Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 279 Destiny Star, double gravity environment!

Chapter 279 Destiny Star, ten times the gravity environment!
Earth Galaxy University, President's Office.

Not long after Xiao Xiner learned about the super-elite student training camp, she was summoned to the principal's office by Principal Feng Bai.

This was the first time Xiao Xiner came to the principal's office.

Before coming, Xiao Xiner thought that the principal's office was very luxurious, but after she came, she found that the principal's office was very simple, like a classical living room.

"Hello, Principal Feng Bai!"

Xiao Xiner came to the principal's office and said hello.

"sit down!"

Principal Feng Bai pointed to an animal skin sofa next to him and said.

After Xiao Xiner sat down, Principal Feng Bai began to talk about the super-elite student training camp.

"Xiao Xiner, I know you don't know a lot about the super-elite student training camp. In fact, I don't know much about the things here. After all, during my tenure as president, Earth Galaxy University has never had a student enter the super-elite student. Training camp, so I just know that this training camp exists, but I don't know what's inside, but entering the training camp has only advantages, no disadvantages. The specific time has been set, it is in five days, but it takes a lot to reach the training camp. Four days, so you have to go tomorrow."

Principal Feng Bai knows it.

"Well, principal, I see, is there anything else to order?"

Xiao Xiner asked.

"During the training camp, you can't go to the Star Network. If you have something to deal with, do it as soon as possible. One day should be enough. Otherwise, if you suddenly disappear for two years, your family may also be worried. "

Principal Feng Bai reminded.

"Can't I access the Star Network for two years?"

Xiao Xiner frowned, this is indeed a trouble.

Xingwang has now become an ordinary communication tool for awakened people. If there is Xingwang, she can communicate with her parents and grandfather at any time. Even if it is far away in other galaxy, the communication is only slower, but it does not affect communication.

But if she couldn't access Xingxing for two years, she had to tell her family in advance.

Principal Feng Bai then mentioned the precautions to Xiao Xiner, and asked Xiao Xiner to come to the flight department at [-]:[-] a.m. tomorrow morning to take an aircraft to the space station, and then take a spaceship directly to the super elite student training camp.

After leaving the principal's office, Xiao Xiner went to StarNet to contact her parents and grandfather, and talked about the super-elite student training camp.

She video chatted with her family for hours before finally ending the conversation.

The next day, eight in the morning.

Xiao Xiner came to the flight department on time and took a vehicle to the space station.

She didn't take her own Tianxin, it was just an ordinary spaceship, the speed was too slow, and it would be very dangerous to fly alone in the spaceship.

The spacecraft arranged by Galaxy University was not only escorted by some staff, but also by a god.

This god is the holy king that Xiao Xiner is familiar with, and it is also a god who is more active in various tasks in Galaxy University.

Take a spaceship, and four days pass in a flash.

"Xiao Xiner, the destination has arrived!"

The Holy King shouted.

Get off the spaceship and stand in a space station.

Xiao Xiner looked into the distance and saw a star of life standing in the starry sky.

This living planet is not big, only one-tenth the size of the earth. "This is the Destiny Planet. It is a planet with very rich resources, but it is not suitable for human habitation. Therefore, it was built as a training camp for super elite students. The entire planet is a huge training camp."

Ao Sheng Wang pointed to the Destiny Star and introduced it to Xiao Xiner.

"Not suitable for human habitation?"

Xiao Xin'er was a little curious and didn't know what it meant. If it wasn't suitable for human habitation, why did they let them train on this planet? Isn't it very contradictory?

Although she was curious, she didn't ask too much, because at this time she was about to enter the Destiny Star.

An aircraft carried Xiao Xiner and Ao Shengwang to the headquarters of the Destiny Star training camp, and then Xiao Xiner and Ao Shengwang all came down.

After getting off the aircraft, Xiao Xiner finally understood what Ao Shengwang meant by saying that this planet was not suitable for human habitation.

"Ten times gravity!"

Xiao Xiner was surprised.

Such a small planet has ten times the gravity of Earth.

How can ordinary human beings be able to withstand ten times the gravity, even this planet is dead, and this planet is naturally unsuitable for human habitation.

But Xiao Xiner, these super-elite students are not ordinary people, but powerful awakeners who can easily withstand ten times the gravity.

Afterwards, Xiao Xiner took a closer look at the training camp. It lacked a sense of technology, but it was very simple. All of them were of ancient architectural styles, but they were also mixed with some modern buildings.

As for high-rise buildings or something, there is not a single one.

After all, training camps are small, and building skyscrapers is useless.

After arriving at the training camp headquarters, Ao Shengwang went to attend a meeting, while Xiao Xiner lived in a luxurious villa under the arrangement of a Void staff member.

This will be her residence for the next two years of training!

in the afternoon.

King Ao Sheng appeared in front of Xiao Xin'er again and said directly: "Xiao Xin'er, I have successfully completed some of your formalities for you, but I can't help you with the rest of the matter, I will deal with it soon. Return to Earth, you can wait here to train for two years, and after two years, maybe it's me, maybe someone else will pick you up back to Earth."

"Thank you, Lord Ao Sheng Wang!"

Xiao Xiner was grateful.

Immediately, King Ao Sheng left.

the next day.

Xiao Xiner was informed by the training camp and went to a training plaza to gather. When she was led by the training camp staff to the plaza, she saw some acquaintances.

Sha Mo, Gao Gu, Bei Shan, Gu Feng, Huang He, Zi Yun, Zhao Ling, Wan Sheng, Zuo Zi...

If you count carefully, there are about 100 people.

"The top group of Tianjiao gathered at the last Galaxy University exchange meeting. It seems that the training camp this time is not easy!"

Xiao Xiner thought to herself.

The arrival of Xiao Xiner also attracted the attention of others.

Especially Sha Mo, the fighting spirit boiling deep in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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