Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 264 The law of sword breaks through and kills four parties!

Chapter 264 Break through the law of swords and kill the Quartet!

"No, this kid's law of the sword is getting more and more severe, he wants to break through!"

After observing for a while, Hei Feng finally discovered Lin Tian's purpose, and was immediately startled.

If Lin Tian's law of the sword breaks through, then his strength will skyrocket, even the black cloud battle formation will not be able to trap Lin Tian, ​​and they are also in danger.

"Mo Jin, let's do it together and solve him quickly, otherwise we will all be finished when he breaks through!"

Hei Feng was taken aback.

In more than 1000 years of traveling across the universe, this is the first time Black Wind has feared a weak person.

Who would have thought that a high-level guardian spirit could force him to join the twelve Void Realm subordinates to set up a black cloud battle formation, and he was still unable to win it.

Who would have thought that a high-level guardian spirit would strengthen his strength again and again in the battle with him, and now he is even more afraid.

Such a guardian spirit must not remain.

Immediately, Heifeng and Mojin attacked again and again, but Lin Tian fell into the perception of the sword, and all actions were based on instinctive defense.

"The sword is the sword of killing!"

"Xuanyuan Sword Art is the sword of the emperor, the sword of the tyrant, and the sword of invincibility!"

"I am not walking the road of the emperor, but the road of invincibility. I can't understand the mood of the emperor, otherwise I will fall into the path of Emperor Xuanyuan and be unable to walk out of my own path."

"Xuanyuan Sword Art is just a sword move, the sword is dead, and people are alive."

"The sword is in my heart, I am the sword master!"

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, a terrifying sword qi burst out from Buddha Lintian's body, and the terrifying law of the sword was integrated into these sword qi.

This is not the law of the sword for the first entry into the realm of law, but the introduction to the law!

The introduction to the law of the sword realized by Xuanyuan Sword Jue is absolutely comparable to the ordinary law of the peak of the law.

"Introduction to the law, this battle, I won!"

Lin Tian smiled secretly.

"Xuanyuan Sword Art - Sword of Heaven!"

Buddha Lintian swept away with a sword.

The power of this sword is far more terrifying than before, more than ten times more powerful.

Once a breakthrough was made, the swordsmanship was completed, and the power suddenly skyrocketed.

Boom! ! ! !
The black cloud was torn and smashed, and the sword light was vertical and horizontal, tearing the void, and a sword slashed somewhere in the dark.


With a scream, a member of the Void Realm Black Wind Organization was beheaded.

After losing one person, there was a loophole in the Black Cloud Battle Array.

Lin Tian's Buddha's eyes swept his gaze and saw the key to the Black Cloud Battle Formation. He couldn't help but smile coldly: "Today, none of you want to leave!"

"The sword of the emperor, behead!"

Lin Tian slashed fiercely, like the ancient galaxy emperor conquered the universe, and thousands of gods swept the void.

A sword fell, the stars fell!

Puff puff puff! ! ! !
A series of eight Void Realms were directly slashed by Lin Tian's Human Sovereign Sword, without the slightest resistance, their bodies were shattered one by one, and they completely fell to their deaths.

"Escape into the battleship, activate space jump and escape!"

The black wind shouted.

At this time, the situation of the battle was very obvious.

Lin Tian broke through, they are definitely not opponents.

The remaining three members of the Void Realm Black Wind Organization received the order and immediately fled to the three battleships.

At the same time, they summoned a guardian spirit and asked the guardian spirit to block the Buddha Lintian for themselves.

And Hei Feng and Mo Jin also began to flee, but Hei Feng fled in front, and Mo Jin fled behind, blocking Lin Tian for Hei Feng.

Lin Tian didn't kill Hei Feng first, so he knew that he couldn't kill Hei Feng with one sword, so he might as well kill others first.

Under the influence of Xuanyuan Sword, another Void Realm person died soon, and even the guardian spirit was crushed by Lin Tian.Then, Lin Tian directly attacked a battleship. When another void realm was about to reach the battleship, he wiped it out in space together with the battleship with one sword.

At this time, the members of the Black Wind Organization were only Black Wind and Blood Dragon.

But at this time, the blood dragon and the black wind have entered the battleship.

"Blood Dragon, leave him alone, kill Hei Feng first!"

Lin Tian stared at the battleship where Hei Feng was, and killed it.

Inside the Black Wind Battleship.

"Start the space jump!"

The black wind shouted.

At this time, it is too late to fly directly. The speed of the spaceship is very slow at the beginning, and it will gradually accelerate to the speed of light or even multiple times of the speed of light, but when it doubles to this speed, Lin Tian has already broken. The battleship itself.

And if you activate the space jump ability, you can cross a long distance at one time, unless it is a god, or you can't stop a battleship.

Although the Void Realm can break space and travel through space, the distance is very short, and it can't catch up with the battleship at all.

"Boss, it has been activated, it will take ten seconds!"

A subordinate said nervously.

"Open the protective cover and hold on for ten seconds at all costs, be sure to block that guy!"

After Heifeng finished the order, he said again: "Mojin, try to resist it with your devil's blessing, and buy time!"


Mo Jin mobilized all his strength and once again cast the blessing of the devil.

On the battleship, a demon god appeared, trying to bless and protect the battleship.

At this time, Lin Tian had already arrived on the battleship.

"The Sword of the Emperor!"

Huanghuang sword light stabbed on the blessing of the devil.

This time, the Demon God's Blessing didn't hold on for even a second, and was torn apart by the Sword of the Emperor, and the sword light slashed on the defensive cover of the battleship.

The battleship where Hei Feng was located was the most powerful one among the ten battleships, and it was also the one with the strongest defense. '

But under Lin Tian's attack, ten percent of the energy of the defensive cover was directly consumed, and the hull was shaking.

Second sword!
The third sword!
Fourth sword!
The fifth sword!
One after another, the swords of the emperor smashed on the battleship.

And Mo Jin is also desperate, constantly using defensive tricks, and finally exhausted his strength and returned to the guardian spirit space.

"One second left!"

Heifeng was overjoyed, although the defense was about to be broken, as long as the space jump was activated, they could escape.

Not only was the Kuroka happy, but other members of the Kuroka organization were also extremely happy.

But right now.

A yin and yang taiji map extended to the interior of the battleship.

There was an explosion somewhere inside the battleship, followed by a violent tremor.

Ten seconds have passed!
The space jump did not take place.

"what happened?"

Heifeng said in despair and anger.

"Boss, just now the space jumper of the battleship was destroyed by the impact of an unknown energy, and the space jump was terminated at the final moment!" A technician said desperately.


Heifeng was furious, and he beat the man into a blood fog with one blow.

At this moment, there was a tearing sound.

The hull above his head was torn apart, and a pair of golden eyes appeared in Hei Feng's sight.

Those are the eyes of Buddha Lintian!
(End of this chapter)

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