Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 256 Siege!Confrontation!

Chapter 256 Siege!Confrontation!
On the Guangfengxing No. [-] spaceship, Mo Yu, a powerhouse in the Void Realm stationed on the spaceship, heard the attack, and his eyes penetrated the spaceship and looked at the outer space of the universe.

In an instant, his face changed drastically.

Outside the No. [-] spaceship, a spaceship surrounded them.

Although the size of these spaceships is not large, each of them is a modified spaceship, and the hull is very strong enough to withstand the cosmic laser bomb attack of ordinary super-large spaceships.

"Ten spaceships!!"

Mo Yu's heart sank, knowing that this time he had encountered a cosmic bandit.

When he stared at a sign on the hull of these spaceships, he immediately recognized the identity of this space bandit—

"Black cyclone logo, this is the Black Wind Organization!"

Mo Yu has a little understanding of the Heifeng organization. He is the eighth-level powerhouse of the Void Realm, Heifeng, and his subordinates have [-] Void Realm subordinates and thousands of Spiritual Realm subordinates.

This scale is undoubtedly much inferior to the top major forces, but the Black Wind Organization only robs ordinary spaceships and weaker forces.

Generally like this super-large spaceship, the Black Wind Organization would not dare to rob it, because it does not know the strength of this spaceship, if there is a god guarding it, the Black Wind Organization will die.

But now, the Black Wind Organization appeared here, and deliberately intercepted the No. [-] spaceship.

There is only one explanation for this -

"Guangfengxing has spies from the Black Wind Organization, exposing the information of this spaceship!"

Thinking of this, Mo Yu was very angry.

"Captain, inform Guang Fengxing that the Black Wind Organization attacked!"

Mo Yu's divine sense transmitted to the captain of the No. [-] spaceship.

Soon, the captain sent a message: "Mr. Mo Yu, we can't send the message out. An information barrier blocked our message, and we can't enter the star network here, and we can't notify Guangfengxing."

"What, the information can't get out! This is the interstellar forbidden space instrument!"

Mo Yu's face was really pale.

The Interstellar Air Prohibition Instrument is a super-tech weapon that can shield a starry sky area. Once activated, all the information in this starry sky will be locked in this area and cannot go out. If you want to communicate, there are only two options.

One is to leave this area, and the other is to smash the Interstellar Air Prohibition Instrument.

This kind of interstellar forbidden space instrument is very expensive and generally not sold, only available through special channels.

Mo Yu didn't expect that the Black Wind Organization actually had an interstellar air-limiting instrument, which completely cut off their call for help.

If there is no interstellar forbidden space instrument, he can completely ask Guangfengxing for help. Within an hour, a god can definitely rush over and kill all the people of these black wind organizations.

As for an hour, the spacecraft should be able to hold on.

Moreover, just robbery, an hour's time is not enough.

"Hahaha, the immigrants of Guangfengxing, I am Heifeng, the leader of the Black Wind Organization, and the notorious cosmic robber in your mouth. I'm sorry, your spaceship has been robbed by me now!!!"

This voice was transmitted to the No. [-] spaceship through special equipment and was heard by all the settlers.

Suddenly, everyone panicked.

Inside the spaceship.

Xue Ao and Uncle Wolf's expressions changed.

"Uncle Wolf, the first batch is fine, why did we encounter space pirates in the second batch?"

Xueo regretted it.If I had known earlier, he would have been among the first to leave.

"Master, we are in big trouble!"

Uncle Wolf is also very regretful.

Immediately, Xue Ao found the spacecraft technician and asked to start the video projection as the son of the Xue family.

Xue Ao's identity was really easy to use, and the spacecraft technician immediately started the spacecraft video projection.


A projection of the outside world appeared inside the spaceship, and spaceships surrounded them.

"I ask to speak with the leader of the Black Wind!"

Xue Ao asked.

Under the control of the spacecraft computing technician, the video link was successful.

The video of Xue Ao and Heifeng is on.

"Heifeng organization leader, I'm the direct son of the Xue family, the top family of Guangfeng star, you should have heard about the power of our Xue family, we can give you 1000 billion star coins, how about you retreat, our Xue family will never pursue it ."

Xue Ao tried to persuade.

"Hahaha, Master Xue Ao, I know you are on this ship, and I also know you are carrying a lot of resources this time, 1000 billion star coins? Haha, although this is a huge sum of money, the assets of your Xue family But it is more than ten trillion, and the value of the resources you are carrying this time is at least more than one trillion. Within a thousand years, Dwarf Planet currently prohibits other people from entering, and only immigrants are allowed to enter this planet, so your Xue family I can only let you take these resources to the Dwarf Planet. You want to send me away with 1000 billion star coins? Haha, do you think I am a beggar? The combined assets of 50 immigrants are greater than your 1000 billion star coins. There are many more coins. This time, I will rob you all."

The black wind said coldly.

When Xue Ao heard this, his face changed suddenly.

This time, the purpose of the members of the Black Wind Organization turned out to be him.

It can be said that no matter which spaceship he goes on, he will inevitably be robbed.


Jin Ming appeared in the picture, confronted the leader of the black wind, and said: "Heifeng leader, I am the largest family on earth, the young master of the Jin family, my ancestor is a star-level god, you are sure to offend our Jin family. ?"

Huo Longzi also appeared and said, "Heifeng leader, I am the descendant of the planetary-level eighth-level god Huo Battle King, do you also offend our Huo family?"

A number of children from a family of gods appeared and questioned Hei Feng one by one.

Although Jin Ming and others are not as rich as Xue Ao, the power behind them is higher than Xue Ao.

"People from a family of gods!"

Hei Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there are so many children of gods and families among the students of Earth Galaxy University.

However, he was not afraid, but said excitedly: "The gods are indeed scary, but the earth is far away from here, and your ancestors don't know it. Although you definitely don't have as much resources and wealth as Xue Ao, but the world of gods and Xinghe University have more resources and wealth. There are also a lot of treasures, and it is also a big income. If I rob you, I will escape from other star regions, and your ancestors have nothing to do."

Black Wind laughed wildly.

Seeing this, Xue Ao, Jin Ming and others all changed their expressions.

Clearly, both kindness and threats are useless.


Black Wind gave the order at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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