runes remain in the ancient ruins. After excavation, some runes have been cracked. For example, the rune on this Milan Gold 20 aircraft is a rune that can increase defense, and it was engraved on it by a god of our Milaner Group." Li Xun explained.

Guardian Spirit Space.

Listening to Li Xun's explanation, Lin Tian suddenly had an idea.

"Wouldn't it be interesting to apply runes to the Chinese era a billion years ago?"

(End of this chapter)

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